How to naturally get your blood pressure down

Fighting back against the “silent killer”

High blood pressure (HBP, or hypertension) is a symptomless “silent killer” that quietly damages blood vessels and leads to serious health problems.

While there is no cure, using medications as prescribed and making lifestyle changes can enhance your quality of life and reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and more.

Know your numbers

Is your blood pressure in a healthy or an unhealthy range? The best way to know is to get your blood pressure checked.

If you’re diagnosed with high blood pressure, you should monitor your blood pressure regularly. Maintaining an awareness of your numbers can alert you to any changes and help you detect patterns. Tracking your results over time will also reveal if the changes you’ve made are working. Download a printable blood pressure log (PDF).

Blood Pressure Chart
BLOOD PRESSURE CATEGORYSYSTOLIC mm Hg (upper number)and/orDIASTOLIC mm Hg (lower number)
ELEVATED120 – 129 and LESS THAN 80
HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS (consult your doctor immediately)HIGHER THAN 180 and/or HIGHER THAN 120

Make changes that matter:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet that's low in salt
  • Limit alcohol
  • Enjoy regular physical activity
  • Manage stress
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Take your medications properly
  • Work together with your doctor

How to naturally get your blood pressure down

Managing blood pressure is a lifelong commitment

If you have high blood pressure, it’s vital that you listen to your doctor. Remember: You’re a part of your healthcare team. You and your doctor are partners.

Educate yourself about HBP and learn how to monitor your blood pressure at home. Armed with this information, you can commit to living heart healthy.

By adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, you can:

  • Reduce high blood pressure.
  • Prevent or delay the development of high blood pressure.
  • Enhance the effectiveness of blood pressure medications.
  • Lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney damage, vision loss and sexual dysfunction.

You can fight high blood pressure

How to naturally get your blood pressure down
While heart disease is still the No. 1 killer in the United States and around the world, death rates have decreased significantly. You can reclaim your health today for a better tomorrow. Earlier and better treatment of high blood pressure has played a key role in that decrease.

How to naturally get your blood pressure down
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a dangerous condition that impacts nearly half of adults in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2018, close to half a million deaths in the country had high blood pressure as a primary or contributing cause. Occurring when the force of blood pressing against artery walls is consistently too high, high blood pressure requires a long-term care approach. However, there are several ways to temporarily lower your blood pressure in just a matter of minutes—give these methods a try if you’d like to lower your blood pressure immediately:

  • Take a warm bath or shower. Stay in your shower or bath for at least 15 minutes and enjoy the warm water. This can also help reduce muscle tension.
  • Do a breathing exercise. Take a deep breath from your core, hold your breath for about two seconds, then slowly exhale. Pause for a few moments and repeat.
  • Relax! Stress is a key contributor to high blood pressure, so do whatever you can to relax. This may be as simple as sitting in a quiet room for a few moments, doing a few stretching exercises, reading a good book, or meditating.

These techniques can provide a quick fix, but it’s important to implement a long-term care plan to successfully manage your high blood pressure. Some of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure include:

  • Losing excess weight
  • Quitting smoking
  • Reducing alcohol and caffeine intake
  • Prioritizing sleep
  • Avoiding stressful situations, if possible
  • Eating less sodium, sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods
  • Regularly engaging in low-impact exercise (about 30 minutes every day)
  • Taking medication to lower blood pressure

What Are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?

Perhaps you’re not sure if you have high blood pressure. If it has been a while since you’ve had your blood pressure taken, consider scheduling a wellness visit with your medical provider. In the meantime, here are some of the key signs of high blood pressure to watch out for:

  • Headaches
  • Nosebleeds
  • Dizziness
  • Skin flushing (redness)
  • Bloody urine

When to Call 911

High blood pressure may warrant emergency care. If your blood pressure is 180/120 or greater, or if you experience any of the following symptoms, call 911 immediately:

  • Sudden changes in vision
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Trouble speaking
  • Sudden back pain
  • Numbness or weakness

Your Partner in Heart Health

Tufts Medical Center Community Care is here to help you achieve your best heart health. Our multispecialty medical group features a growing team of internists, family medicine physicians and cardiologists who collaborate to provide comprehensive care to patients with high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions.

To schedule an appointment with a cardiologist or primary care physician at Tufts Medical Center Community Care, contact our friendly professionals today or reserve an appointment online. Telemedicine services are also available—give us a call to learn if this type of appointment is right for you.