How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly

48. I struggled for an hour hanging four evenly across a 96.75" wall. Then I found this. Then I hung them perfectly with a laser level aid. Then I texted my high school Algebra teacher and told her she was right and I was wrong. Thanks for posting this!


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


5 years ago


Much easier formula: if you are hanging 3 frames, divide the length of the wall by 4 to get the centre points (from which they'll be hanging).

If you have 4 frames divide by 5, etc.

All have to be same size though


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


6 years ago


Thank you! Followed your formula and worked a treat.


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


7 years ago


I am 35 years old. This is the first time in my life I've come across any sort of practical application for algebra I learned in school.

1 reply


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


Reply 6 years ago


As a math teacher, I am glad that now there is a tendency to focus on applicable aspects of algebra. Students even seem to be more intested in the subject. I've heard of a contest among students, the task was to count skittles that could fit ito 1 jar.

Here is also a bunch of interactive tests that I use during my classes.


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


6 years ago


As jmarsh2 mentioned. I have a good teaching tool now for my kids, brains both of them always have a logical excuse to argue with my logic. Got them now on why its important to do the easy math when told to.. thx.


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


7 years ago



correction to formula:

X=the number of picture frames

Not the size!!!!

1 reply


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


Reply 7 years ago


@Lrcooper54 Scott has it exactly right. X is not the number of pictures - it is the width of the pictures. Did you even read the article? I hope you didn't screw anyone up. Grrrr!


How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly
How to hang 4 pictures on a wall evenly


9 years ago


you could develop the formula so that (n+1)y +(n)x = w where w is the width of the wall and n ifs the number of items to be hung.

First, we’ll find the horizontal placement for these pieces, by subtracting the total width of all three paintings (20″ + 20″ + 20″ = 60″) from the total width of the wall (100″ – 60″ = 40″). Now we divide that 40″ by 4, to give us an interval between the paintings of 10″. This means that from the edge of the wall to the paintings is a space of 10″ and between each painting is also a space of 10″. to simplify this as a formula, we might write it as such:

(Width of wall – Combined Width of all paintings) / (No. of total paintings + 1) = Interval Distance

Using the dimensions above, the formula would look like this:

(100″ – [20"+20"+20"] ) / (3 + 1) = 10″

Calculate Spacing Between Frames

For best results center the frames 60 inches (152 cm) from the ground.

Wall width
Number of frames
Frame width

Check out How to Hang a Show by Anthony Sell

How far apart should 4 pictures be hung?

The ideal spacing between multiple artworks is 3 to 6 inches. The 57-inch number is a good average height, but if your eye level is different, be sure to use that measurement when hanging art.