How to get rid of pitted scars

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Treatment of pitted scars can be done by many different methods. Each treatment for pitted scars has its own risks. Some may cause new scarring or not completely remove the original scar. Therefore, before choosing any treatment, you should consult your doctor about their risks and benefits.

1. What are pitted scars?

A pitted scar is an indented scar beneath normal skin tissue. Pitted scars form when the skin is not able to regenerate tissue. In fact, pitted scars are often the result of severe acne or chickenpox. They can also form after mole removal. Concave scars on the skin can be divided into one of three types of scars:
Ice pick scar : Small and narrow scars, resembling deep pores. Boxcar Scar: A concave scar that looks like a chickenpox scar. They have a flat bottom and a defined border. Rolling scar: This type of scar does not have clear edges. It is usually found on the cheeks. SEE ALSO: How to treat acne and scars?

2. 5 methods to treat pitted scars

Pitted scars are the most common type of acne scars. Treatment depends on the type of scar you have. Pitted scars can be difficult to treat and require multiple re-treatments.
2.1. Chemical peels Chemical peels are a common treatment for pitted scars. The peeling process involves destroying the damaged layer of skin by applying chemicals to the surface of the skin. The chemical solution causes the skin to peel off, creating a fresh layer underneath. This regeneration reduces the appearance of pitted scars. Skin can take days to weeks to improve. In some cases, your skin needs significant time to heal.
Different chemicals are used depending on the severity of the scar. These range from mild chemicals used in everyday skin care products like glycolic acid to chemicals used for deeper peels like phenol, which requires sedation before being applied to the skin.

How to get rid of pitted scars

Lột da hóa học là phương pháp phổ biến trong điều trị sẹo rỗ

2.2. Soft Tissue Fillers Soft tissue dermal fillers are a popular treatment specifically for injectable scars. They are used to lift concave scars in line with normal skin. Fillers are injected under the scar and provide almost immediate results. Over time, soft tissue fillers improve skin volume and reduce the appearance of scars.
2.3. Needle Therapy Needle therapy is a method of puncturing the skin to regenerate a healthier layer. The microneedling procedure involves rolling a group of needles across the skin in different directions. These needles make hundreds of punctures in the skin, causing new collagen to form.
Needle therapy helps to regenerate the skin and increase collagen, a protein needed to maintain skin elasticity and health.
2. 4. Scar cutting is another popular method to treat pitted scars, especially ice pick scars. In this procedure, the doctor uses a needle the size of the scar to cut the scar tissue. The wound is then closed with sutures. If the scar is large, the doctor will take a little skin behind the ear to graft into the wound area.
Alternative excision and grafting methods can lead to uneven skin pigmentation and the need for skin suturing. Be sure to discuss the risks with your doctor before starting treatment.
2.5. Scar Dissection Scar removal is the best procedure in the treatment of wavy, pitted scars. Scar ablation can be used alone or in combination with other treatments including microsurgery and chemical peels.

How to get rid of pitted scars

Bóc tách sẹo là phương pháp điều trị sẹo rỗ tốt nhất

Scar ablation loosens the area around the indented scar and creates a new wound that can heal and conform to your normal skin. During this procedure, your doctor will insert a needle under the skin several times in different directions around the scar tissue, using a fan motion.
After the procedure, you should apply ice to the affected area to stop bleeding. Scar removal may be repeated if scar condition worsens.
Not only is the leading comprehensive health care address, Vinmec International General Hospital is also a place of examination, aesthetics and beauty that many women trust and choose. In addition to the above scar treatments, you can also refer to the PRP (non-invasive) skin rejuvenation treatment package at Vinmec. PRP skin rejuvenation injection method is combined with Fractional CO2 Laser technology - using laser to affect the skin, creating microscopic lesions. These injuries will stimulate the body's self-healing mechanism, increase collagen and elastin production, help restore damaged cells and regenerate new tissue to replace lost cells; PRP helps PRP easily penetrate deep into the skin and maximize its use in treating pitted scars, treating acne scars, shrinking pores, making the skin more even, healthy and smooth.
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Reference source:


  • Methods to treat pitted scars
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Can pitted scars be removed?

Chemical peels Chemical peels are a common treatment for pitted scars. The peeling process involves destroying the damaged layer of skin by applying chemicals to the surface of the skin. The chemical solution causes the skin to peel off, creating a fresh layer underneath.

How do you treat pitted scars naturally?

But if expensive in-clinic treatments are not what you are looking for then here are a few home remedies to fade acne scars. Mix rice powder with curd and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this concoction on your face and rub gently in small circular movements, especially on the areas with acne marks.

Can pitted skin be fixed?

Fillers: Your dermatologist may recommend fillers to treat deep-pitted scars. These fillers fill the scarred tissues and lift them to the level of the surrounding skin. They contain substances such as hyaluronic acid to add volume to the depressed scars with minimal discomfort.

How long do pitted scars take to heal?

However, he adds: “post-acne pink spots usually fade away on their own within about 2 to 3 months once the active acne is controlled.”