How to get rid of a cold when pregnant

In this article

  • What causes a cold?
  • Will it harm my baby if I have a cold?
  • How can I tell if it’s a cold and not flu?
  • How can I avoid catching a cold?
  • How can I treat a cold during pregnancy?

What causes a cold?

There are more than 200 viruses that cause symptoms of the common cold (Sexton and McClain 2019). The symptoms last about a week, although a cough can last up to three weeks (Larson and File 2019, NICE 2016).

Because colds are caused by a virus and not by bacteria, antibiotics won’t help you get better (Larson and File 2019, NHS 2017a).

Sometimes bacterial infection of your throat, sinuses, ears, or chest can follow a cold (ICSI 2017, NICE 2016). Some bacterial infections may need an antibiotic, so see your GP if your symptoms keep getting worse (Larson and File 2019, NICE 2016).

Always see your GP if you get a high fever or you feel suddenly breathless while you are pregnant (Larson and File 2019, West 2017).

Will it harm my baby if I have a cold?

Having an ordinary cold, though miserable for you, should not be harmful to your health or your baby’s (Larson and File 2019).

If you develop a fever in early pregnancy however, it may be harmful to your developing baby (Dreier et al 2014, Larson and File 2019). Check your temperature regularly and contact your doctor if your temperature is higher than 38 degrees C. Find out more about treating fever safely in pregnancy.

How can I tell if it’s a cold and not flu?

It’s not always easy to tell the difference between a cold and flu. Colds can make you feel rotten, so it’s easy to feel as if you’re coming down with the flu.

Comes on more slowly, over a couple of days Comes on quickly, within a few hours
Usually affects just your nose and throat Affects more than your nose and throat
Symptoms include sore throat, runny nose, sneezing and a cough Symptoms can be like a cold with added aches and pains, diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and fatigue
Can make you feel unwell for a few days but you can usually carry on with normal life Makes you feel exhausted and so unwell that you can't function normally, often for about a week

Although not as common, you may also get other symptoms with a cold, including a mild fever and headache (NICE 2016).

If you’re worried about coronavirus, find out what the symptoms are, how it may affect you and your baby, and what to do next.

How can I avoid catching a cold?

You can’t always avoid a cold. You’re likely to pick one up at some time during your pregnancy because it’s normal to catch two to three colds a year (NICE 2016, Sexton and McClain 2019). Young children get colds even more often, and if you’re around them you may catch colds more frequently (NICE 2016, Sexton and McClain 2019).

You’re most likely to pick up the virus when you touch someone who has a cold, or an object they’ve recently handled, like a phone or a door handle, then touch your nose or eyes (ICSI 2017, NHS 2017a, Sexton and McClain 2020). So following good hygiene rules really can help prevent colds from spreading further.

To give yourself the best chance, try to follow these hygiene tips:

  • Wash your hands often with warm soapy water.
  • Avoid touching your nose or eyes, as viruses often get into your body this way.
  • Ask those around you to practise "catch it, bin it, kill it". Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue, throw it away, and then wash your hands.
  • Clean surfaces in your home and work space regularly.
  • Avoid sharing cutlery, cups or plates with someone who has a cold.
  • Avoid sharing towels – use your own, or use paper towels to dry your hands.
    (NHS 2017)

If possible, stay away from anyone who has an obvious cold. It's hard to avoid colds completely though, as people are contagious a few days before their symptoms begin (NHS 2017).

Taking a daily vitamin C supplement won't prevent you from getting a cold but it may make it less severe and last a shorter time (Hemilä and Chalker 2013).

Supplements in pregnancy

There are so many antenatal vitamins available it can be hard to know where to start. Find out what you really need. More pregnancy videos

A low-stress healthy lifestyle with a good diet, regular exercise and plenty of sleep, will give you the best possible protection against catching a cold (Sexton and McClain 2019). As long as you’re eating well, you should be getting all the vitamins and minerals you need from your diet. But if you’re not sure you’re getting what you need, ask your midwife about taking a pregnancy supplement.

Herbal remedies, such as echinacea or elderberry, are often used to try to prevent or shorten colds. But there isn’t a lot of good evidence that either work, and most experts advise against using them in pregnancy anyway (Holst et al 2014, Saper 2019, Sexton and McClain 2020). You can read more in our article about herbal remedies in pregnancy.

How can I treat a cold during pregnancy?

Antibiotics won’t help if you have a cold (Larson and File 2019, NICE 2016). Take it easy, rest when you feel tired, eat well and drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated (NICE 2016).

Treating a stuffy nose

A stuffy nose is a nuisance. You can try inhaling steam or using a salt water nasal spray to relieve your symptoms (Larson and File 2019, NICE 2016). Some vapour rubs are thought to be safe to use in pregnancy (UKTIS 2019), so ask your pharmacist to recommend one.

If you want to take any decongestant medicines while you’re pregnant, always ask your pharmacist or doctor first, as they’re often not recommended for pregnancy (Larson and File 2019, NHS 2019). Decongestants are available in various forms including nasal sprays, drops and tablets, and they work by causing the blood vessels to narrow. This helps to relieve a blocked or runny nose, but they could also narrow the blood vessels of your placenta (UKTIS 2019b). Some decongestants have also been linked to birth defects when used in the first trimester (Larson and File 2019, Stanley et al 2019).

Many all-in-one cold remedies you buy over the counter contain a combination of ingredients, including a decongestant, so always ask for professional advice before taking them while you’re pregnant (NICE 2016).

Treating a cough or sore throat

To soothe a cough, you could try remedies recommended for children, such as honey and lemon mixed in hot water (NHS 2017b, NICE 2016). It may help a sore throat to gargle with salt water (NHS 2017a, NICE 2016). Cough medicines are useful for helping you to cough less but won't stop it altogether (Larson and File 2019, NHS 2017b). You could try a simple cough medicine that’s based on glycerine. If you want to use a cough syrup or lozenge, ask your pharmacist to recommend one that’s safe for pregnancy.

Treating a fever

You can bring down a fever with paracetamol, as this is safe to take in pregnancy (Larson and File 2019, NHS 2018a). Follow the dosage instructions on the packet and, as with all medicines when you are pregnant, take it for the shortest amount of time possible (NHS 2018a).

Treating a headache

Although paracetamol is often recommended for relieving pain (Larson and File 2019, NHS 2018a), this is not necessarily based on good evidence (Moore et al 2015, Moore 2016, NICE 2015). If you do have a sore head, drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest to help it pass (NHS 2018c).

If you’re in your first or second trimester, talk to your pharmacist or doctor before taking ibuprofen because it’s not usually recommended (NHS 2018b). You shouldn’t take ibuprofen in the third trimester as it’s known to be unsafe for your baby during this time (NHS 2018b).

If you took a decongestant or ibuprofen before you knew you were pregnant, try not to worry. The risks are very small (NHS 2018b, OTIS 2020) and it’s most unlikely your baby will be affected. Mention it to your GP or midwife and they will be able to advise and reassure you.

If you can't shake off a blocked nose, it may be a side effect of your pregnancy hormones rather than a cold. Find out more about stuffy nose in pregnancy (pregnancy rhinitis).


Dreier JW, Andersen AM, Berg-Beckhoff G. 2014. Systematic review and meta-analyses: fever in pregnancy and health impacts in the offspring. Pediatrics 133(3):e674-88

Hemilä H, Chalker E. 2013. Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1):CD000980. [Accessed August 2020]

Holst L, Havnen GC, Nordeng H. 2014. Echinacea and elderberry-should they be used against upper respiratory tract infections during pregnancy? Front Pharmacol 5:31. [Accessed August 2020]

ICSI. 2017. Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illness in children and adults. Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. [Accessed August 2020]

Larson L, File TM. 2019. Treatment of respiratory infections in pregnant women. UpToDate. [Accessed August 2020]

Li S, Yue J, Dong BR, et al. 2013. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) for the common cold in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (7):CD008800. [Accessed August 2020]

Moore RA, Derry S, Wiffen PJ, et al. 2015. Overview review: Comparative efficacy of oral ibuprofen and paracetamol (acetaminophen) across acute and chronic pain conditions. Eur J Pain 19(9):1213-23. [Accessed August 2020]

Moore A. 2016. Paracetamol: widely used and largely ineffective. Evidently Cochrane. [Accessed August 2020]

NHS. 2017a. Common cold. NHS, Health A-Z. [Accessed August 2020]

NHS 2017b. Cough. NHS Choices, Health A-Z. [Accessed August 2020]

NHS. 2018a. Can I take paracetamol when I'm pregnant? NHS, Common health questions, Pregnancy. [Accessed August 2020]

NHS. 2018b. Can I take ibuprofen when I'm pregnant? NHS, Common health questions, Pregnancy. [Accessed August 2020]

NHS. 2018c. Headaches in pregnancy. NHS, Health A-Z, Pregnancy. [Accessed August 2020]

NHS. 2019. Decongestants. NHS, Health A-Z. [Accessed August 2020]

NICE. 2015. Analgesia – mild-to-moderate pain. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. [Accessed August 2020]

NICE. 2016. Common cold. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. [Accessed August 2020]

NICE. 2019. Influenza - seasonal. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. [Accessed August 2020]

Saper RB. 2019. Clinical use of echinacea. UpToDate. [Accessed August 2020]

Sexton DJ, McClain MT. 2019. The common cold in adults: Diagnosis and clinical features. UpToDate. [Accessed August 2020]

Sexton DJ, McClain MT. 2020. The common cold in adults: treatment and prevention. UpToDate. [Accessed August 2020]

Stanley AY, Durham CO, Sterrett JJ, et al. 2019. Safety of over-the-counter medications in pregnancy. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 44(4):196-205. [Accessed August 2020]

UKTIS. 2019a. Essential oils. UK Teratology Information Service, Bumps. [Accessed August 2020]

UKTIS. 2019b. Decongestants. UK Teratology Information Service, Bumps. [Accessed August 2020]

West M. 2017. Pregnancy – red flag symptoms. GP. [Accessed August 2020]

How can I get rid of a cold while pregnant?

breathing warm, humid air to help ease congestion; a facial steamer, hot-mist vaporizer, or even a hot shower can work. chicken soup to help relieve inflammation and soothe congestion. adding honey or lemon to a warm cup of decaffeinated tea to relieve a sore throat. using hot and cold packs to alleviate sinus pain.

How long does it take to get rid of a cold when pregnant?

When a person is pregnant, their body deals with a cold in much the same way as it does at any other time. The symptoms are temporary, and in most cases, the cold will be gone in 7–10 days. If someone experiences the following symptoms during pregnancy, they should talk to a doctor right away: a fever of over 100.4° F.

How can a pregnant woman get rid of a sore throat?

You can try the following:.
Gargle with warm salt water to help your sore throat feel better..
Avoid cold liquids, which can aggravate a sore throat. Instead, try caffeine-free herbal teas, such as chamomile or lemon tea with cinnamon. Be sure to stay hydrated..
Get plenty of rest to allow your body to heal..

Can having a cold when pregnant harm the baby?

Can having a cold when pregnant hurt the baby? No, it won't harm your baby. They're protected by the placenta, your immune system, and their own immune system.


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