How to find someone who changed their username on instagram

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Instagram Search User – 5 Quick Ways + Best Lookup Feature

How to find someone on Instagram without their username?

You’re in luck, there are actually quite a few ways you can Instagram search user once you know how to.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to find someone on Instagram without knowing their username.

But first, I’m going to assume you either know the person’s name or you at least know what they look like.

Also before I get in to how to find someone’s Instagram, you should know that none of these methods will work if the person you are looking for doesn’t actually have an account, or they blocked you. Additionally, if you’re doing an Instagram profile search for the top influencers, there is already a list of them here.

  • Instagram Search Users By Name
  • Find Someone on Instagram by Phone Number
    • What to do if you don’t have the person’s phone number?
  • METHOD 3: Instagram Search User via Mutual Friends
    • PART A: The Person You Are Looking For Follows Your Friend
    • PART B: Your Friend Follows the Person You Are Looking For
  • Instagram Search User by Name Without an Account
    • Find Instagram Account via Username
  • Instagram Search User via Their URL
  • Conclusion

Instagram Search Users By Name

The easiest and most common way how find someone on Instagram without their username is to simply search for them using their real name.

The platform has a built-in search feature that you can use to find people easily.

This method assumes that the person you are looking for has their name publicly available to search Instagram by name.

Instagram search user by name without an account

STEP 1: Press the ‘search’ icon within Instagram

STEP 2: Go to the search bar at the top of your Instagram page.

STEP 3: Type in their full name and you’ll see relevant names start to auto-populate the search results as you keep typing.

If you’re lucky, even with just a first name you may already see the person you’re looking for in the search results. It displays the people you are likely to know, using data they have about you and your existing network of friends.

If you typed their full name and still didn’t find the correct person then don’t give up!

Let’s move on to the next method.

Find Someone on Instagram by Phone Number

Using a phone number, you can Instagram search a user even without their username.

The social media platform, like many others, allow you to connect your account with your telephone contact list on your phone.

You may have already done this by default as users usually link their accounts to their cell phone number when signing up for Instagram.

This can be used as a method to find someone’s Instagram by phone number, provided you have it.

Once you connect your contact list, Instagram will then have access to all the phone numbers of people you have stored on your phone.

You can then perform an automatic Instagram profile search when those numbers to match each of them and then show you your contacts who are also on the platform.

STEP 1: Go to your profile

STEP 2: Tap on the menu icon on the top-right hand corner of the screen

STEP 3: Tap on ‘Discover People

STEP 4: Select “Connect” next to “Connect contacts”

Now that your phone contact list is connected, you will see the list of contacts in your ‘All suggestions’ screen.

You can now scroll through this listing and find the person you are looking for.

What to do if you don’t have the person’s phone number?

If you don’t have your target’s phone number for this strategy, you will have to use some social engineering to otherwise get it and then save it to your phone.

Find out who their friends are and try to extract the phone number you need from them.

Another way is to do a Google search for the person’s name in quotation marks e.g. “Jian Brant” and then open all the relevant search results and search through the ‘contact us’ pages for phone numbers to scrape.

Add all of them to your phone and you should now see the Instagram profile associated with at least one of the phone numbers you lifted from the Internet.

METHOD 3: Instagram Search User via Mutual Friends

PART A: The Person You Are Looking For Follows Your Friend

Find Instagram account if one of your friends is also followed by the person you are looking for, then you can easily get the target person by viewing the ‘Followers’ section of your friend’s profile.

STEP 1: Go to your friend’s profile on Instagram

STEP 2: Tap on ‘followers

STEP 3: View the listing of followers and keep scrolling as more accounts get populated with each scroll.

STEP 4: If you know the name of the person you are looking for, you can type it here and they will show up.

STEP 5: Repeat step 1 for different people that you follow.

If that didn’t work, then use the variation in the steps below.

PART B: Your Friend Follows the Person You Are Looking For

STEP 1: Go to your friend’s profile on Instagram

STEP 2: Tap on ‘following

STEP 3: View the listing of people they are following and keep scrolling as more accounts get populated with each scroll.

STEP 4: If you know the name of the person you are looking for, you can type it here and they will show up.

STEP 5: Repeat step 1 for different people that you follow.

This method takes some work but you will likely find your target person’s account provided you have mutual friends.

Instagram Search User by Name Without an Account

If you don’t want to use your account or just don’t have an account then you can search users by name without an account on Instagram.

To get started on how to find someone’s Instagram without having an account yourself, you won’t be able to use the App itself as this requires you to have an account and to also be signed in.

To search users by name without an account on Instagram you’ll have to use the website version which will absolutely work even when you don’t have an account or just don’t want to login with one.

Find Instagram Account via Username

Once you know the @username of the person who’s profile you want to see, you can simply type the following into your browser’s URL bar:


For example:

Let’s say you wanted to view the profile of the not-so-famous Internet Marketer and blogger, Jian Brant, you would type:


The profile will then show up on your browser even though you are not actually logged in.

Instagram Search User via Their URL

The username of the account you want to access is what forms the URL.

For Example: ‘//’

Without knowing the person’s @username you will have to perform a Google search to get the link to their Instagram profile.

Search for:

‘Their Name + Instagram’

For example:

‘Jian Brant Instagram’

And see what comes up. If you’re lucky, a direct link to the person’s Instagram page will show up in the Google Results Page and all you would have to do is click on it.


In this article, we covered many ways on how to find someone on Instagram without knowing their username.

You can even Instagram search user by name without an account yourself by first using Google to search for ‘breadcrumbs’ left by them on the Internet and then plug that information into any of the steps above.

The person you are looking for may have other social accounts that you can extract information from to use the data to find them on Instagram as well. Most people who have an account on social media like Facebook, Twitter or even Snapchat – will also have one on Instagram. Don’t overlook this simple fact which can save you time to find people on Instagram. Many Instagram users also have an OnlyFans account that you can search through to find them.

If they blocked you, then you can easily create a new account and still use the methods in this article to find them anyway. Once someone is on any social media platform, you can always find them; there is no escape.

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Jian Brant is a blogger at Punch 5 Media where he spends most of his time writing on things that he loves. Born in Trinidad and Tobago, raised in the USA and lived in London, he has worldwide experience working for public and private sector technology companies. Now settled in the Caribbean, he writes original articles focused on Online Marketing strategies for local businesses.

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One Comment

  1. Elly Borland August 4, 2022 at 1:13 PM - Reply

    Hey! So I have an issue where I am trying to find someone’s old account from when they were like 9 and none of their friends now follow the account. They do not have the login information, and even if they did this person is not talking to me at all anymore so I cannot ask them. I know the name attached to the account, and I will immediately recognize the profile picture, but it will not show up when I type the name of the account or even try to Google it. No one has had the login info for years so I know it hasn’t blocked me. Is there any way you could help?

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Can someone find me on Instagram if I change my username?

No people will not be able to find you once you change your username. However, people who follow you will still be following you once you change your username.

What does it mean if someones username changes to Instagram user?

If an account has been renamed to Instagram User, it's possible that the account was deleted. They may have done this voluntarily, or they might have done something to violate Instagram's terms of service. Either way, you won't be able to see their account. You also won't be able to send the person any DMs.

How do I find someone on Instagram without their username?

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