How to damage a sim card without breaking it

  • Ways To Destroy Destroy Your SIM Card
    • Destroy SIM Card Through Physical Damage
    • Destroy SIM Card Without Any Physical Damage
  • How To Destroy A SIM Card Without Any Physical Damage?
    • Reset Your SIM Card To Destroy Data
    • Destroy SIM Card With Third Party App

Do you want to destroy your existing SIM card? Well, many users don’t know that physically breaking a SIM card really doesn’t destroy it. Even, anyone knowing your card number can easily create a duplicate card and access all your personal data. That’s why here we will tell you about how to destroy SIM card without physical damage. With the help of this, you will be able to completely wipe out the data of your SIM card.

There are different ways that you can use to destroy your SIM card easily. We have mentioned these methods for you below:

Destroy SIM Card Through Physical Damage

The very first thing that you can try to damage your SIM card is to do a physical assault on it. For this, you can either cut down your SIM to small pieces or put it in a shredder. Remember, after cutting your SIM card, don’t forget to trash it so that no one can get access to it. However, you can also damage your SIM card without any physical damage and we have mentioned the steps for the same in the further part.

Destroy SIM Card Without Any Physical Damage

Apart from destroying your SIM card through physical damage, you can also do the same without any physical damage. For this, you just need to use a third-party app or the inbuilt settings for your SIM card. This will help you to wipe out all the data of your SIM card permanently. Once deleted, all this data will become irrecoverable. So, even if someone gets your SIM card, he won’t get access to your personal data.

How To Destroy A SIM Card Without Any Physical Damage?

There are various methods that you can use to destroy a SIM card without any visible damage. These are as follows:

Reset Your SIM Card To Destroy Data

The first method that you can try as a user is to reset your SIM card. This will help you to erase all the data saved in your SIM card. To do this, you just need to go through the following steps:

  1. Open your phone’s settings app.
  2. There, click on the Reset option.
  3. Now, there press the Reset to factory settings options.

Doing this method will help you to completely wipe out your SIM card data. Or we can say, this method will help you to destroy your SIM card without physical damage. But in some cases, using this method will also clear all the other important files and data stored in your phone. That’s why it is suggested to use the next method to destroy your SIM card without damaging your phone’s data.

Destroy SIM Card With Third Party App

The next method that you can use to wipe out the data of your SIM card is to use a third-party app. Some of the top software that you can use for the same is Dr.Fone or iMyFone UMate Pro. Both of these apps will help you to destroy your SIM card without any visible damage.

So, these are the various methods that you can use to destroy your SIM card at your own at home.

Post Views: 929

Author: Manuel Rozewski
Published: September 21, 2021 | Updated: September 21, 2021

SIM cards are small but powerful tools to store information. Our phone number, contacts, PIN and PUK codes, and more are inside a SIM card. It allows us to do much more than make and receive calls and send text messages. Our cell phones would be useless without a SIM card unless we are under a Wi-Fi connection.

That is why the best place for it to be is inside a cell phone. But, what happens when we do not longer need the SIM card? What should we do with it?

Here below we will talk about the risks of having a SIM card that we are not going to use anymore, and describe seven effective methods to destroy it.

Let’s continue reading and find much more about it:

What Happens If I Lose My SIM Card?

There are several problems related to losing a SIM card, however, before describing them we need to know what kind of information is stored inside it.

We invite you to read one of our previous articles called “What Information Is Stored On A SIM Card?” where we explain with further detail the subject. However, let’s say that the most important thing our SIM card stores are our phone number.

For those who believe that it is not a matter of concern, think twice. Nowadays we tend to link our phone numbers to our social media accounts and more importantly, our bank accounts. People with access to our contacts and phone number and with special hacking abilities can use that information to disable the security features that protect our accounts. After that, they will be able to drain our funds.

That is the most worrying reason for losing a SIM card, not to mention that another person will be using your phone number to make calls and send messages, and possibly charging you for this.

Now, if you have a SIM card that you are no longer using, you have two options: store it or destroy it. Storing it could be a good option if you think you may use it in the future, however, if it is not the case, then better get rid of it.

Here below we will discuss some methods to destroy a SIM card. And when we say destroy we mean to permanently erase any data that it contains. Let’s start!

7 Methods To Destroy A SIM Card

Find out 7 methods to destroy your SIM card and keep your information private! Some of them require tools and others just your bare hands. Read on and choose the one that is more viable for you.

Snap the SIM Card with your fingers

This is an easy way to destroy a SIM card, and you do not need more than your fingers. You just have to take the card between your index and thumb fingers, and break it into two or more pieces. You need to be sure that the gold contacts are broken because all the data is stored there.

Bury the SIM Card

Instead of breaking it, you can also bury the SIM card. Choose a place where probably no one will find it, for example, your backyard, and dig a small hole. The good thing about this method is that moisture will corrode the SIM over time, so it will become useless too.

Use scissors to destroy the SIM Card

If you do not want to use your nails or fingers to snap the SIM card, then you can use a tool as scissors. Take them and cut the card across the middle. Always make sure that you are destroying the gold contacts!

Submerge it into water

Although SIM card providers say that the cards are waterproof, the truth is that they cannot survive long-term water exposure. A good method to get rid of the SIM card is to fill a glass with water and add a teaspoon of salt. Drop the card in it and make the water and salt work for a while, these two elements will corrode the chip and make it useless.

Destroy SIM Card with a hammer

Do you also want to get rid of the SIM card package? Do not forget that it contains important information too, such as the PIN and PUK code. Using a hammer will be easier (and somehow fun). Choose a firm surface, such as a concrete floor, and smash the card with the hammer. Note that it may take several attempts to destroy the SIM card and its packaging. Be careful not to hit your fingers!

Incinerate SIM Card

Fire will burn the card and will make the electronics useless. Although this could be the most dangerous method, it is well effective. You will need pincers or tongs to hold the card. For the fire, you can use a candle lighter or your stove. We need to say again, be careful. If you believe this is too risky, try one of the aforementioned methods first.

Use a shredder machine to destroy the SIM card

If you work in an office with a shredder machine, you could use it to destroy the SIM card. However, first make sure it also works for plastic and not just paper, because you could damage the machine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens If I Lose My SIM Card?

If someone finds it, the person can use it and get access to your private information.

Can someone get information from a destroyed SIM card?

If all the electronic parts were damaged, it is not possible to get information from the SIM card.

What is the best method to destroy a SIM card?

You can simply use scissors to cut the card into little pieces.

Now you know that it is better to be safe than sorry. If you have a SIM card that you do not plan to use anymore, we recommend that you protect your information and proceed to destroy it. Use one of the methods described above, and remember to be careful!

What can damage SIM cards?

Problems with water damage One of the most common ways a physical SIM will stop working is through corrosion or water damage. Simple things like an excess of water, spraying, splashing, or submerging may be enough to cause the physical SIM to stop working.

How can I destroy my SIM card without?

Grab a sturdy pair of scissors and slice your SIM card down the middle. Feel free to cut it into smaller pieces, as well! Toss these fragments out in the trash right away—this way, no one can get their hands on your personal data.

Will water destroy a SIM card?

Although SIM cards don't have battery-powered electronics like cellphones do, prolonged exposure to water can damage the card.

Can a magnet damage a SIM card?

Rest assured: Your SIM card and SD card are both totally safe from magnets.