How to clean pet urine out of carpet

If you have a furry friend living with you, accidents are bound to happen. When dealing with pet pee or other pet stains on the carpet – urine, poop, or vomit – immediate action combined with deep cleaning can typically restore the carpet to pristine condition. Even if you don’t notice a pet pee until it has dried and set into the carpet, the stain can still be treated. You should never use harsh chemical cleaners that have a strong, caustic smell when cleaning pet stains on carpet. They rarely remove carpet odors from the fibers and might actually encourage pets to mark on the carpet again. To get rid of pet stains, try homemade cleaning products.

How to clean pet urine out of carpet
How to clean pet urine out of carpet
If you have a furry friend living with you, accidents are bound to happen – Pet pee!

These tips from the top mattress and carpet cleaning service in Singapore will help you to remove the stain and neutralize the odor. It is possible to repeat all of these carpet-cleaning procedures as often as needed.

Immediate Action for Pet Stains

Often, the accident site is pretty obvious. Otherwise, the affected area may be detected by smelling. You can use a black light to detect areas where accidents have occurred if both of these processes are unsuccessful. If the stain is not removed completely, your pet might continue to use that area to relieve itself.

How to clean pet urine out of carpet
How to clean pet urine out of carpet
Immediate action for pet stains will make the entire process easier and more successful

If you see the accident while the area is still wet, try to soak up as much moisture as possible immediately. Getting up as much liquid as you can before it dries will make the entire process easier and more successful.

  1. If there are vomit or feces pieces on the carpet, use a plastic bag to pick them up, being careful not to embed anything further into the fibers. It is especially important to act quickly when cleaning up vomit, as the acid contained in vomit can discolor carpet fibers very quickly.
  2. Paper towels should be placed over the affected area and blotted firmly. It is also possible to use rags for this purpose, provided that they are later sanitized.
  3. Remove the paper towels. Then, place another set down and press firmly once more. Continue this process until the dry paper towel is no longer picking up much moisture.
  4. Apply heavy foot pressure for at least one minute after placing the final layer of paper towels over the stain. (Make sure you are wearing shoes for this!)
  5. Remove the paper towels. Now, you are ready to apply a cleaning solution to remove the stain and odor.

Vinegar Solution

One homemade pet stain cleaner to try is a solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water. The vinegar will act to neutralize the stain and eliminate much of the odor.

  1. Mix the solution in a clean, empty spray bottle.
  2. Apply the solution liberally to the stain, so it soaks down into the carpet and the pad. If the stain is on an area rug over a wood floor, be sure to lift the rug to prevent the floor from getting wet and damaged.
  3. Use a soft-bristle brush to work the solution into the carpet fibers.
  4. Blot the area dry with a clean cloth or paper towels. Allow an area rug to dry completely before laying it flat on a wood floor.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

If there is still staining or an odor after cleaning with the vinegar solution, you can try a combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. These products will break down the stain, kill bacteria, and absorb odors. You might want to test this process on a small, discrete section of the carpet first to ensure that it won’t discolor the fibers.

  1. Sprinkle a generous handful of baking soda on the stained area, making sure it covers all the affected carpet fibers.
  2. Mix 1/2 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2 cups of water in a clean, empty spray bottle. You can also add a teaspoon of plain dishwashing detergent if you wish for extra cleaning power.
  3. Spray this solution over the baking soda, saturating the area well. Again, if the stain is on an area rug over a wood floor, remember to lift the rug to prevent floor damage.
  4. Work the solution into the carpet using a soft-bristled brush.
  5. Leave the solution to dry for an hour or two.
  6. Once it’s dry, you should just see dry baking soda on the carpet. Vacuum the baking soda.

Using a Wet Vac Carpet Cleaner for Pet Stains

A wet vac is a machine that forcefully flushes a carpet with clean water and vacuums out the resultant dirty water. This is particularly useful for pet stains, as the wet vac can clean deep into the carpet fibers and then draw out any residual waste particles.

Can old pet urine stains be removed from carpet?

To get dried dog urine out of a carpet, combine one part vinegar with one part water, then pour some of the solution onto the affected area. Scrub the dried urine stain with a soft brush and blot the area with a towel until it is completely dry.

How do you get dog urine smell out of carpet permanently?

Generously sprinkle baking soda over the urine spot, allowing the baking soda about five minutes to neutralize the dog pee smell. Vacuum up the baking soda. Then, liberally spray the spot with your vinegar solution (always test the fabric or carpet in a hidden spot for color retention).

What kills the smell of dog urine?

Baking soda naturally neutralizes odors. Sprinkle it liberally on the damp area or even an old urine stain, and work the powder gently into the fibers of any fabric, rug or carpet. Let the baking soda sit overnight for maximum odor absorption, then vacuum it up to remove the smell completely.

Will the smell of urine in carpet go away?

With a thorough cleaning, the smell of pet pee may dissipate within about 15 minutes, although most cases take several days to stop smelling after cleaning up the stain. If you leave a urine spot untreated, it may take up to five years to stop smelling on its own.