How soon can you tell your pregnant after ovulation

7 days past ovulation: what to expect

Most people suspect that they might be pregnant after missing their period. If you have been pregnant before, you know what to expect, but a new potential parent-to-be might think that these 7 DPO symptoms are related to something else. So, what’s happening to your body at this early stage of pregnancy? 

At this point, your ovaries have released an egg (ovulation), and that egg has been fertilized by sperm. The fertilized egg (a zygote) has developed from a single cell into a ball of cells called a blastocyst. This ball of cells is what will become the embryo and, later, the fetus. 

How soon can you tell your pregnant after ovulation

During this time, the cells are dividing rapidly, and the blastocyst travels through the fallopian tube and implants in the nutrient-rich lining of your uterus. Your body prepares for the possibility of pregnancy every month, and your hormone levels change throughout your cycle. If an egg is fertilized, your body has already made the necessary preparations. There are large hormonal shifts at this time, influencing other parts of your body as well.

7 DPO BFP: possible pregnancy signs

Even though it might be too early to get a big fat positive (BFP) on a pregnancy test, there are several early telltale signs that you might be pregnant. Here are some that you might experience at 7 DPO.

Since the implantation can occur anywhere between 6–10 days after ovulation, it can be hard to tell if the symptoms you are experiencing are because of pregnancy or your period. Some common signs associated with implantation are:

Cramps and bleeding

At this stage of pregnancy, some people experience cramping (less intense than regular menstrual cramps) before their period would normally start. If a blastocyst has implanted, the color and amount of your menstrual flow might look different than usual. Light spotting that is pink or light brown and lasts less than three days could be a sign of implantation bleeding.

How soon can you tell your pregnant after ovulation

Mood swings

These changes in mood can be similar to PMS symptoms, and it may be hard to tell if they are related to your menstrual cycle or a sign of pregnancy. If you don’t normally experience PMS, this might be an obvious sign of pregnancy for you. 

Breast tenderness

Lots of people experience breast tenderness before starting their period, whether they’re pregnant or not. However, increased breast tenderness is also a very common early pregnancy symptom. During the very early stages of pregnancy, your breasts may feel fuller and slightly heavier. 

Sensitive nipples

You might notice nipple sensitivity as early as one to two weeks after conception. This is a result of increased blood flow to the breasts, increasing their size. Many women report nipple pain, tingling, and increased sensitivity as these changes in the breasts take place. 

Food cravings

Food cravings pop up early in pregnancy, along with morning sickness. For a long time, people have thought that strange cravings for all different kinds of food are a sure sign of pregnancy. If you’re craving certain foods more than normal or feeling unusually nauseous, you might get a BFP on a pregnancy test. 


Headaches are very common among some women when their hormone levels fluctuate. These “cyclic” headaches tend to correspond to the changes in hormone levels that all women experience throughout their menstrual cycle. 

You may also begin to get headaches in the early stages of a pregnancy because of the changes your body is going through. The changing hormone levels could also lead to dizziness. 

No matter what, it’s important to talk to your primary care physician or OB/GYN about headaches to rule out anything more serious.

How accurate are pregnancy tests 7 days past ovulation?

So, you’ve made it to 7 DPO and are experiencing some or all of the early signs of pregnancy. Is it time to do a pregnancy test? Are they even accurate at this point?

Most home pregnancy test manufacturers state that they can be performed with 99% accuracy on the day that you expect your period. This is an approximate date, though because not everyone has a textbook 28-day cycle. Furthermore, there is a window of opportunity in which you can conceive. 

It’s possible to get pregnant several days before and a day after you normally ovulate. This is because sperm can live for up to five days inside your body after sex, and the egg can survive for about 24 hours. This is why there’s no definitive response on how early you can detect pregnancy. There are just too many different variables. 

If you’re having sex, not using birth control, and experiencing signs of pregnancy about 7 DPO, you might want to do a pregnancy test. You might even get a BFP, but only if the chosen home pregnancy test is sensitive enough.

If you do try a home pregnancy test at 7 DPO and it’s negative, wait a little longer. Even if you are pregnant, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin that trips a positive might not be high enough yet to be detected by the pregnancy test. 

How many days after ovulation should I take a pregnancy test?

A blood pregnancy test can be accurate six to eight days after ovulation. A urine test is usually accurate about 14-21 days after ovulation. Read the instructions carefully and follow them to the letter Take the urine test in the morning, with your very first urine of the day

How early can a blood test detect pregnancy?

If you need an early detection of pregnancy, a blood pregnancy test done at the doctor’s office can detect low levels of hCG and measure the actual quantity of hCG in the body. A blood pregnancy test can be accurate six to eight days after ovulation. A urine test is usually accurate about 14-21 days after ovulation.

How soon after implantation do pregnancy symptoms appear?

Only after implantation does your body produce the hormones that cause early pregnancy symptoms. If you're very observant, you might notice symptoms around the time of your first missed menstrual period, at approximately 2 weeks after ovulation. At this time, you might also have a positive blood or urine pregnancy test.

How many days after ovulation do you ovulate?

According to the ACOG, ovulation occurs around day 14 of the menstrual cycle. A person with a 28-day cycle, for example, will have their fertile window 5 days before the ovulation date. How many days after ovulation is it possible to get pregnant? Pregnancy is possible 12­–24 hours after ovulation.