How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

How much money can you make on TikTok?

The truth is that with 10k followers, you can make much money on TikTok.

Thanks to their large followings, several TikTok creators have become officially wealthy.

But, to earn enough money to quit your work, would 10k followers be enough?

According to the website, you’ll need the following to earn the average full-time U.S. wage of $34,103 per year:

A minimum of 10,000 subscribers and 93.2 million views per year are required for TikTok.

Are you hoping to break into the six-figure range and earn $100,000 each year?

How much money can you make on TikTok with 10k followers?

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

Let’s find out.

    • How Can You Check Your Influence on TikTok?
  • TikTok and Influencers
  • The engagement rate for TikTok
  • How to Set up Your TikTok to Make Money
  • Setting Up Your Video Content
  • Basic rules on TikTok
  • Making Money on TikTok is Simple

How Can You Check Your Influence on TikTok?

You may use the TikTok Money Calculator to assess your projected profits from your TikTok account.

This is based on your interaction and amount of followers.

These tools will help:

  • To boost your exposure and expand your TikTok following, use the TikTok Hashtag Generator.
  • To see how many followers you’ve gained in the last three months, use the TikTok Follower Growth Tracker.
  • Calculator for TikTok Influencer Engagement and Earnings

The aforementioned tools are not official TikTok tools.

They are not affiliated with or approved by TikTok in any manner.

These are technologies that have been built to give influencers income potential recommendations.

TikTok and Influencers

At the end of the day, both the brand and the influencer agree on a reasonable price for recommending the product or service.

As a result, if TikTok influencers and companies wish to collaborate, there is no intermediary or set rate.

Influencers are paid by brands, and the amount paid varies greatly depending on the conditions.

However, one element remains consistent in nearly all cases.

Influencers who have both a high engagement rate and a large number of followers, such as 10k or more, are paid more.

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

Brands have discovered that it is simple to acquire followers that are of no use to anyone.

As a result, having genuine followers who interact with your content is significantly more important to them.

Biddable advertising is presently being tested on TikTok, and this could transform the way influencers earn money on the platform in the future.

TikTok has told agency partners in the United States that it is working on a biddable advertising option on the platform, according to Adweek.

Advertisers will be able to compete for the ad impressions they want on a self-managed platform with biddable advertisements.

In the same manner that YouTube has developed an ad revenue-sharing model, TikTok is likely to do so as well.

Without a doubt, the higher your rate of engagement, the more successful brands will view you.

Thus with 10k followers, the more they will be willing to pay for your services.

Like other social media networks, you may determine your TikTok engagement by multiplying the number of hearts plus the number of comments by the number of followers multiplied by 100.

The same procedure can be used for a single post or the entire site.

It is recommended that you combine the information from your last 20 articles when performing this calculation.

The engagement rate for TikTok

Ironically, merging TikTok with another social media network has proven to be one of the most successful strategies.

Some of the top TikTok influencers are also doing quite well on YouTube, thanks to compilations such as “Best of TikTok.”

They can take advantage of the established advertising framework on YouTube.

Start by considering why someone would want to follow you in the first place.

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

  • What distinguishes your account from the tens of thousands of other similar ones?
  • Is it considered to be a type of entertainment?
  • Do you have a gift for singing, playing an instrument, dancing, or performing as a stand-up comedian?
  • What makes you think you’re so bad at these things that your videos are amusing?
  • Are you talented at creating amusing prank videos?
  • Can you motivate and advise others on how to live better lives?
  • Do you have the ability to inspire and advise others?
  • Or are you just another lip-synched who doesn’t add anything to your video clips other than your voice?

The benefit of doing so is that you’ll obtain a deeper grasp of your target audience.

You are not creating videos solely to create them.

How to Set up Your TikTok to Make Money

1. Define your video

When creating a video library, you should avoid trying to please everyone by including a diverse variety of videos.

To be successful on TikTok, users must make films that they believe will appeal to their target audience.

It is significantly more straightforward to concentrate your efforts on a certain group of people rather than on creating random material.

2. Set up your Profile

One of the most significant parts of TikTok is your profile, which is displayed publicly.

This is your “page,” where you have the opportunity to personalize things.

The people who will be reading your profile should find it interesting, so make sure it is.

Your profile should showcase your ability to create things.

It must convince your target audience as to why they should follow your profile on social media.

You want your profile to stand out from the crowd because it will be the first place that many people will see you, therefore you want it to be eye-catching.

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

3. Choose a unique username

If you’re starting from the beginning, you’ll have the option to come up with the perfect username for you.

It should be easy to say and spell, and it should be related to you and your industry if at all possible.

If you use the same username across all of your social media platforms, your TikTok admirers will be able to tell when they’ve discovered your YouTube, Twitch, and Instagram channels.

4. Decide what and what not to post

The type of videos you intend to broadcast should be obvious to everyone who takes a glance at your profile.

However, exercise caution, particularly if you are a typical young TikToker.

Certain thugs are abusing the TikTok application.

Maintain the privacy of your profile by not posting too much personal information or photographs or videos that could be misappropriated by others.

Therefore, you should make certain that nothing in the background of your photographs or videos gives away too much about your location.

Setting Up Your Video Content

  • The ideal aspect ratio is 1080×1920 pixels.
  • Create a compelling description for each video and incorporate pertinent hashtags into your posts.
  • Select an enticing thumbnail image for each video you upload.
  • Check to see that your videos are being placed in the most relevant categories.
  • Produce content that is consistent in its presentation.

It’s also important to build a consistent pattern so that your audience knows exactly what to expect from you.

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

Being a “one-hit wonder” is a complete waste of time and energy.

  • If you have a lot of significant videos, you might want to intersperse them with smaller “slice of life” videos.

This allows your viewers to get a better sense of who you are and what you do.

In addition to your more niche-specific Vlogs, you may also create general Vlogs.

Ideally, all of your niche-themed videos would have the same look and feel — you’d like to establish a distinct visual identity for your channel.

Yes, this is true even if all you’re doing is lip-syncing videos.

In 2013, several of the most popular TikTokers began creating lip-synch videos.

However, because the songs they chose and the method in which they created their movies were instantly recognizable as theirs, the videos quickly gained widespread popularity.

If you’re uploading non-music videos, you’ll want them to tell a story in your own voice and style so that others can relate to them.

Each video could have similar segments or be shot in a similar manner as the previous one.

  • Keep the connection with your target audience frequently.

Remember to engage in conversation with your audience.

Take the time to respond to any comments that others have left on your films.

It may appear to be a lot of effort on your part, but it demonstrates to your followers that you are concerned about them.

Consider going live and interacting with your viewers on a regular basis if possible.

Share the areas of your life with them that you feel comfortable sharing with them at this time.

The more positive people’s perceptions of you and your films are, the more they assume they are familiar with you.

Despite the fact that performing live music can be tough, your listeners will enjoy it if you are confident in your ability to perform.

Otherwise, you can utilize your live sessions to discuss topics that your audience is interested in, have a Q&A session, or even invite viewers to your video.

  • Promote your TikTok videos on other social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter.

In addition, make sure to promote your videos on all of your other social media platforms and your blog, if you have one (see below).

The greater the number of people who are aware of your material, the greater the likelihood that they will view and enjoy it.

In order to gain more followers and be considered an influencer, it is necessary to promote your content as often as possible.

  • Increase the quality of your products frequently

The majority of people who begin working on TikTok do so with a limited budget, limited equipment, and little expertise.

You should be able to improve your abilities as time goes on, and as you begin to earn money, you should be able to increase your budget and equipment as well.

The ability to create high-quality films is essential for achieving success on TikTok.

Learn how to make a successful film by devoting some of your free time to this endeavor.

Make each video a step up from the one that came before it.

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

Basic rules on TikTok

When TikTokers post videos to the platform, they have certain expectations.

To begin, make certain that you are not infringing on TikTok’s content limits.

  • Hate speech or racism should not be included in your videos, nor should there be any other offensive content.
  • Be aware that some adults use TikTok inappropriately, so be cautious when sharing videos of yourself doing very normal everyday activities that creeps could exploit.

For example, is it really a good idea to publish films of you and your buddies in nighties during a slumber party?

Keep in mind that TikTok is a social media site that is open to the public.

Your videos are available for anybody to view.

In the same way that Snapchat and IGTV encourage users to post vertical videos, TikTok encourages users to do the same.

Making Money on TikTok is Simple

Making direct commercial arrangements with businesses is the quickest way for TikTok influencers to make money while waiting for the company’s advertising network to expand.

As brands become more well-known on the network, they will contact individuals with business proposals.

If you have up to 10k followers on TikTok, you can begin to consider monetizing your account.

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok

How much money can you make on TikTok with 10k followers?

Branded videos recommended by influencers pay anything in extent from $200 to $20,000, depending on their level of fame.

Do the math on a TikTok with 10k followers.

It is possible for influencers to generate money on TikTok in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Company promotion in your videos (similar to any other type of influencer marketing) either directly or indirectly (for example, through an unboxing video or simply by wearing a fashion label’s clothing in your films) is acceptable.
  • Promoting your promos on other platforms is a good idea; for example, if you have a popular YouTube channel, you may advertise the same TikTok channel on other sites to increase traffic to the YouTube channel.
  • Making use of your TikTok videos to promote things that you are offering
  • Creating live videos and soliciting feedback from your audience are two of the most effective ways to market your business (formerly called, but now called Go Live).

How much money do you get for 10000 followers on tiktok
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How much can you make with 10k followers on TikTok?

TikTok begins paying you starting from 1500 followers, so as your subscribers increase, they will pay you more money. It is estimated that Tik Tok pays around US$ 100 for every 10,000 followers for live shows. But one of the easiest and most effective ways to get money from TikTok is through sponsors.

How much money does 10k followers make?

For instance, less famous influencers with up to 10k followers may set their rates at $25-$50 per post, an established one with 30-80k followers may charge $ 150 or $350 a post, while a celebrity with over 100k followers can charge between $1000 and $500,000 a post. They use other factors when setting these figures.

What happens when I hit 10k followers on TikTok?

With 10k Followers, you are considered a Nano-Influencer and are making your way to be a Macro-Influencer. Edit: You want to bring those influencers to different platforms. Since you are good with Tiktok, try gaining a fair amount with Instagram and Youtube.

How much is 100K TikTok followers worth?

What does TikTok pay for 100K views? People with 100,000 followers usually make $200–$1,000 per month. Similarly, TikTokers with one million followers can earn up to $5,000 monthly.