How much does drivers ed save you on insurance

Solid statistics assert that teen drivers get into a higher amount of accidents than those over 25 years of age. This statistic is true simply because younger drivers have less road experience than other, more seasoned drivers.

Because auto insurance is based on statistics, drivers they call 'higher risk' will inevitably pay more for their premiums. And what you’ve heard is true, people under the age of 25 pay enormous insurance premiums up until their 25th birthday, especially if they live in high traffic or high density areas.

So how can driver’s education offset that high auto insurance premium? Even if you are over the age of 25, can passing certain milestones such as a driver’s education program give you any discount on your premium? In short, yes.

Below, we’ll show you how much money you can save by investing in driver’s education.

Driver’s ed.

Investing in driver’s ed. not only saves you money on your premiums, but it also arms you with defensive driving techniques that may save lives; the lives of yourself, your passengers, or another road user.

Young drivers below the age of 25 can actually pay upwards of thousands (plural thousands) of dollars per year as they gain experience on the road. However, there are provincially-approved driver’s education programs that insurance providers recognize as reducing the inherent road risk of young drivers.

By doing driver’s ed., the insurance company sees you differently. You become someone that actually wants to be a good driver, and has taken the proper steps in order to do so.

Standardized driving schools

The gold-standard of Young Drivers of Canada will be used in this example.

Young Drivers ( offers in-class training, along with in-car training at different tiers so you can gain the training you need to get behind the wheel with confidence.

There are other, more localized driver’s ed. programs all over the province, you just need to head to your province's Ministry of Transportation website to find all of the approved driving schools in your area. More recognizable programs are more readily discounted by insurance providers.

The training package

Using Young Drivers as an example, you can find three different levels of driver’s training courses. Full courses include 20 to 25 hours of in-class instruction and examination along with 10 to 15.25 hours of private in-car training with a driving instructor, depending on the level.

You will have the option of including a ride to the road testing site at an extra cost. Young drivers may wish to pick this option, so they can be with their instructor up until they have to take the government test.

What it costs

Because the courses are of different levels, the packages range in price accordingly. Using the same training company, the most basic course is $925, while the higher package that is intended for the likes of truck drivers or big-rig transport people, comes in at $1395.

As expensive as this seems, parents should understand that they are sending their young drivers to an accredited driving school with a proven track record across decades of service.

The wisdom that any professional driving school passes on to their students will be shown in their actions on the road, sewn in through practice.

In order to take advantage of the insurance discount, the young driver must graduate the program, of course.

How much can you save?

First time drivers are rightfully confused about insurance once they pass their driving course. Getting a quote for auto insurance, as a 22-year-old for example, can garner a premium of up to $5,000! That’s downright unaffordable for a young person just trying to get on the road and gain experience.

So, with the graduation from the driver’s ed. program, the insurer has the option of reducing the cost of a first-time driver’s insurance premium. Since every insurer is different, the exact discount will vary.

The savings can be as high as 10%, but you should always shop around to see if you can get a better deal.

Our advice? Ask your parents if you can become an occasional driver on their policy, which will build your own insurance history and lead you toward more discounts down the road.

A young driver can also combine that driver’s ed. discount with a ‘good grades’ discount, something that providers may offer to students maintaining a 3.0 GPA.

You need to build your driving experience and choose the right vehicle to save the most. Keep a clean driving record for as long as possible, and your 25th birthday party will come with more than a chocolate cake.

There are plenty of discounts available to lower your car insurance cost. Among those discounts is the ability to take a driver’s education course as a way to save money. This guide will discuss the discounts that you can typically expect after taking a driver’s ed course as well as how to get them.

To help you save on auto insurance, our team has reviewed major insurance providers and identified the top car insurance companies. Enter your zip code in the tool above to get free quotes from top-rated insurance companies.

Will Driver’s Ed Lower My Car Insurance Cost?

You can frequently get a discount on car insurance by taking a driver’s education course. Just keep in mind that not every insurance company offers this type of discount.

Because of that, you should always confirm with your insurance company that it offers a discount for completing driver’s ed. This will also let you know if the company has any specific requirements for the discount. For example, there may be restrictions as to what types of driver’s education courses qualify.

In most cases, you just have to pass the course. Then, you will receive a certificate that you can show to your insurance agent to receive the discount.

How to Get a Driver’s Ed Car Insurance Discount

Finding an approved class so you can get a driver’s education car insurance discount does not need to be overwhelming. There are many methods of finding an appropriate course.

For teens who are still in high school, your school likely offers driver’s ed. This is a very convenient option that is worth consideration. If your high school does not offer a course, they may have suggestions for private courses available in your area.

Most areas have several options for private driver’s education classes. Most of these classes are geared toward teens who are first-time drivers. There are also many courses geared to adults or anyone looking to refresh their driving skills and become a safer driver.

There are now even some online driver’s education courses available. Of course, these will not typically have a practical driving component.

Not only are driver’s ed courses helpful for new drivers, but some states require drivers to take a course before getting their driver’s license. Furthermore, even if you’re already a more experienced driver, refreshing your skills and knowledge is never a bad idea.

Don’t forget to also consider asking your insurance company for suggestions. If the company offers a discount for driver’s ed, agents working there will likely know of some courses that they can suggest if you contact them.

While speaking to your insurance company representative, ask them how much their discount is. This will let you easily compare the discount between various providers’ insurance policy options.

Will Attending Driver’s Education Lower Teen Drivers’ Car Insurance Rates?

Yes, depending on the insurance company that you choose, teen drivers are likely to get a driver’s education car insurance discount.

You can typically expect to get a discount of between 5% and 20% for completing a driver’s ed course.

You can expect the discount to be larger for teen drivers than for experienced drivers. This is because the insurance companies see the driver’s education course as a way to teach good driving habits. By contrast, the companies feel that it can safely be assumed that experienced drivers already have those habits.

Benefits of Enrolling in a Defensive Driving Course for Teens

While the driver’s education car insurance discount may be the factor that encourages you or your teen to take a defensive driving course, the discount is not the only benefit. Other benefits of teens taking defensive driving courses include:

  • A boost in road safety due to newly acquired defensive driving techniques
  • Preventing distractions
  • Reinforcing driving basics
  • Building muscle memory
  • Additional driving experience
  • Increased confidence behind the wheel
  • Education regarding risks and potential consequences

The improved safety that comes with taking a driver’s education course is particularly important. Taking driver’s ed reduces the rate of teen crashes by 4.3% and reduces convictions by 40%. Another study conducted in Nebraska found only 11.1% of teens who took driver’s education were involved in car accidents. This statistic increased to 12.9% for those who did not take driver’s education.

Where Can I Find a Defensive Driving Course for Teens?

You should be able to easily find a defensive driving course for teens. A good starting place is always your teen’s high school, which may offer a defensive driving course. If it does not offer this course, the school will likely have a list of local options to share with you.

You can also check to see if your state’s DMV has a list of local driver’s education courses. An online search is another good option. You can also ask for referrals from family and friends.

As you search for a defensive driving course for teens, don’t just sign up for the first one you see. Consider the following factors as you compare options:

  • If it is state-licensed
  • How affordable it is
  • Whether it fits your schedule
  • Whether it provides a vehicle
  • The BBB rating of the driving school
  • The refund or cancellation policy
  • Whether it meets your insurance company’s requirements for a discount

What Other Discounts are Available for My Teen Driver?

A driver’s education car insurance discount is not the only auto insurance discount that is available for teen drivers on their insurance premiums. Other discounts teen drivers may be eligible for include:

  • Good student discounts
  • Student-away-at-college discounts
  • Safe driving discount
  • Discounts for a clean driving record
  • Discounts for bundling insurance with parents’ (or an adult driver’s) auto and/or home insurance

When it comes to finding affordable car insurance for young drivers, the best method is to get quotes from multiple providers. This lets you compare quotes and spot the best deal.

Our Recommendations for Auto Insurance

Regardless of whether you are eligible for a driver’s education car insurance discount or not, we recommend getting insurance from GEICO and State Farm.

You can use the tool below to get free insurance quotes to make comparison shopping easy.





GEICO: Best Overall

Our expert team gave GEICO the best overall title, with a rating of 9.1 out of 10. The insurance company also earned a 9.0 for customer experience, 9.4 for cost, and 8.5 for coverage, along with a 9.8 for industry reputation.

State Farm: Best Student Discounts

State Farm is a particularly appealing option for teens due to its student discounts. Our team gave it an 9.1 out of 10. This includes a 9.9 rating for industry reputation, an 9.0 for coverage and cost, and an 8.8 for customer experience.

FAQ: Driver’s Education Insurance Discounts

What are the benefits of taking driver’s ed?

Taking driver’s education can get you a discount on your auto insurance. It also provides you with more hours of practice behind the wheel, improves muscle memory and reduces the risk of an accident.

How can driver’s ed help me save on car insurance?

Many insurance companies will offer discounts on your car insurance for completing a driver’s education course. Just show your insurance company your certificate of completion after you’ve passed the course.

How can I lower my insurance rates?

You can lower your insurance rates by looking for eligible discounts, such as those for completing driver’s ed. You can also opt for less coverage or swap out your current car for a more reliable, less expensive one.

What will make my car insurance go up?

Your car insurance rates will go up if you get in an accident or get a traffic violation. Your rates can also increase if you move to a different location or buy a more expensive car.


The Detroit Bureau collects data from every major car insurance provider to formulate rankings of the best insurers. Our in-depth rating system takes into account market share, coverage, auto insurance rate estimates generated by Quadrant Information Services, customer satisfaction and ratings from industry experts. Each insurer is given a weighted score in four categories, as well as an overall score out of 10.0.

We recommend auto insurance companies based on these rankings, but we also encourage you to perform your own research and compare quotes to find the best coverage.

How much cheaper is insurance with drivers ed Ontario?

In Ontario, when you take driving lessons from a Ministry-approved driving school, it can lower your insurance rates. Most car insurance companies may give you savings of 5% to 15% when you complete driver education from a reputed institute.

How much is drivers ed in ontario?

The average cost of a thorough driving school training course in Ontario is $600.

How much does drivers ed save on insurance in New Brunswick?

In general, driving school will take ten percent off of insurance rates. This can add up to large savings as young drivers are considered high risk drivers with them frequently paying huge insurance premiums. There are a number of other ways that driving school helps out reduce insurance rates.

Does defensive driving course reduce insurance in Nova Scotia?

Yes! Drivers in Nova Scotia that complete a certified driver's education course qualify for a discount on their insurance from most insurance companies. No! There are no formal discounts offered for completing a certified driver's education course in Nunavut.


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