How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

The Golden Retriever is a popular and much loved medium-to-large-sized dog breed. They are typically friendly and full of energy, but how much should they weigh? The answer to that question might surprise you! In this article, we will help determine whether your dog’s weight falls within the correct limits for their age as they mature into adulthood, with tips on getting the balance right between food intake vs. exercise activity levels.

The best way to ensure your Golden Retriever puppy grows into an adult is by monitoring their growth milestones throughout their formative years and ensuring they achieve all of them. Malnutrition or stunted growth can have long-term impacts on a pup’s health while overfeeding might cause obesity in later life. A Golden Retriever’s growth rates will change significantly depending on how old they are. A week-old puppy has very different needs than an adult dog, and early monitoring can help you keep your little friend healthy into adulthood.

As a Golden Retriever owner, you need to know the growth rates of your pup to gauge their weight and health. A dog’s diet plays a vital role in how quickly they will grow into adulthood. Like humans, many factors affect these numbers, including environment or location. Early monitoring is key for them not to become underweight adults or gain too much muscle while still growing correctly throughout all stages from puppyhood until maturity stage! The correct golden retriever weight ensures he stays well and helps ensure successful physical development during each growth phase.

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

Do you own a Golden Retriever puppy?

The Golden Retriever breed is known for its loyalty, playfulness, and intelligence; it’s easy to see why this pup has captured the hearts of many people! As an owner, you want nothing more than to see your dog grow up to her true potential so that she can be healthy both now and in later life. Your pup should achieve the appropriate milestones expected of a proper age for a Golden Retriever, but how do you know if she’s reaching these goals? When does a Golden Retriever stop growing? What is the average Golden Retriever weight? How much should a Golden Retriever weigh? With our Golden Retriever weight and growth chart, you can gauge your puppy’s growth from months old to adulthood.

Golden Retriever Puppy Growth Patterns: How Much Should a Golden Retriever Weigh?

Watch your Golden Retriever pup closely, and keep an eye on their growth by tracking their height and weight every month to see if they’re meeting statistical averages. If not, something could be off with your puppy’s diet or genetics. If there seems something amiss, like slow development, get your puppy checked out at the vet right away. Also, Golden Retrievers puppies can experience significant growth spurts, so discuss any changes you see with your veterinarian to ensure your puppy is exhibiting normal growth.

The Golden Retriever’s active lifestyle means that pup parents must carefully select their dog’s canine diet. Finding a nutritional balance is essential for your puppy’s health and longevity. Your pup deserves the best treatment, and that includes going to see their vet at 6 and 12 months. Regular checkups mean a vet can keep an eye on any potential growth issues which could lead your dog to stunted or accelerated growth. You’ll also want input from someone who knows what they’re doing regarding puppy food choices.

So how much should a Golden Retriever weigh? It takes 18 months, or 1.5 years, for a Golden Retriever to reach full growth; the height should be settled between 9 and 12 months. By eight weeks old, your puppy should be around 10 pounds and ready to grow leaps and bounds from there. Use our Golden Retriever chart below to track the size of a puppy’s body until they’re an adult.

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

Male Golden Retriever Growth Chart from Puppy to Adult

The average Golden Retriever adult weight at 12 months of age is between 55 – 75 pounds and 21.5 to 24 inches tall. Male Golden Retrievers tend to grow heavier and taller than females. Adult males will reach 24-inches at the shoulder and up to 75 pounds in weight.

The chart below shows what appropriate weight and growth look like for Goldens. From an average puppy size all the way up to their adult height of 24 inches, you’ll be able to keep track of your male pup’s growth with this handy guide.

The Golden Retriever male puppy weight chart below shows what healthy, appropriate weight and growth look like for Golden Retriever males, from average puppy weight to adult Golden Retriever’s weight.

Age Weight
1 month 3 – 6 pounds
2 months 10 – 15 pounds
3 months 20 – 25 pounds
4 months 25 – 30 pounds
5 months 35 – 40 pounds
6 months 35 – 45 pounds
7 months 40 – 50 pounds
8 months 45 – 55 pounds
9 months 50 – 60 pounds
10 months 55 – 65 pounds
11 months 60 – 70 pounds
12 months/1 year 60 – 70 pounds
2 years 65 – 75 pounds

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

Female Golden Retriever Growth Chart from Puppy to Adult

The average height and weight for full-grown adult female Golden Retrievers should fall within the range of 22.5 inches tall and no more than 65 pounds. A female puppy will grow quickly in the first 12 months; however, it’s not uncommon for female puppies to continue growing until the 18-month mark.

What happens if your Golden Retriever becomes pregnant as an adult?

When female dogs are pregnant, their bodies undergo significant changes in birth preparation. The expecting mother’s weight may increase by 15-20% while she builds up the strength and tissue development necessary for delivering and nursing pups. Avoid breeding your Golden Retriever before she has reached maturity to prevent health complications.

The female Golden growth chart below displays the healthy growth patterns for a female Golden:

Age Weight
1 month 2 – 5 pounds
2 months 5 – 10 pounds
3 months 15 – 20 pounds
4 months 20 – 25 pounds
5 months 25 – 30 pounds
6 months 30 – 35 pounds
7 months 30 – 40 pounds
8 months 35 – 45 pounds
9 months 40 – 50 pounds
10 months 45 – 55 pounds
11 months 50 – 55 pounds
12 months/1 year  50 – 60 pounds
2 years  55 – 65 pounds

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

When is a Golden Retriever Full Grown?

Goldens are a large breed, and like other such breeds, Golden Retrievers grow until they reach their full height and weight. This process typically occurs between the ages of one to two years old, or 18 to 24 months; however, there is some variation in how fast each dog grows during this period due to both genetic factors and environmental ones, like diet or exercise level.

As a Golden Retriever owner, you can expect that your pup’s height and weight will change drastically during the first year of their life. Use our weight chart to help keep an eye on how your Golden puppy develops as she grows.

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

Is Your Golden Retriever Healthy?

Golden Retrievers are beautiful, friendly dogs that will steal your heart with their cute antics. Unfortunately, as purebred dogs, they’re more susceptible to genetic diseases which can compromise their quality of life. That said, many disorders that adult Golden Retrievers have are treatable or preventable through regular vet care. Preventative care, along with a pet insurance policy, is an ideal combination to give your Golden a long, happy life. Some of the most common medical conditions that Golden Retrievers are susceptible to developing are:

Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia

Golden Retrievers are prone to develop hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia, which are common orthopedic issues seen in many other large dog breeds. The canine hip and elbow rotate smoothly within its socket joint, which holds them together with powerful ligaments. When these areas degrade due to wear and tear caused by poor alignment or injury, excessive stress and uneven bone wear are placed on the attached ligaments, leading to lameness, stiffness, arthritis, and pain.

When your dog suffers from dysplasia, simple tasks like jumping into the car or climbing stairs can be difficult. A vet can assess the severity with imaging technology and prescribe relief for any present symptoms, allowing the dog to return to activities as usual.

Skin allergies and conditions

Golden Retrievers are at risk for various skin problems, including allergic reactions and parasites. They also require more care than other breeds to keep their coats clean due to the deep undercoat that insulates against cold weather. Keep an eye out for any allergies your pup might have towards certain items in their environment, as well as molds and dust, which could trigger reactions on contact-sensitive areas like ears or paws.

This breed is also prone to various skin conditions, including granulomas (a type of non-cancerous tumor), sebaceous cysts, and lipomas. Regular vet visits can help diagnose these ailments and determine the best course for management based on your dog’s needs.

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight


The cancer rate among Golden Retrievers is sadly all too common. It’s estimated that most Golden Retrievers, 56% females and 66% males, will die due to some form of malignancy, with hemangiosarcoma being an aggressive type seen commonly in both dogs overall and particularly this breed. Golden Retrievers are also often diagnosed with other cancers, including lymphosarcoma, osteosarcoma, and mastocytoma. The best way to reduce your dog’s chances of developing these conditions is through early detection by keeping a close eye on them and taking them to the vet for yearly preventative checkups.

Heart disease and respiratory issues

Golden Retrievers are at risk for various conditions that affect the heart, lungs, and circulation. One condition among them is subvalvular aortic stenosis (SAS), which occurs when narrowing or partial blockage takes place on a vessel carrying oxygenated blood from your dog’s heart to their body. This disease has severe effects, including death if not treated immediately. If you notice any signs like lethargy or weakness along with difficulty breathing, then see a veterinarian right away as your dog might be suffering from issues caused by SAS.

How much does a 4 month old golden retriever weight

Protect your Golden retriever puppy with pet insurance.

You might not be able to control the genes passed down to your Golden Retriever puppy from generation to generation. Still, a responsible dog owner will prepare as much for potential medical issues in their dog’s future. What if your dog develops cancer or heart issues? The veterinary costs can add up pretty quickly without proper insurance coverage.

Investing in your dog’s well-being is always a good idea. Get peace of mind knowing that you’ve got it covered with pet insurance! A quality policy will cover a significant portion of all emergency procedures and medication costs. Get started protecting your pup with a free pet insurance quote, and ensure your Golden Retriever’s life is a healthy life.

What should I expect from my 4 month old Golden Retriever?

Your 4-month-old Golden puppy is going to start looking lanky, with legs that look like they're too long for the rest of their body. Their coat will also look a bit odd. They'll start losing their fluffy puppy coat in favor of a more coarse adult coat.

How big is a 4 month old Golden Retriever?

Male Golden Retriever Growth and Weight Chart.

How far can my 4 month old Golden Retriever walk?

Golden Retriever puppies can be walked once or twice per day — five minutes for every month they've been alive. Walking for longer than this specified amount can lead to joint damage and stunted growth. Younger puppies should start out with short walks that involve frequent breaks.

At what age is a Golden Retriever full size?

Golden Retrievers typically reach their full height by the time they're one year old. However, they may not fill out and reach their full weight until they're roughly 18 months of age. When it comes to mental development, it can take even longer than that before the Golden Retriever is fully mature.