How long should i fast before glucose test

It's the morning of your bloodwork and your doctor said to fast before the test. But your stomach is growling and you have serious caffeine withdrawal hours before you roll up your sleeve. A bite of toast and a few gulps of coffee won't really make a difference, right?

Not so fast. Your results could come back wrong if you give in to temptation.

Fasting means you don't eat or drink anything but water usually for 8 to 12 hours beforehand.

If your appointment is at 8 a.m. and you're told to fast for 8 hours, only water is OK after midnight. If it's a 12-hour fast, avoid food and drink after 8 p.m. the night before.

You also shouldn't smoke, chew gum (even sugarless), or exercise. These things can rev up your digestion, and that can affect your results.

Take your prescription medications unless your doctor tells you to skip them. But ask your doctor before you take any over-the-counter drugs.

What Tests Do I Fast For?

Blood tests help doctors check for certain health problems and find out how well your body is working. Doctors also use them to figure out how well treatments are working. You don't need to fast before all blood tests. Your doctor will tell you if you need to.

These tests typically require fasting:

  • Fasting blood glucose measures the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood to test for diabetes or prediabetes.
    Typical fasting time: At least 8 hours
  • Lipid profile checks the level of cholesterol and other blood fats, like triglycerides. High levels put you at risk for developing heart disease or having a stroke. Not all situations require fasting. You may not need it if you’re younger than 25 or if you require only a partial lipid panel or if your doctor is looking for a “non-fasting” result. Ask your doctor if you need to fast for your test.
    Typical fasting time: 9-12 hours
  • Basic or comprehensive metabolic panel is often part of a routine physical. The tests check your blood sugar, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function. The comprehensive test checks your liver function, too.
    Typical fasting time: 10-12 hours
  • Vitamin B12 test measures how much of the vitamin is in your blood. It can help diagnosis a specific type of anemia and other problems. Some medications can interfere with this test. Tell your doctor about all the drugs you take.
    Typical fasting time: 6-8 hours
  • Iron tests are used to see if iron levels in your system are too low or too high.
    Typical fasting time: 12 hours
  • Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) shows the level of the GGT enzyme in your system. A high reading may indicate liver disease, bile duct problems, or alcohol abuse.
    Your doctor may ask you to fast for at least 8 hours beforehand. You also may need to avoid alcohol and some prescription drugs the day before the test because they can affect GGT levels. Talk to your doctor before stopping any prescribed medicines.

Why Do I Have to Fast?

Nutrients in food and drinks go into your bloodstream and can change things measured by the tests, skewing your results.

For instance, if you eat or drink before a fasting blood glucose test, your blood sugar probably will be higher than if you hadn't had anything. When you're fasting, doctors get a baseline result so tests can be compared to give a true picture of your sugar levels over time.

What If I Slip Up?

If you make a mistake and eat or drink anything besides water, tell the person taking your blood. Your doctor will want to know so they can interpret your tests correctly. For the best results, they may ask you to reschedule.

When Can I Eat or Drink Again?

As soon as your blood is taken, your fast is over. You might want to bring a snack and a drink with you so you can eat as soon as possible after the test.

It's one of the most talked-about prenatal testing milestones when you're pregnant: the glucose screening, sometimes called the "sugar test." Administered to most expecting moms between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy (give or take, depending on whether they're considered high-risk), its ultimate goal is to check for a very treatable condition: gestational diabetes.

The glucose screening test (and, if necessary, the follow-up glucose tolerance test) are performed to detect gestational diabetes (GD) and get moms the treatment and care they need for the rest of their pregnancies. Most of the time, the results are ultra reliable. Sometimes, however, they're off.

Research suggests that about 15 percent of women get a false-positive on their glucose screening. In other words, they test positive for elevated blood sugar levels, but they don’t actually have gestational diabetes. 

So why the discrepancy between what the test shows and the number of women who actually have GD? The answer: Some expectant moms test positive simply because of what they ate beforehand. 

Here’s what should be on the menu before your glucose screening to boost your chances of passing it with flying colors.

What to eat before the glucose test

When you eat, your body breaks down carbs into glucose (or sugar), which is a main source of energy. During pregnancy, two types of glucose tests can check your blood sugar levels to detect and diagnose gestational diabetes. Each requires a different eating strategy, and usually only those who don't pass the first test are given the second one.

Glucose screening test

Between weeks 24 and 28 of each pregnancy (and possibly sooner, if you have a higher risk of gestational diabetes), your doctor will conduct a glucose screening, usually in the morning. During this screening, also known as the one-hour or two-step glucose test, you’ll drink a sugary beverage similar to flat soda and have your blood drawn an hour later to check the glucose levels in your blood.

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What to Know About Gestational Diabetes

Don't make the mistake of eating a super sweet or simple-carb-laden breakfast, or skipping the morning meal altogether, before this first GD screening, as either can seriously throw your sugar levels out of whack. Instead, make sure you have a balance of healthy carbs and protein the night before and the morning of the glucose test.

Foods that serve up “good" or "complex" carbs are higher in fiber and take longer for your body to digest. They enter your bloodstream more gradually, so you won’t have those pesky blood sugar spikes. Complex-carb foods include:

  • Whole grains, like whole wheat bread and oatmeal
  • Vegetables, including non-starchy veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, leafy greens and green beans
  • Fresh fruit, like berries, apples and watermelon
  • Legumes in the form of chickpeas, black beans, kidney beans and lentils, to name a few

For long-lasting energy, balance your meal with protein-filled foods including dairy, nuts, fish or lean meat like poultry.

Here are some healthy breakfasts that may help you pass the glucose screening on the first try:

  • Whole wheat toast topped with natural peanut butter or mashed avocado
  • Plain Greek yogurt with blueberries 
  • Oatmeal made with low-fat milk and topped with fresh berries
  • Broccoli and cheddar cheese omelet 
  • Tofu scramble with spinach and Swiss cheese
  • Whole wheat burrito filled with scrambled eggs, beans and tomatoes

It’s also a good idea to watch what you eat before your regular prenatal appointments. That’s because every time you see your practitioner while you're pregnant, you’ll likely have to pee in a cup to monitor the sugar levels in your urine (another way to help detect GD). 

Glucose tolerance test

If your blood sugar levels on the glucose screening are too high, it could mean your body isn’t producing enough insulin to process the extra glucose your system makes during pregnancy. You may need to go back for a glucose tolerance test, sometimes called the one-step test or three-hour glucose test. 

This time, you’ll have your blood taken when you first arrive, after fasting ahead of time. You’ll then down a sugary, flat-soda-style drink again and have your blood drawn three more times: one hour, two hours, and three hours later. For the glucose tolerance test, you'll need to avoid eating for eight to 14 hours before your scheduled appointment.

How to pass the glucose screening

For the best results before your one-hour (or two-step) glucose screening, try to: 

Eat breakfast 

The morning of your appointment, have a healthy and not-too-copious breakfast containing a balance of complex carbohydrates and protein. (Remember, if you’re doing the glucose tolerance test, you’ll need to fast for at least eight hours beforehand. Not sure which test you’re taking? Confirm with your doctor.)

Avoid sugars and refined carbs

Don’t eat high-sugar foods or simple carbs (including refined grains) the morning of your glucose screening. The body breaks these foods down quickly, leading to a spike in blood sugar levels. That means avoiding breakfast favorites like:

  • Orange juice and other fruit juices
  • Sugary granola 
  • Refined cereal 
  • Sweetened toppings like jam or syrup
  • Pancakes, waffles and French toast
  • Donuts
  • White bread 
  • Many other breakfast treats made with refined white flour, like banana bread, croissants, muffins and pastries

Take a walk

If you can, try to squeeze in a 10- to 15-minute walk after breakfast and before the screening, which can help get your blood sugar levels in check.

If you don’t pass the glucose screening

On your glucose screening or regular urine tests, it’s possible to get a positive test result that your doctor considers to be "medically insignificant" — meaning it has no impact on your growing baby. But it's still a good reminder to ask your doctor for healthy eating tips.

If your test does come back positive and you wind up being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, remember that the condition is usually easily managed (often with diet modifications only) and goes away soon after you give birth.

In the meantime, your doctor or midwife will ask you to monitor your blood sugar a few times a day and keep track of what you eat. Other strategies you'll be given to help keep your levels stable: cutting back on sugary, processed foods and loading up on meals that balance complex carbs with protein and incorporate plenty of pregnancy-friendly foods.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

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October 27, 2022

Editor: Catherine Donaldson-Evans

  • Rewrites throughout the story for tone, style and voice, cutting unnecessary copy and adding relevant information and links.

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How many hours do I need to fast for glucose test?

Common fasting blood tests a fasting blood glucose test (used to test for diabetes) – you may be asked to fast for 8 to 10 hours before the test. an iron blood test (used to diagnose conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia) – you may be asked to fast for 12 hours before the test.

How long before glucose test should you not eat?

Glucose tests, which measure blood sugar. One type of glucose test is called a glucose tolerance test. For this test you will need to fast for 8 hours before test.

What happens if you fast too long before a glucose test?


What should I eat before a fasting glucose test?

Fasting means you don't eat or drink anything but water usually for 8 to 12 hours beforehand. If your appointment is at 8 a.m. and you're told to fast for 8 hours, only water is OK after midnight. If it's a 12-hour fast, avoid food and drink after 8 p.m. the night before.


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