How long can a broken tooth go untreated

Oftentimes, we like to deal with our own problems and handle things at home. And with dental care, our priorities often shift depending on the pain levels? But should you just ignore a broken tooth when it doesn’t hurt?

Why You Need To Get Your Broken Tooth Looked At

Even if your broken tooth doesn’t hurt, you shouldn’t leave it untreated. There could be many more severe underlying issues that you are at increased risk of.

One of the most alarming possible side effects of a broken tooth is that food detritus can get trapped inside, leading to bad infections. At their most extreme, it can lead to abscesses inside of your mouth, which are fluid-filled sacs full of pus, plaque, disease, and food that have collected and amalgamated. These are dangerous not just to your mouth, but your entire body, as the fluids could rupture into your bloodstream and cause lasting damage, potentially even causing death.

But there are other concerns as well, since the surrounding teeth will have to pick up extra duty to cover for the missing tooth. This creates more strain and opportunity for damage to the other teeth, in turn making them likely to become broken teeth, further contributing to your oral health’s decline.

There’s also the matter of timeliness. Repairs are always best if done promptly, and the longer you wait, the less effective treatment will be. A harmless snaggletooth today could become a fully removed tooth tomorrow, when the more desirable outcome would have been crowning or capping the injured portion.

Regardless of the cause or type of injury and whether it hurts or not, if you have a broken tooth, it is imperative that you are seen immediately to get it treated. Please give us a call and speak to us about setting up an appointment, so we can renew your smile before it has a chance to get worse.

Compared to other complications like gum disease, tooth loss, or oral cancer, it would seem to a person that having a cracked tooth is no big deal. However, that is where they are wrong. Postponing treatments and managing the symptoms will only cause the condition to worsen over time. Do know that pain is not the only thing a person may experience; the problem may require extensive treatments in the long run. We at Parkside Family Dentistry understand the threat of an untreated cracked tooth that is why we provide a repair procedure as part of our oral care services. For every patient to grasp the importance of getting immediate dental assistance for a fractured tooth, here are things to know.

But first things first, what can cause the teeth to break? Despite being the hardest substance in the human body, thanks to the enamel, they can still be subject to damage. Some of the possible reasons are as follows:

  • Unattended bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching)
  • Using the teeth as tools
  • Biting down on hard objects or food
  • Large fillings that can no longer be supported by the enamel
  • Untreated cavities
  • Fall
  • Accidentally hitting the mouth or face

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can cause the pulp and other tissues inside to get infected. Once this happens, the chance of losing the tooth increases. Do know that the sooner proper measures are performed, the more chances of preventing the further progression of the crack, alleviating pain, and saving the tooth.

How can a cracked tooth be treated?

Unfortunately, unlike other oral conditions that can be remedied at home, a cracked tooth requires the attention of a dentist. As soon as the patient experiences pain that goes on and off which grows more intense when biting down, and triggered by consuming something hot or cold,  it is best to seek an immediate cracked tooth repair.

At our practice, we will perform a dental x-ray examination to know the extent of the crack. Doing so gives the dentist the idea on how to effectively handle the problem. If the inside of the tooth is affected, undergoing a root canal is highly advised to keep the patient’s tooth. However, if it is already too late, the only option left is extraction. But worry not for we offer various restoration options to restore both the aesthetics and function of the patient’s teeth.

What are you waiting for? Taking actions is better than waiting for a simple problem to worsen over time! Once a tooth is fractured, book an appointment with us at Parkside Family Dentistry for our Cracked Tooth Repair in Bridgewater, VA.

How long can I leave a broken tooth in my mouth?

How long does it take for a tooth to die? Once a tooth is damaged or decaying, it's only a matter of time before it dies. Depending on how heavy the damage, the tooth could die within a matter of days or even a couple of months. Darkened or discolored teeth are often the first sign that your tooth is on its way out.

What happens if broken tooth is left untreated?

Leaving a cracked tooth untreated can cause the pulp and other tissues inside to get infected. Once this happens, the chance of losing the tooth increases. Do know that the sooner proper measures are performed, the more chances of preventing the further progression of the crack, alleviating pain, and saving the tooth.

What happens if you have a broken tooth for years?

Over time, cracked teeth can lead to bigger dental problems. Bacteria can get into the cracked tooth and spread. This can lead to an abscess or a pocket of bacteria that can cause infection. This infection, if unnoticed, can spread to other parts of the body and become a serious health concern.

Can you survive with a broken tooth?

Sure, you can probably live with a cracked tooth. There may be minimal pain and it might not even show when you smile-but there are many dangers to living with a fractured tooth that could affect your oral health for years to come. A tooth can crack/fracture when there is a weak spot or trauma to the tooth.


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