How do you say painting in french




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If you want to know how to say painting in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for painting:

La peinture Edit

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"Painting in French." In Different Languages, Accessed 24 Oct 2022.



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How do you say painting in french
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Translation of painting – English–French dictionary

tableau [ masculine] , toile [ feminine]

Mom, do you like my painting? Maman, est-ce que tu aimes ma peinture ?

a painting of old Venice un tableau de la Venise historique

Translation of painting | PASSWORD English-French Dictionary


There were four paintings (hanging) on the wall.

Translations of painting

in Chinese (Traditional)

(使用顏料的)繪畫,油畫, 繪畫, (上)油漆…

in Chinese (Simplified)

(使用颜料的)绘画,油画, 绘画, (上)油漆…

in Spanish

pintura, cuadro, pintura [feminine…

in Portuguese

pintura, quadro, pintura [feminine]…

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in Turkish

in Catalan

in Arabic

in Czech

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in Italian

in Russian

yağlı boya tablo/resim, ressamlık, yağlı boya işi yapma…

obraz, malowanie, malarstwo…

maleri [neuter], maling [masculine], malerkunst [masculine]…

quadro, pittura, dipinto…

картина, живопись, малярное дело…

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    • Voir également :
      • paint
      • paint bomb
      • paint stripper
      • paintball
      • paintbox
      • paintbrush
      • painted
      • painter
      • painter and decorator
      • painterly
      • painting
      • painting and decorating
      • paintwork
      • pair
      • pair-oar
      • paired
      • pairing
      • pais
      • paisley
      • pajama
      • pajamas
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WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2022:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
painting n (work of art, picture) (œuvre) tableau nm
    peinture nf
    toile nf
  The Louvre has thousands of paintings on its walls.
  Le Musée du Louvre a des milliers de tableaux sur ses murs.
painting n uncountable (art of making paintings) (art) peinture nf
  She enjoys sculpture and painting.
  Elle adore la sculpture et la peinture.
painting n uncountable (covering [sth] with paint) (action) peindre⇒ vtr
  The painting of the dining room took five hours.
  Peindre la salle à manger a pris cinq heures.
painting n uncountable (job: decorating) (métier) peinture nf
  He does painting and decorating for a living.
  Il fait de la peinture et de la décoration pour gagner sa vie.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2022:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
paint [sth] vtr (cover with paint) (un mur,...) peindre⇒ vtr
   (Can : un mur) peinturer⇒ vtr
  He painted the wall.
  Il a peint le mur.
paint [sth] vtr (create or draw with paint) (Art : un tableau,...) peindre⇒ vtr
  She painted a picture, using oil paint.
  Elle a peint un tableau, en utilisant de la peinture à l'huile.
paint n (coloured coating) (produit) peinture nf
  We need to buy some tins of blue paint.
  Nous devons acheter quelques tubes de peinture bleue.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
Paint n abbreviation (horse breed: Paint Horse) (race de cheval) Paint horse nm
  The Paint is an American horse breed.
paint n (basketball: part of court) (Basket) raquette nf
  The player remained in the paint for longer than three seconds, so the referee signaled a violation.
paint⇒ vi (make a painting) (Art) peindre⇒ vtr
    faire de la peinture⇒ v pron
  She loves to paint.
  Elle adore peindre.
  Elle adore faire de la peinture.
paint vi (colour [sth] with paint) (une maison,...) peindre⇒ vtr
  Working on the house, he painted all day long.
  Il a passé la journée entière à peindre la maison.
paint [sth] vtr (colour with paint) peindre [qch] (en [qch]) vtr
  He painted the room blue.
  Il a peint la chambre en bleu.
paint [sth] vtr (nails: apply varnish to) (les ongles) se vernir⇒ v pron
  She spends hours painting her nails.
  Elle passe des heures à se vernir les ongles.
paint [sth] vtr figurative (describe with words) (figuré : un portrait) brosser⇒ vtr
  The book painted the picture of the ideal family.
  Le livre brossait un portrait de la famille idéale.

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2022:

Formes composées
painting | paint
Anglais Français
acrylic painting n (picture, painting style) (œuvre) acrylique, peinture acrylique, peinture à l'acrylique nf
acrylic painting n uncountable (art of painting with acrylics) (technique) acrylique, peinture à l'acrylique nf
action painting n (American painting style) (Art : style) peinture d'action, peinture gestuelle nf
body painting n (decorating skin) peinture sur corps, peinture corporelle nf
   (anglicisme) bodypainting nm
  Humans have practiced body painting for centuries.
cave painting n (picture in cave) peinture rupestre nf
  The cave paintings show various wild animals.
dazzle painting
(warships: camouflage paint) (peinture pour bateaux de guerre) camouflage disruptif nm
  The dazzle used on WW1 warships was different for every vessel.
face painting,
(decorating the face with paint) peinture sur visage nf
finger painting n (using fingers to paint) peinture au doigt nf
  Je reviens d'une exposition de peinture au doigt : curieusement, ces tableaux coûtent un bras !
fresco painting n (mural on plaster) fresque nf
  Probably the world's most famous fresco painting is Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper'.
fresco painting n (art of painting murals) fresque nf
landscape painting n (art: depicting natural scenery) (Peinture : œuvre) paysage nm
  I prefer to paint portraits as I'm not very good at landscape painting.
  Je préfère peindre des portraits car je ne suis pas très bon pour les paysages.
mural painting n (painting an image on a wall) fresque nf
  Traditional fresco mural painting requires speed because the plaster dries quickly.
  La réalisation d'une fresque traditionnelle demande une grande habileté parce que l'enduit sèche rapidement.
mural painting n (image painted on a wall) peinture murale nf
  A great example of mural painting by Rivera can be seen in a courtyard at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
  Dans une cour du Detroit Institute of Arts, on peut voir une magnifique peinture murale de Rivera.
nude painting n (painted picture of a naked figure) (Art : œuvre) nu nm
  His mother was shocked by the nude painting he did for art class.
  Sa mère a été choquée par le nu qu'il a peint dans son cours d'arts plastiques.
oil painting n (picture painted using oil paints) (tableau) peinture à l'huile nf
  The focal point of the room was a huge oil painting hung above the fireplace.
  Le point de mire de la pièce était une énorme peinture à l'huile accrochée au-dessus de la cheminée.
oil painting,
painting in oils
uncountable (art of painting with oils) (art) peinture à l'huile nf
painting and decorating n (interior decoration) travaux de finition nmpl
painting excursion n (trip or outing for artmaking purposes) excursion pour la peinture nf
painting knife n (tool for applying paint) spatule nf
    couteau à peindre nm
painting materials npl (equipment used in painting) matériel de peinture nm
  The man gathered his painting materials and went to work.
pastel painting n (artmaking with dry pastel) pastel nm
  Le pastel est une technique de dessin difficile.
pastel painting n (artwork made using dry pastel) pastel nm
  Les pastels de Quentin de La Tour sont difficilement surpassables.
portrait painting n (art: painting a likeness) portrait nm
  Velasquez was a master of portrait painting.
  Velasquez était un maître du portrait.
still-life painting n (art form) nature morte nf
  The artist specializes in still-life painting.
  L'artiste est spécialisé dans les natures mortes.
still-life painting n (artwork) nature morte nf
  Van Gogh did many still-life paintings of flowers.
  Van Gogh a peint de nombreuses natures mortes de fleurs.
wall painting n (mural) peinture murale nf
    fresque nf
  The CEO commissioned a wall painting for the reception area.
watercolor painting (US),
watercolour painting (UK)
(picture painted using watercolors) (œuvre) aquarelle nf
watercolor painting (US),
watercolour painting (UK)
uncountable (art of painting with watercolors) (technique) aquarelle nf
word painting n (poetic verbal description) description poétique nf

'painting' également trouvé dans ces entrées :

Dans la description anglaise :

Français :

a [portrait, still-life, landscape, watercolor] painting, an [oil, antique, old] painting, [Renaissance, 15th-century, surrealist] paintings, Suite...

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How do you say art in France?

How to say Art and artist in French? The French translation for an artist is “un artiste” (m), “une artiste” (f), and art is “l'art” (m) – note the t is silent [lar]. We often refer to graphic arts, the fine arts in French as “les beaux arts” [lé bo zar], or you could also say “les arts graphiques”.

What does art in French mean?

art → art, enseignement du dessin, leçon de dessin.

What is the French name of artist?

She's an artist. C'est une artiste.

What is Nata in French?

crème, la ~ (f) Noun.