How do i deactivate my messenger account

In recent years, many people have decided to deactivate or delete their Facebook accounts for various privacy reasons. What most people don't realize, however, is that when you delete or deactivate your main Facebook account, your Facebook Messenger account still exists. So if you want to be totally off Facebook, then you actually have to deactivate Facebook Messenger separately from your main Facebook account.

Here's how to deactivate Facebook Messenger:

  1. Before you'll be allowed to deactivate Facebook Messenger, Facebook makes you deactivate your main Facebook account. So, go ahead and deactivate your Facebook account before proceeding to step 2
  2. Open the Facebook Messenger App
  3. Tap on your default profile photo in the top left corner
  4. Swipe to scroll down and tap Legal and Policies
  5. Tap Deactivate Messenger
  6. Enter your Facebook password
  7. Tap Continue

That's it! Your Facebook Messenger account is now deactivated. If you ever want to reactivate your Facebook Messenger account, all you need to do is log into the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile device using the same username and password as you used before.

Since you've now deactivated Facebook Messenger, that means that your friends and contacts will no longer be able to see your account or profile within the Messenger app. Nobody will be able to send you messages either.

Related: Facebook Messenger Not Working and How to Fix It

Remember, in step 1 above, deactivating your Facebook account is not the same as deleting your Facebook account. When you deactivate your Facebook account, you can reactivate it at a later date. If you delete your Facebook account, then your Facebook profile data is gone forever, as well as your Facebook Messenger account.

Why can't I deactivate my Messenger?

The only way to deactivate Messenger is to first deactivate your Facebook account. If you don't want to go that far, you can disable your active status, or just delete the app.

What happens when I deactivate Messenger?

What Happens When You Deactivate Messenger? Now that you know how to deactivate Facebook Messenger, no one will be able to see your profile in the app or send you messages in existing conversations. Reactivating Messenger will also reactivate your main Facebook account.