How can a woman increase testosterone levels

“Since testosterone helps us feel energy, motivation and sex drive, while supporting our bones and muscles, when it decreases we often feel that we’ve lost our vitality.”

“Since all of the hormones work together, it’s incredibly helpful to look at the whole hormonal picture.”

How To Balance Testosterone In Women – Part 2: Low Testosterone

In Part 1 of my article How To Balance Testosterone In Women, I covered high testosterone, signs and symptoms and what you can do to lower testosterone and balance your hormones, naturally. In today’s article, I’m going to cover the opposite case – low testosterone in women. Remember that when it comes to hormones, we want to be like Goldilocks and have levels that are just right for us. 

In today’s article, I will cover:

  • Low testosterone in women
  • Low testosterone symptoms and root causes
  • Action steps for increasing testosterone

Let’s get into the details!

Low Testosterone And Low Testosterone Symptoms 

When we first think of low testosterone, we think low testosterone in men, but while women naturally have less of this hormone than men, low testosterone levels seriously impact how women feel (and look). As we get older, and eventually enter menopause, testosterone levels decline. Since testosterone helps us feel energetic, motivated and maintains our libido, while also supporting our bones and muscles, when it decreases we often feel that we’ve lost our vitality. 

This leads us to low testosterone symptoms and signs. Here are the common symptoms in women: 

  • Low libido
  • Loss of muscle mass and tone
  • Bone loss, osteopenia or osteoporosis
  • Fatigue
  • Dry skin 
  • Accelerated aging
  • Lack of motivation and drive

Why do women have low testosterone? In addition to age-related decline, some common root causes may be:

  • Stress
  • Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone)
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Hormonal birth control
  • Steroid medications
  • High prolactin (the hormone that induces milk production) 
  • Overuse of alcohol

Since each woman with low testosterone may have different symptoms and different root causes, testing and a personalized treatment plan from a functional medicine perspective can be incredibly supportive. If you’d like some guidance around your hormonal health, please reach out for an appointment. 

How To Increase Testosterone And Natural Testosterone Supplement Boosters

Just as with high testosterone, those with low testosterone may benefit from certain lifestyle changes and supplements. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Manage stress. This is at the top of my list for any hormone imbalance. Stress affects your brain in the same spot – the hypothalamus - that regulates hormones. Giving the HPA-axis (hypothalamus – pituitary – adrenal) some extra love will help to naturally balance testosterone.  Some tools to manage stress are letting go of those things you cannot control, saying no and taking non-negotiable time for self-care. It sure is easier to pop a pill, but you’ll get deep healing by focusing here. 
  • Increase the resistance. Lifting weightshelps to build muscle and bones density and increase testosterone production. It’s never too late to pick up a set of dumbbells or engage in your favorite resistance training: HIIT, barre, yoga and more all work! 
  • Eat fat. Testosterone and other steroid hormones (cortisol, estrogen, progesterone) are made out of cholesterol, so any time one of these is low, you might need more fat so your body can produce them. A low fat diet will lead to low hormones in many cases. To improve hormone balance, include high quality dietary sources such as coconut oil, olive oil, pasture-raised eggs, organic dairy, avocados, nuts and seeds. 
  • Try maca. Maca is a root vegetable, related to broccoli and cauliflower, which has a deep traditional history of medicinal use for energy, vitality, fertility and libido.  In modern times, is a functional medicine tool for women with low testosterone or overall low hormonal levels. It may be especially helpful during peri-menopause and menopause as a natural testosterone booster. In addition, maca is packed with hormone-supportive nutrients including minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium), B vitamins and vitamin C.  It is also considered an adaptogen and helps to regulate the body’s stress-response.  

I love these products… they are specially formulated for where you are in the pre, peri, or post menopausal cycle. 

And of course my old standby… 

Sunfood Super Foods Maca Extreme (morning smoothie add in)

  • Consider DHEA. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is the precursor to testosterone and can be taken orally or through the skin. It may be helpful in the case of low testosterone or low sex hormones in general as it also converts to estrogen. DHEA may also help to improve fertility and increase egg quality. Although it’s available over the counter, DHEA is a hormone and is best used with medical supervision. 

Other low testosterone supplements to consider are zinc, vitamin D, shatavari and more. There really are many options to achieve balance for each woman’s hormones.

Since low testosterone means low vitality, there is no time to waste in working to bring your body into balance. Since all of the hormones work together, it’s incredibly helpful to look at the whole hormonal picture. Focusing on the root cause and taking time to relax into life is going to benefit all of your hormones – cortisol, insulin, estrogen, progesterone and, yes, even testosterone.  


  1. Briden, L. (2017). Period Repair Manual. 2nd Edition. 
  2. Burger H. G. (2002). Androgen production in women. Fertility and sterility, 77 Suppl 4, S3–S5. Abstract: //

Copyright 2021 The Fork Functional Medicine. All rights reserved. Website by Wink Digital.

What can raise testosterone levels in females?

Various diseases or hormonal disorders can cause hormonal changes in women. The most common causes of high testosterone levels in women are hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia..
type 2 diabetes..
endometrial cancer..

Why is my testosterone low female?

The two main causes of low testosterone are: diminishing levels of the hormone as a normal result of menopause and aging. problems with the ovaries or the pituitary or adrenal glands.

How can I boost my testosterone naturally?

Learn how actions such as lifting weights can help you improve your testosterone levels naturally..
5 Proven Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally. ... .
Exercise and lift weights. ... .
Eat protein, fat, and carbs. ... .
Minimize stress and cortisol levels. ... .
Get some sun or take a vitamin D supplement. ... .
Consider taking supplements..


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