Help with credit card debt from the federal government

Tips and Advice to Find Government Debt Relief and Grants

Are you drowning in Debt? Not sure how to get out of debt?

Do you think that the government is the best place to turn to get out of debt? Did you know that the US government has racked up more than $28 Trillion in debt...that is serious debt. While it is true that there are some limited government debt relief programs, don’t count on the government to bail you out.

Does government debt relief exist? If so, what exactly are your options? There are some misconceptions about what the government can do to provide debt relief. In short, the federal government does have assistance programs and grants, but there is no such thing as a straight-forward debt relief program issued by the government where your debts disappear magically.

It is vital to get a grip on your debt situation. In general, any government program will aid those in hardship, although not everyone in financial hardship will qualify for a government debt relief program. It is good to keep in mind that government debt relief is not a solution for many debt problems, especially with unsecured debt, such as credit card debt. However, it is also a good idea to know your rights and what type of help is available.

To understand how the government can help you find the best debt relief solution for your personal situation, learn about:

  • Handling debt and tips from the government
  • Government debt relief for different types of debt (Student, Mortgage, Medical/Hardship)
  • Government debt relief and protection against debt collectors and lawsuits

Are you suffering from financial hardship? Don't wait for a magical Government Debt Relief Program.

Many consumers are falling behind on their credit card debt. Unfortunately, there is no magical Government Debt Relief program.

Pre-Debt Relief: Tips From the Government

While the government does not manage its budget like a household, certain principles must be maintained, including keeping a budget, balancing your budget, bringing in income, taking out affordable debt, and building equity.

Naturally, you don’t have the luxury of printing out money, issuing a bond, or managing interest and inflation. However, if a government does not handle its finances prudently, it will find itself in a state of insolvency.

Here are some valuable tips for managing debt:

  1. Keep a budget: If you need help setting or managing a budget, check out Budget Guide.
  2. Balance Your Budget: If your income isn’t covering your expenses, you can try to cut your costs or increase your income by taking an extra job or working extra hours.
  3. Choose Debt Wisely: If your income isn’t sufficient to manage your expenses, then a loan can be a way to bridge the gap. Try to focus on healthy debt that builds your net worth, such as mortgages and student loans, just as the government takes out loans to build infrastructure or long-term national projects.

If you plan your finances, monitor your budget, take out healthy debt, build up emergency savings, and then you can avoid getting into debt trouble. Even if you suffer from financial hardship and racked-up debt, good financial habits will always come in handy.

Government Debt Relief for Different Types of Debt

There are specific government programs to help consumers in debt. Since mortgages and student loans are two of the biggest household debts, it is no wonder that the government has intervened to help in times of crisis.

Government Debt Relief for Mortgages

One of the most popular debt relief programs for mortgages was the Making Home Affordable program. This included various foreclosure alternatives, including:

HARP Mortgage - The HARP mortgage allowed underwater borrowers who lost equity in the Great Recession to refinance into lower interest rates and affordable payments. The HARP program helped over 3.4 million borrowers. The HARP program expired at the end of 2018. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac replaced HARP with special high loan to value refinance programs.

HAMP Modification - The HAMP modification expired but set the way for lenders to renegotiate government-backed loans into affordable payments. With the end of the program, lenders are expected to pick up the slack and offer their own modification programs.

Government Debt Relief for Student Loans

The largest consumer non-housing debt in America is student loans. As of Q4 2020, student loan debt surpassed $1.55 billion. Student loan balance increased sevenfold between 2003 and 2020 and comprises more than 37% of all non-housing debt.

Student loans can be a heavy financial burden, making it more difficult to save money, build up a down payment for a home, or make ends meet. Currently, most student loans today are federal student loans, which are often eligible for various government student debt relief programs. If you are struggling with your federal student loans, then you should consult your loan servicer. Also, refer to the excellent student aid government website: //

If you are having short-term problems, then consider a deferment or forbearance plan. However, if you are struggling with payments, consider loan consolidation, loan extension, income-driven Plan, or an income-sensitive Plan. There also exist certain loan forgiveness plans.

Government Debt Relief for Medical and Hardship Situations

While there is no universal program to help with personal debt, some local programs help people in financial hardships. One of the main sources of financial hardship is due to illness and medical bills. Not only do people lose income, but medical debt can be costly. Left with no recourse, many people use up their savings and even run up credit card debt to pay their medical bills and get medical care.

The government has a website to help with medical and other bills. You can learn about state and federal health insurance programs that may help pay for bills or payment options. Here are some other areas that the government can offer relief: Paying for Telephone Service, Home Energy Bill, Medical Bills, Prescription Drug Costs, and Welfare or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

The government also provides information and programs about medical debt on their Medlinplus site. As the saying goes: "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." While much of the information does not help with past debt, it may be possible to avoid some of the medical debt by arming yourself with knowledge.

Talk to Your Creditor

Anyone with secured debt (mortgages and auto loans) should speak to their creditor as soon as they have a problem. Try to work out a plan that allows you to make your payments on time.

Government Protection Against Debt and Debt Collectors

One of the biggest government debt relief programs is the legal protections that it offers. This includes the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which limits the actions of debt collectors. If you are behind in payments, then the last thing you want to face is harassment from a debt collector. The FDCPA prohibits debt collectors from very specific behavior including the use of abusive or threatening language, and threats of arrest.

Another area that the government offers debt relief is through collection laws and statute of limitations. These offer you protection in the case of a lawsuit and a potential judgment. These laws are both state specific and relate to the type of debt and assets.;

One final area that the government offers debt relief is through a court approved bankruptcy, either a Chapter 7 liquidation, or a Chapter 13 court payment plan. Bankruptcy is generally considered a last-resort solution and not many people can qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or complete a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Good News: Alternatives to Government Debt Relief Options

The good news for many people in debt is that there are a number of debt relief options that don’t include the government. There are solutions for people in good financial shape and for those in a financial hardship and struggling with credit card debt.

Anyone with a good financial situation and good credit should look at their budget, assets, and credit. Perhaps paying off debt more aggressively or taking out a debt consolidation loan will solve your problems.

However, if you are struggling to make your minimum payments, and want to focus on paying off your debt and not your credit, then consider a debt settlement program. Fortunately, the industry is regulated by the government, so you never have to make any upfront payments. Private industry, with firms such as sister company Freedom Debt Relief, now offer you debt relief in cases where the government cannot help.

Need Help Finding a Non-Government Debt Relief Tactic?

Is Government help not enough? With just a few questions and a soft pull on your credit, you can get a free personalized solution to help you get debt-free.

Does the federal government have a debt relief program?

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program forgives the remaining balance on your federal student loans after 120 payments working full time for federal, state, Tribal, or local government; the military; or a qualifying non-profit.

Who qualifies for credit card debt relief?

As noted above, to qualify for a debt relief program, you must be able to make a monthly payment into a settlement fund, which will be used to settle with your creditors. For many consumers, this monthly payment will be lower than the total monthly payments on their credit cards.

Can you be forgiven for credit card debt?

Credit cards are another example of a type of debt that generally doesn't have forgiveness options. Credit card debt forgiveness is unlikely as credit card issuers tend to expect you to repay the money you borrow, and if you don't repay that money, your debt can end up in collections.

How do I get out of credit card debt without paying?

No, you really can't get rid of credit card debt without paying. Filing bankruptcy for credit card debt will indeed lets you escape credit card debt. But if you're asking, “How can I get rid of credit card debt without paying anything to anybody?” the answer is still: You can't!


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