Heavens gates hells flames 2022 schedule

Heavens gates hells flames 2022 schedule


An Easter presentation you will never forget! April 4th-6th @ 7:00pm

Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames @ Red Banks Baptist Church

APRIL 4th-6th @ 7:00pm

The life changing theatrical drama “Heaven’s Gates and Hell’s Flames” will be at Red Banks Baptist Church beginning Easter Sunday night thru April 6th..

The cast is made up of local people who are trained over three days. People with no acting experience are taught to dramatise the reality of what happens immediately after a person dies.

Using elaborate lighting, sound, costumes and backdrops, “Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames” is a high-impact and compelling presentation of the reality of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection, heaven, hell and a person’s choice in determining where they will spend eternity.

The presentation will be held for three nights beginning at 7pm on Sunday, April 4th, at Red Banks Baptist Church, located at 15 North Red Banks Road Red Banks, Mississippi 38661.

Encore performances are scheduled for 7.00pm at the same location on April 5th and 6th. Admission is free. Childcare is provided.

Heavens gates hells flames 2022 schedule
Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames

A live drama presentation you will never forget.

FireLake Arena

October 30, 31 & November 1  /  7:00 p.m.

If you would like promotional fliers, free tickets, or would like to be a part of this amazing production please call the PLBA office at 405-273-4558. 



Promo Video


Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames is a powerful, dramatic, live presentation of the Gospel message combining ageless Gospel truth with modern multimedia effects and incredible stage set.

Reality Outreach Ministries present this powerful drama throughout the world, this is the official UK ministry site.

We would love to work with your church to reach your community for Christ. Please see more below or check out our hosting page to see what's involved. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Heavens gates hells flames 2022 schedule

reaching the lost through live drama


Hosting a mission with the drama Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames is a unique partnership between your church fellowship and the Reality Ministries team.

Our team is equipped and experienced to help you get the most out of your mission. Good planning, a committed team of volunteers and a lot of prayer are the keys to a successful mission.

Heavens gates hells flames 2022 schedule


Heavens gates hells flames 2022 schedule

We ask you to provide 35 to 40 people to be the actors and we train them over two days to present a powerful Gospel message. We bring modern HiTech sound, lighting and multimedia equipment to elevate your production to a professional level.

We spend five days with your church. The first two we train the cast to play their parts and then three nights of presentations. For more detail and a typical schedule please click below.


What do people say?

My whole family got saved tonight...