Free online bachelor degree courses with certificates

School of Business and Trade offers a self-study, quality, online, tuition-free education. Programmes are flexible and can be started at any time. Instead of the traditional way of studying for several years, study at your own pace and save time and money.

Free online programmes, learning resources, and online assessments are what make our programmes so unique and interesting.

Popular Programmes

The Master of Arts in Social Sciences is a 60 credits programme that develops your skills in Read more

The Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences is a 180 credits programme that will help you to Read more

The Associate of Arts in Social Sciences is a 90 credits programme intended to develop a good Read more

The Master of Science in Business Studies is a 60 credits programme that develops core management skills. Read more

The Bachelor of Science in Business Studies is a 180 credits programme that focuses completely on business Read more

The Associate of Science in Business Studies is a 90 credits programme intended to prepare students with Read more

What Our Graduates Say

The programme is rigorous and very demanding.

Courses are very rich in content, providing a wealth of knowledge and practical skills in the fields of business, leadership, and management. One can only pass the online exams by working very hard. SoBaT provides me flexible study opportunity which suits my Work schedules, family life and is very affordable. Without this free study opportunity, it would be difficult for me to come this far.

Tuition-free education on a 24/7 basis

Thank you SoBaT for providing me with the opportunity to develop core management skills through an online self-paced Master of Science in Business Studies programme. E-Learning through OpenCourseWare was really a wonderful experience. SoBaT is doing an excellent job by providing online tuition-free education on a 24/7 basis.

Flexibility allocated in course components

I was a returning student who hadn’t been in a classroom setting for many years and this was critical to my comfort level and success. Going through the course content level, I found it interesting and got engulfed in the contents. I appeared for the master's course, most of the subjects are linked. The exams were not that easy too to pass.

Please continue offering this excellent opportunity

I can honestly state that the SoBaT's MSc is a demanding program that will test one’s knowledge and resolve. I rate it among the top similar programs offered by reputable business schools globally which charges exorbitant fees for the same quality education. SoBaT satisfies a great need for quality and affordable education globally.

Very robust and challenging programme in every aspect

I am glad that we have institutions like SoBaT that are making it accessible to many. I completed SoBaT's Master of Science In Business Studies and can attest that it is more challenging than other MOOC courses out there. In some instances, the SoBaT curriculum had more detailed information than other reputable business schools.

Study and write exams at your own convenience

I have just finished their master's programme and one of the things I like is that the material is excellent and very rich, could outdo a good number of expensive universities/institutions where they charge several fees at exorbitant rates. In addition, online exams are very challenging and will bring the best out of someone.

Great thought-provoking learning experience

SoBaT is outstandingly up-to-date. Each module receives careful and comprehensive treatment and consideration through its emerging online technology to provide free education to students all over the world. Some courses can be challenging, however, it gives a well-rounded but in-depth understanding and testing of each subject.

I wanted to take my education to the next level

Many thanks to the School of Business and Trade for meeting my educational needs through their free online bachelor and master’s degree program offered to candidates like me. I just completed my Bachelor of Science in Business Studies, and my dream is to go on to their offered MSc. Program. I hope this endeavor continues to grow and benefit others like me who desire to fulfill their dreams.

I was looking for an affordable master degree.

One day, I discovered a free online master's degree offered by SoBaT, and I decided to give it a try. Finally, I have successfully graduated with a Master of Science in Business Studies. I hope SoBaT can continue to provide free and quality online education to everyone.

What is the easiest bachelor's degree to get online?

Easiest Majors and Degrees to Get Online.
Business. Online business degrees prepare learners for diverse careers. ... .
Liberal Arts. Liberal arts programs hone critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills. ... .
Education. ... .
English. ... .
Nursing. ... .
Criminal Justice. ... .
Psychology. ... .
Agriculture Science..

Is Harvard offering free online courses with certificates?

Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Harvard University courses found below can be audited free or students can choose to receive a verified certificate for a small fee. Select a course to learn more.

Does free online college exist?

While some institutions run specifically as tuition free online colleges, most schools provide free tuition through financial aid programs. These schools offer tuition reductions or benefits for specific types of applicants, like low-income or military students.

What courses are available free online?

Free Online Courses.
Fundamental Marketing: Inbound Marketing Certification by HubSpot Academy..
Content Marketing: Content Marketing Certification by HubSpot Academy..
Social Media Marketing: Social Media Marketing Course by HubSpot Academy..
Email Marketing: Cold Email Masterclass by Mailshake..


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