Frankenweenie corpse bride nightmare before christmas theory reddit

    Have you ever see those crazy conspiracy theories? There is many for The Nightmare Before Christmas as well.

        Conspiracy Theory 1 by Channel Frederator on YouTube: 

    Tim Burton's stop motion pictures Vincent, Frankenweenie (2012), The Nightmare Before Christmas And the Corpse Bride are in the same universe. All about a boy and his dog. Starting with the movie Vincent, a disturbed child named Vincent wanted to turn their dog abercrombie into a zombie, resulting in the dog being given away. Next in Frankenweenie (2012), abercombie is then adopted by a boy named victor who renamed him sparky. The boy's dog ended up dying in the end, so they buried him in a pet cemetery. Sparky then becomes a spirt in an after life world called halloween town. He is then adopted by Jack Skellington who re-named him Zero. Victor's parents eventually get him a new dog to get over sparky and victor names the dog scraps. Scrap dies and Victor losses it runs away and is eventually adopted by the Vandorins. This all leads to the Corpse Brides where we see scarps return as a skeleton. If you notice all three dogs in Vincent, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Frankenweenie are similar in size, have the same nose shape and size. 

        Conspiracy Theory 2 by Footofaferret on Youtube:    

    Tim Burton's stop motion pictures Frankenweenie, The Corpse Bride, and The Nightmare Before Christmas is all one giant move. Starting of with frankenweenie a young boy who loves his dog. this dog gets hit by a car and he brings the dog back. Next in the Corpse Bride when victor accidentally marries a walking corpse bride he sees his old dog in the underworld. Then The Nightmare Before Christmas has the dead version of victor and his best friend is ghost dog. 

They're many reason why not all conspiracy theories are not completely true.

Frankenweenie corpse bride nightmare before christmas theory reddit

Far fetched I know, but listen or read I don't know. So the theory starts with Victor Frankenstein attempting to bring Sparky alive but when using the lightning he zaps himself in to a coma, Franken Winnie is just a coma, sorry it starts weak but we will proceed. Corpse Bride is Victor's purgatory, the Corpse bride is his guardian angel, marrying Victoria is him accepting death, at the end where he has to fight to the death, Victor being his acceptance & Bittern is his will to fight, if he marries Victoria he dies, if he doesn't wed the cycle restarts, obviously after fightning him so many times he kind of gotten used to it, he finally wins after so many attempts, & he dies. Corpse Bride is Purgatory so it taking place in the 1800's does matter. I assume Frankenweenie takes place in 1984 since the original took place in 1984 , so Victor must have died in the 1990s since he is in his teens & he's in his 20s in Corpse Brides. So The Nightmare Christmas must take place in the either the early 2000s or late 90s since Jack's been mayor for a while so he must have lived in Halloween town for enough time to become The Pumpkin King, he renaming his self Jack Skellington is how he reinvents his self to become scarier. If there are any gaps open let me know & I'll be happy explain myself, also I am not the first to make this theory this is just my spin on it, thank you.

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Frankenweenie corpse bride nightmare before christmas theory reddit

Frankenweenie corpse bride nightmare before christmas theory reddit

level 1

I want to believe, but iirc he's said in multiple interviews that none of his films are in the same universe:(

level 2

I want to believeI want to believe I want to believe I want to believe

Head Canon Established.

level 1

Yeah, because everyone knows Burton would never use similar aesthetics between films, guy's got such a varied style

oh wait

level 2

Seriously! Dudes' work is brutally derivative. Of his own work. It's like self-plagiarism.

level 2

Everybody wants a director to have a coherent visual style, until they do, and then they want two.

It's not enough that he makes Tim Burton movies, he must also make movies that are not Tim Burton movies.

level 2

Johnny Depp is: pale and quirky! By Tim Burton. Co-starting Helena Bonham Carter. With music by Danny Elfman.

level 2

Haha I remember a review of that one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter that said "Oh look, Tim Burtons made his film again."

level 1

This ties "Corpse Bride" and "The Nightmare before Christmas" very nicely!

level 2

No it doesn't ones a ghost and ones a skeleton. Both dead at the same time. I think it's generally accepted you would get one or the other

level 1

except Tim Burton didn't actually have anything to do with making the nightmare before christmas movie. it was based on his story but the film adaptation was directed and adapted by different people.

level 2

To be fair, Burton also did all the initial character design for Nightmare - not saying I agree with this theory, because I don't, just pointing out that Burton's involvement was deeper than simply writing a story.

level 2

You're right and wrong. It was his original story and he produced/co-wrote it and wanted to direct but was tied down with Batman Returns and he didn't want to deal with the slow motion. Henry Selick said that Tim Burton laid the egg and that he (Selick) hatched it.

level 2

He had a tremendous amount to do with it, and what's more, a lot of the people who we associate with Tim Burton worked extensively on it, like Danny Elfman.

Don't let the credits of a film sway you too much.

level 1

This has been posted so many times

level 2

As good a place as any to repost my reply

level 2

I also thought this was implied. It's not very hard of a connection to make.

level 2

I fucking love that show.

While the main characters of The Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie share the same first name, they don't share their last ones. Victor Frankenstein isn't the same person as Victor van Dort.

Is The Nightmare Before Christmas the same as Corpse Bride?

Centering around Victor's journey to understand love, Corpse Bride does not have the same infamous variety of characters offered by The Nightmare Before Christmas. That is not to say Corpse Bride doesn't have a supporting cast, because it does. The difference is that Corpse Bride contains more fleshed-out characters.

Is Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas The Corpse Bride?

Sally's Corpse Bride counterparts are Emily the Corpse Bride and Victoria Everglot from Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride". Sally makes an appearance in "Grim Tales From Down Below." Sally, and her creator, Dr. Finklestein, seem to be based off the tale "Frankenstein", as Dr.

In what order should I watch Frankenweenie?

People have arguments for all of them, and many of those arguments make a lot of sense. My personal favorite, though, is the one that threads Vincent, Frankenweenie, Corpse Bride, and The Nightmare Before Christmas together, in that order, and thus, that's the order I watched them in.