First alert carbon monoxide detector went off then stopped

It can be scary when an alarm suddenly sounds to alert you that a harmful gas is leaking through your home, especially if your carbon monoxide detector is going off. That insistent beep can be, well, alarming. It's normal to be concerned (after you figure out which detector is sounding), but there's enough time to act without panic. Your detection device chirping means you have the opportunity to take immediate steps to determine or correct the problem. So, what exactly do you do when your carbon monoxide alarm goes off?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is widely known as the "silent killer" among fire safety professionals, Vito Maggiolo, public information officer for DC Fire and EMS Department in Washington, D.C., tells Romper. That's because the gas is odorless, tasteless, colorless, and doesn't cause irritation. However, as the Mayo Clinic reported, CO is deadly to people even if they inhale small amounts of it. So it's important that you don't ignore the insistent sounds, because "the purpose of the alarm is to alert you to potential dangers or exposure to carbon monoxide," Maggiolo says. You'll know it's your carbon monoxide detector going off because, unlike the familiar, ear-splitting shriek of a smoke alarm, detectors for CO emit squeaks, chirps, or beeps, as the website for ADT explained (often in a series of four beeps every four seconds).

The first action you want to take is to get yourself and your family outdoors into the fresh air, per the Energy Resource Center, a Colorado-based energy efficiency nonprofit. You can reset the alarm if you want to stop the beeping. Then, Maggiolo tells Romper, residents should dial 911 and await emergency responders. If for any reason you're unable to leave your home, open up all the windows and doors to ventilate the space and help dilute the CO.

Residents should tell the dispatcher on the phone that they believe the carbon monoxide alarm is sounding. "We dispatch units that are equipped with monitoring or detection devices. [On arrival], we'll go into your home and confirm or deny the level of carbon monoxide that may be there," Maggiolo explains.

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Because CO is the result of "incomplete combustion," he says, it means emergency responders will begin looking for the source of it leaking into your home. That could be a gas-powered appliance, like a stove, a furnace, or a water-heater. Motor vehicles also produce carbon monoxide. Maggiolo tells Romper that responders will then turn off the appliance once they discover the source of the problem, ventilate the home to remove the gas with high-powered fans, replace the fresh air, and re-seal the area before running a test to make sure they've found the only emission of CO.

"Once [carbon monoxide readings] are back to normal," he explains, "the home is safe to re-occupy."

Even though the "silent killer" is virtually undetectable by human senses, Healthline reported that the gas does cause symptoms including a headache, nausea, vomiting. If you are worried that you or someone in your household has CO poisoning, head to the nearest emergency room.

But residents should know that even once emergency responders have cleared the home of CO, there's still more work to be done. "Before the [resident] turns back on the [gas-leaking appliance], they would need to bring in a qualified, licensed repairman to fix what the problem was," Maggiolo says. If not, they risk a recurrence of the incident when they turn the device back on.

Although your alarm going off might cause you some inconvenience, it's important to take the potential for a CO leak in your home seriously, every single time. False alarms do occur for various reasons, as KTVI reported. Besides the general annoyance, USA Today also reported that false alarms from carbon monoxide detectors can be dangerous because they may dull your response to emergency. You should replace dead batteries in your alarms when you hear that tell-tale signal to change them. And if you can't trust your carbon monoxide detector to literally save your life, it's time to buy a new one.

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HVAC Education, Indoor Air Quality, Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Your Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off: Then What?

First alert carbon monoxide detector went off then stopped

What is Carbon Monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, stoves, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, furnaces, and more. It is extremely harmful to people and animals who breathe it because it prevents your blood from carrying oxygen to your cells. Increased levels within an enclosed area can lead to poisoning or death, so having a carbon monoxide detector installed in your home can help save your life. If it sounds, you’ll know to evacuate your home immediately and call for help.

What Should I Do If My Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off?

  1. Do not ignore the alarm. Assume it is working properly and there are unsafe levels of carbon monoxide in your home.
  2. All people and pets should quickly evacuate the home and find fresh air.
  3. Call 911 immediately and report that the alarm has gone off.
  4. Do not assume it is safe to reenter the home when the alarm stops. When you open windows and doors, it helps diminish the amount of carbon monoxide in the air, but the source may still be producing the gas. The levels can build up again once you go back inside and close the windows.
  5. Have the emergency responders check for the source of carbon monoxide and determine if it is safe for you to return to your home.

What Are the Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Exposure?

Some symptoms could include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Light-headedness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sleepiness
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Increased heart rate
  • Tightening in the chest
  • Confusion and disorientation

Put Carrier Comfort in Your Home

First alert carbon monoxide detector went off then stopped

HVAC Education, Carbon Monoxide Detectors

What Are Carbon Monoxide Detectors, and How Do They Work?

First alert carbon monoxide detector went off then stopped

HVAC Education, Indoor Air Quality, Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Common Causes of Carbon Monoxide in Homes

First alert carbon monoxide detector went off then stopped

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Breathe Easier with Better Indoor Air Quality

Why would a carbon monoxide detector go off and then stop?

Your carbon monoxide alarm is going off for one of the following reasons: It is doing its job properly and detects CO pollution in the air. It is a false alarm caused by other household items. The detector is malfunctioning or the batteries need changing.

What to do if carbon monoxide alarm goes off but then stops?

What Should I Do If My Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off?.
Do not ignore the alarm. ... .
All people and pets should quickly evacuate the home and find fresh air..
Call 911 immediately and report that the alarm has gone off..
Do not assume it is safe to reenter the home when the alarm stops..

Can a carbon monoxide detector go off falsely?

Smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors can false alarm for several reasons. False or nuisance alarms are when your smoke detector or CO alarm goes off, but there is no presence of smoke or carbon monoxide in your home.

Why do carbon monoxide alarms go off at night?

In conclusion, low battery levels and outdated detectors are the main reasons for midnight beeping of detectors. Low temperature on the other hand, only increases the chance of this happening. For this reason, replacing the battery or old detectors will help in preventing this from occurring.