Find the exact value of each trigonometric function calculator

This is a very powerful Scientific Calculator
You can use it like a normal calculator, or you can type formulas like (3+7^2)*2
It has many functions you can type in (see below)



  • Type in 12+2*3 (=18)
  • Select "deg", type in cos(45) (=0.7071067811865476)
  • Type in 2/sqrt(2) (=1.414213562373095)

Function Reference

A function will return NaN (Not a Number) when you give it invalid entries, such as sqrt(−1)


  +Addition operator
  -Subtraction operator
  *Multiplication operator
  /Division operator
  ^Power/Exponent/Index operator


  sqrtSquare Root of a value or expression.
  sinsine of a value or expression
  coscosine of a value or expression
  tantangent of a value or expression
  asininverse sine (arcsine) of a value or expression
  acosinverse cosine (arccos) of a value or expression
  ataninverse tangent (arctangent) of a value or expression
  sinhHyperbolic inverse sine (arcsine) of a value or expression
  coshHyperbolic inverse cosine (arccos) of a value or expression
  tanhHyperbolic inverse tangent (arctangent) of a value or expression
  exp e (the Euler Constant) raised to the power of a value or expression
  lnThe natural logarithm of a value or expression
  logThe base−10 logarithm of a value or expression
  absAbsolute value (distance from zero) of a value or expression
  degconvert radians to degrees
  radconvert degrees to radians
  sign−1 for values less than 0, otherwise 1
  roundround to nearest integer
  floorReturns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is not greater than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
  ceilReturns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) value that is not less than the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
  factfactorial function


  piThe constant π (3.141592654...)
  eEuler's Number (2.71828...), the base for the natural logarithm

Note: for more digits of accuracy but less functions try the Full Precision Calculator.

Trigonometric functions

[1-3] /3 Disp-Num

Find the exact value of each trigonometric function calculator
Find the exact value of each trigonometric function calculator

[1]  2014/10/11 19:55   50 years old level / Others / Very /

Purpose of useChecking error reports regarding the classic HP-35 calculator

[2]  2013/07/11 16:21   60 years old level or over / Self-employed people / Very /

Purpose of useEstimating Areas

[3]  2009/09/11 08:20   Under 20 / A university student / Very /

Comment/Requestsimpler user interface

Find the exact value of each trigonometric function calculator
Find the exact value of each trigonometric function calculator

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Find the exact value of each trigonometric function calculator

To improve this 'Trigonometric functions Calculator', please fill in questionnaire.

Method and examples

1. Simplifying trigonometric equations, proving identities

  1. `sin^2(30)*cos^2(60)`
  2. `sin(30)*cos(60)+sin(30)*cos(60)`
  3. `sin(30)*csc(30)-sin(60)*csc(60)`
  4. `2sin^2(30)*3cos^2(60)`
  5. `(2tan(60))/(1+tan^2(60))`
  6. `(3sec(60)+2tan(45)+csc(30))/(sin^2(60)+cot^2(45))`
  7. `(3sec(60)+2tan(45)+csc(30))(sin^2(60)+cot^2(45))`
  8. `sin(30)*cos(45)*tan(60)=sin(45)*cos(60)*cot(30)`
  9. `tan(45)*sec(72)*sin(58)=cos(32)*csc(18)`
  10. `sin^2(34)-cot^2(46)-cos^2(56)+tan^2(44)=sec^2(62)-csc^2(28)`
  11. `sin(30)*cos(45)*tan(60)=sin(45)*cos(60)*cot(30)`
  12. `tan(45)*sec(72)*sin(58)=cos(32)*csc(18)`
  13. `sin^2(34)-cot^2(46)-cos^2(56)+tan^2(44)=sec^2(62)-csc^2(28)`
  14. `sin^2(50)+sin^2(40)=1`
  15. `sin(35)*sec(55)-cos(55)*csc(35)=tan(25)-cot(65)`
  16. `2sin(30)+2tan(45)-3cos(60)-2cos^2(30)=0`
  17. `2sec^2(x)-2`
  18. `sin(x)sec(x)`
  19. `sin(x)cot(x)`
  20. `cot(x)sin(x)`
  21. `tan(x)+cot(x)`
  22. `cos(x)+cot(x)`
  23. `tan(x)sin(x)+cos(x)`
  24. `cot^4(x)+cot^2(x)`
  25. `cos^2(x)csc^2(x)-cos^2(x)`
  26. `tan^2(x)-sin^2(x)`
  27. `(csc(x)-sin(x))(sec(x)-cos(x))`
  28. `(tan(x)+cot(x))(sec(x)-cos(x))(csc(x)-sin(x))`
  29. `1+1/tan^2(x)`
  30. `csc(x)/cos(x)-cos(x)/sin(x)`
  31. `sec(x)/2(tan(x)+cot(x))`
  32. `sec(x)/(2(tan(x)+cot(x)))`
  33. `(tan^2(x)-cot^2(x))/(sin^2(x)-cos^2(x))`
  34. `(tan^2(x)+cot^2(x))/(tan^2(x)-cot^2(x))`
  35. `(tan^2(x)-cot^2(x))/(tan^2(x)+cot^2(x))`
  36. `(3sin(x)+5cos(x))^2+(3cos(x)-5sin(x))^2`
  37. `(1+cos(x))/sin(x)+sin(x)/(1+cos(x))`
  38. `sin^2(x)cos(x)+sin^3(x)+cos^2(x)sin(x)+cos^3(x)`
  39. `(sin^4(x)-cos^4(x))/(sin^2(x)-cos^2(x))`
  40. `5cos^2(x)+2sin^2(x)`
  41. `2cos^2(x)+sin^2(x)`
  42. `(sin^4(x)+cos^4(x))`

2. Find the value of all the other five trigonometric functions or solve expression
If = in then
1. Find the value of all the other five trigonometric functions
sin(x) cos(x) tan(x)
csc(x) sec(x) cot(x)
2. Solve expression

  1. If `sin(x)=5/13` then find other trigonometry
  2. If `cos(x)=12/13` then find other trigonometry
  3. If `tan(x)=5/12` then find other trigonometry
  4. If `csc(x)=13/5` then find other trigonometry
  5. If `sec(x)=13/12` then find other trigonometry
  6. If `cot(x)=12/5` then find other trigonometry

  1. If `sin(x)=3/5` then solve `cos(x)csc(x)+tan(x)sec(x)`
  2. If `tan(x)=1/2` then solve `(1-tan^2(x))/(1+tan^2(x))+(2tan(x))/(1+tan^2(x))`
  3. If `sin(x)=4/5` then solve `(1-sin(x))/cos(x)+cos(x)/(1-sin(x))`
  4. If `cos(x)=3/5` then solve `(1-sin(x))/cos(x)+cos(x)/(1-sin(x))`

3. For P(3,4), find the value of all six trigonometric functions
P ( , )

  1. `(3,4)`
  2. `(15,8)`
  3. `(-8,6)`
  4. `(7,-24)`

SolutionHelpInput functions


What are the 6 trigonometric functions calculator?

Underneath the calculator, six most popular trig functions will appear - three basic ones: sine, cosine and tangent, and their reciprocals: cosecant, secant and cotangent.