Email thank you after interview subject line

Imagine this… You went on an interview last week, didn’t hear back, and just sent a follow up email. You check your inbox the next day and your stomach sinks- no new messages. Still nothing.

The reality is the follow up email subject line you choose is important, and the email is too. You want an answer but you can’t send something too aggressive because it will ruin your chances of hearing back. So it takes a bit of experience to do it the right way.

So I’m going to show you the best follow up email subject lines for your job search. Here’s what you’re about to get:

  • The 7 best follow up subject lines after a job application
  • The 8 best follow up subject lines after an interview
  • 4 full follow up email templates to use once you pick your winning subject line. The subject line you choose is important, but what you write in the body of the email matters just as much. So use these templates to make sure you’re sending the right message to get a response!)

The #1 Best Follow Up Email Subject Line (Try This First)

If you’re following up with somebody that has already emailed you, it’s usually best to keep the subject line the same.

Example: Maybe you got an email telling you they’re working on scheduling your interview. Something like “We are still finalizing the schedule”.

Just reply to that email and keep the same subject line they used, with a “RE:”. So your email subject line for following up would look like this: “RE: We are still finalizing the schedule”.

Why is this an effective subject line for following up? They’ll recognize it right away so it will get opened fast. It has no chance of being mistaken for spam, etc.

You don’t always have an existing email to reply to, so sometimes you’ll have to write your own email subject line. So let’s look at what you can send.

15 Follow Up Email Subject Lines for Job Seekers:

Here are 15 great subject lines to choose from when following up:

7 Subject Lines to Follow Up After a Job Application

  • “Following up on my application”
  • “Regarding my application…”
  • “Are there any updates on my application?”
  • “Do you need anything else from me?”
  • “Checking for updates:application”
  • “Any update on theposition?”
  • “Note regarding the job opening”

8 Follow Up Email Subject Lines After an Interview

The follow-up email you send here will vary depending on if you just finished your interview and are mostly sending an email to say “thanks”, or whether it’s been a while (3-4 days+) and you need to send a follow up email for feedback. So I’ll cover both situations…

Follow up email subjects for immediately after interview:

  • “Thanks for your time”
  • “Thanks for your time” (e.g. “today”, “yesterday”, “Friday”, etc.)
  • “Great talking with you”
  • “Great talking with you”  (e.g. “today”, “yesterday”, “Friday”, etc.)
  • “Really enjoyed our conversation” (e.g. “today”, “yesterday”, “Friday”, etc.)
  • “Great speaking with you!”

Follow up email subject lines if you’ve gotten no response 4-5 days after interviewing:

  • “Any update regarding theposition?”
  • “Following up regarding theposition”

More Tips for Following Up (IMPORTANT)

The more specific you can get in your follow up email subject lines, the better. So try adding details.

You can mention the exact job title or something specific you discussed in the interview, like a question they asked you, or a topic they shared information about.

You can include other details too, it depends on the situation and the person you’re following up with. Don’t make your subject line too long, but a bit of information is good and it’s okay if it’s around 8 words long.

New: 4 Follow-Up Email Templates You Can Copy

So you have your best follow up email subject lines picked out. What should you put in the email?

It’s best to keep it short and to the point usually. You want a response or an update, so make it clear. Here are a few templates and examples you can use:

Template for a Follow Up Email After a Job Application

“Hi ____,

I’m following up on my application for the _____ position. I’m excited to learn more about the opportunity because I thought it’d be a great fit based on my experience with _____. Any update on your end when you get a chance would be really appreciated!”

For the last blank space, pick a skill or piece of experience that fits what the job requires. Something you learned from your past work, education, or training.

If you do this, you’re going to set yourself apart from the other applicants. You’re reminding them of a specific reason why you applied and why you’d be a good fit.

This is very important to do in your interview answers too, so make sure you’re always focusing on this in your interviews AND follow ups.

A lot of job seekers just blast their resume all over the place, including for jobs they’re not a good fit for. So by stating why you thought it made sense to apply, you’re going to grab the company’s curiosity and they’re more likely to want to learn more about your background!

Template for a “Thank You” Email After an Interview

“Hi ____,

I wanted to take a second to thank you for your time earlier today. I enjoyed our conversation about ____ (specific topic), and the position sounds like an exciting opportunity. I’m looking forward to hearing any updates you can share, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns whatsoever.”

It’s best to pick a specific topic you discussed with the person for your email, instead of just saying you enjoyed talking about the overall job.

It’ll remind them of the conversation you had and show you were paying attention. And if you interviewed with multiple people in the company, they might compare emails. So send something slightly different to each person.

Maybe one person told you a lot about the team structure and the daily work. So in your follow up email you could write:

“I enjoyed our conversation about the day to day work and operations of the group, and the position sounds like an exciting opportunity.”

Maybe a second person told you more about the training and how you’d get started there. Your follow up email to that person might include this:

“I enjoyed our conversation about the training and the process of how I’d get ramped-up in this position, and it sounds like an exciting opportunity.”

In most interviews, you’ll talk about a lot of topics with each person you speak to. Don’t get overwhelmed when following up. Just pick one and mention it. Something that stood out or seemed interesting that they’d remember discussing with you.

And choose something related to the other person’s area of focus. If you interviewed with the Training Manager, you want to stroke their ego by writing about something training-related.

Template for a Follow Up Email After an Interview

Let’s say you interviewed, sent a “Thank You” email (or forgot to) and now you haven’t heard back in a few days or a week. What should you send?

Here are two good options:

“Hello ____,

I wanted to follow up in regard to the ____ position that we discussed on ____ (day). I’m excited about what I learned and wanted to check if there have been any updates on your end. Thanks for keeping me in the loop!”


“Hi ____,

I wanted to check in and see whether a decision had been made regarding the ____ position. I’m excited to hear feedback based on everything I learned in the interview. Let me know the latest when you have a chance. Thanks!”

You can read here for more tips on how (and when) to send a follow up after the interview.

Remember to be direct and brief, stay polite, and be clear about what you’re asking for in your emails, so there’s no confusion. Your subject line matters a lot but that’s only half the battle, so put time into the body of your emails too.

What is the subject for thank you email after interview?

Thank-You Email Subject Line Examples Include the phrase “thank you” and either your name or the title of the job you interviewed for (or both). Some examples of subject lines include: Thank You—First Name Last Name. Thank You—Job Title.

Should I send an email after an interview subject line?

Interview follow-up subject line In the subject line, remember to include the job title you interviewed for. Here are some sample interview follow-up subject lines: “Following up regarding the [job title] position”. You could also reply to the latest email between you and the hiring manager.

Is thank you a good subject line?

Say Thank You While not always the case, a good thank you message can improve your chances of making it to the next step. Some hiring managers specifically look out for those emails, so having the words “thank you” or another variation of the appreciation phrase in the subject line could be quite helpful.

What do you put in the subject line of an email?

Be clear and specific about the topic of the email. The subject line should communicate exactly what the email is about so that the recipient can prioritize the email's importance without having to open it, the experts said.