Dolce gabbana the only one for women


Dolce gabbana the only one for women


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Dolce gabbana the only one for women



Les plaisirs démodés

A bouquet of violets pressed stealthily to her décolleté, she comes home. Hopes no family member will notice how late she sneaks up the stairs to her room.
Thirstily she helps herself to the lime water, throws the stole carelessly over the armchair and lets herself sink into it... a sweet scent of iris drifts in through the half-open window, and the memory of her dancer, who just a moment before had buried his nose against her neck and murmured that he couldn't resist her scent, that she was the only one for him.... Violets in her hair, toasted aromas mingled with vanilla, after the dance class they had another café creme at the bar... The evening had passed far too quickly, but the ring on her finger remained ... Charles had given it to her along with the flowers and the promise to dance through life with her. And she knew to what tune that would be - for it was being played at that very moment: Dance in the oldfashioned way, won't you stay in my arms .... it was not the flashy things that would last, but the fine little gestures, the tingling closeness of harmonious familiarity and the nuanced fragrance of a shared future

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Dolce gabbana the only one for women

58 Reviews

Dolce gabbana the only one for women



Sugar galore

Naughty boys are Stefano and Domenico... this is the exact clone of a very popular number dating 80/90s. NO doubt about it - it has an already done vibe.

I am absolutely sure of this because as a teenager I used to come across it - in those days, one would often smell it around. It's annoying that so long has gone by that now I cannot recall which one! Could be Loulou by Chacharel, or Tresor Lancome. Maybe Dune. And yes, it does remind vaguely of Black Opium, which I knew was a clone as well of this pesky fragrance I cannot recall name of.

In any case, down to the notes: a blast of over sugary floral vanilla. It's like if a bomb had gone off in a patisserie laboratory. Not a terrible thing per se', given the many gourmanders around, but here they took sweet and powdery onto another level.
Don't get me wrong: I don't hate all the sugar/fruity bombs out there - my signature is Angel, and I love Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming which is rather sugary ;) - but there's a line to be drawn between sweet and sickeningly sweet.

This is way, way, WAY too sweet. All one can detect is (among tons of sugar!!!!!) vanilla, iris, and maybe a weak echo of rose. It is nothing groundbreaking.
Frankly, smelling like a walking sugar bowl is not my idea of sexy - a tad sugary yes, but this is just sickening sweet. It reminds of cheapies bought at the drugstore, those for "just about teenage approaching fragrances", containing very synthetic ingredients. For example, I think l' Extase by Nina Ricci would be a better, sexier and sophisticated option to get you that sweet kick without leaving you smell as if you washed in sugar. My two cents, of course!

It made me sneeze uncontrollably for 5 good minutes, which has never happened before with any other scent. In my whole life (!). Please, if you care about other people do not, for the love of life, wear it in offices or at dinners. This could work for the police forces as a crowd breaker. Most definitely a club or party scent, to be wore at night and away from food.

If only coffee WAS detectable, it could have maybe worked out better. Citruses as well are mute. This is just powder, sugar, and more powder, and sugar, layer after layer until a faint - and dizzy at this point - feeble floral note attempts to make its appearance.
But it gets killed immediately. In fact, killing me softly would be a good jingle for an ad on this one!

Perhaps, this is perfect as bed time fragrance, or revenge dinners :P

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Dolce gabbana the only one for women


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Dolce gabbana the only one for women



My entry into the world of upscale fragrances

Apart from a brief phase in my youth, I have never actually worn perfumes. On the one hand, I didn't have the money for it myself, on the other hand, my dear fellow men destroyed my desire for it; mostly I got a headache much too quickly when someone near me wore too much perfume and I got stuck in this cloud of perfume.
Recently I was recommended "The Only One" EdP and after I was allowed to sniff it (and no headache was coming up) somehow the first step was taken to deal more with the beautiful scents. Actually I bought this perfume directly.
It smells elegant and seductive, floral and vanilla. The fact that I received multiple praise the very next working day was of course more than just pleasant. :-)

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Dolce gabbana the only one for women


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Dolce gabbana the only one for women


Top Review 25  

The crazy creation story of "The Only One" - true or legend?

She looks rather roguish. So it is quite possible that Mrs. Senior Perfumer Violaine Collas is capable of doing something crazy. Something really crazy. Was it at a lavish party that got a little out of hand late at night? Who came up with the idea was probably not comprehensible later. But what you'll hear is that everyone suddenly found themselves in their - of course best equipped - laboratory and had a lot of fun mixing fragrances that don't match at all.

Violets and coffee, for instance. "Woah!", you shake it "And bergamot," shouts someone in the second row. "Bergamot must be in the top note! They always do that with Guerlain "Eh, double eh."
"And vanilla!" "No, Patchouli!!! That's it." "I've got it, even better: Iris!"
They outdo each other in hair-raising concoctions. Violaine shakes it almost to the point of nausea. A celebrated perfumer like her doesn't have to sniff a blend to perceive its fragrance. The abstruse suggestions are perfectly sufficient for her to imagine the result only too vividly.

But that is not all. It's gonna be mixed and matched until dawn. Somebody must have been filming the whole thing. No one would have memorized the scents otherwise.

You mix, you laugh, you have fun. Have fun. Like children who cook, stirring together everything that is within their reach. Even if the result is a disgusting taste and nobody wants to eat it.

"I'm going to bed," Violaine says at some point. "Wake me when you're done." But can you ever be done with such an experiment?

The birds are already beginning to sing and the girl serves hot latte and crispy croissants.

Violaine throws herself over her silk kimono when she is awakened by loud cheers. "Yay! That's it! We got it!"
"And what has it become?"
"We're not quite sure," someone says. "What do you think?"
You hand her the bottle. It's spraying. "Mmmm, violets," she smiles. "And bergamot. But very weak." "It's always the same with Guerlain," shouts someone from the second row.
"Coffee?" Violaine cheerfully grabs her forehead. "That's actually latte. Coffee with milk and violets.. She turned away shuddering.
"And the iris?" "Vanilla"? "Patchouli"?

Violaine has sniffed enough. "Good work," she mumbles and slips the embroidered sleeping mask over her eyes. She smiles happily. She'd sleep late tonight. The job that had worried her for so long was done.
But "Stop, stop", she still thinks of it. "A name. We need a name! And don't everybody yell at me, I can't hear you. "The One"? There already is." "But what was that, you back there?" "The Only One. What else?", gurgles it from the second row. "Perfect. That's it." No one else would ever create a perfume like that. Violaine snuggles happily into her pink merino blanket.

Soon afterwards it can be seen in all relevant shop windows. And Emilia Clarke, the sweet blonde with the sinfully red lips, in person, is the face of the advertising campaign. And the voice. "Dimmi quando tu verrai, dimmi quando ... quando ... quando ... quando ...", she warbles cheerfully in a Roman trattoria. "Tell me when you will come, tell me when, when, when... "The year, the day, the hour, when you might kiss me." Everything is cheerful, everyone is happy, the world is beautiful and life is like a song of Abba. All you have to do is buy this scent and spray it on. 45 Euro for 30 ml is not much for so much happiness and lightness of being.

I don't even have to buy the scent. He has appeared before me on his own accord. As a generous rehearsal, with which I can now extensively test whether I want to commit myself with The Only One - be it for a few weeks or forever.

I spray it on. Mmm, violets, I think right away. A violet carpet of flowers unrolls itself before me. The fragrance is sweet, floral and graceful. Just violets. Shouldn't there be bergamot in the top note? I sniff and sniff. But no bergamot. Instead the coffee note slowly spreads. Violets and coffee - I had imagined this to be incredibly daring. Practically an olfactory No Go - and that's why it's so attractive. Like everything forbidden.

Coffee with milk, I noticed. He now shares the arena with the violets. In contrast, the iris arrives at most as something dull, indefinable. Or better: Of course it can't compete with this lattesoup with violets. Whether this was really intended in the same way?

What a sensation that could have been: Violets, coffee, Iris. And then even vanilla and patchouli.

I'm waiting. Namely, vanilla and patchouli. But somehow they don't want to come out. Not today, not tomorrow. It remains with violets that swim in the latte.

As is well known, popular revolutions never take place. I feel the same way with The Only One, this daring blend, which in the end has become nothing more than a gourmand floral scent for young girls, which is really weak from the top note onwards, i.e. has hardly any sillage, intensity and durability. I have the feeling that I have to spray every 10 minutes to be able to perceive something of The Only One.

I can't believe it. I am still waiting for the sensation, the aha-experience. But there's nothing more to come. What could have become of this composition? Wasn't the courage enough to do something innovative and really special? The Only One has become a pleasing all-purpose fragrance. It's nice, but he's not going to be remembered. At least not in mine. He weakens so much that one has already forgotten him before one can enter into dialogue with him. Bummer!

Maybe I'm too demanding? On the other hand, I don't normally have any fear of contact with the mainstream and certainly not with fragrances that make us believe how beautiful life is. And this is to be taken quite literally. Because the likewise flowery, gourmand sweet success scent La Vie est Belle somehow reminds me of The Only One. Whereby The Only One actually still seems more original to me.

At least The Only One has to be a success, too. Otherwise would they have brought out a fruity-sweet remake in 2019, "The Only One 2"? Here, too, violets and coffee meet, eh klar, never change a winning team. Patchouli is also back, but also blackberry, freesia, pear, rose, tonka bean and fine woods. Emilia Clarke is once again the face of the advertising campaign. But I'm gonna have to pass on this one. The Only One 2 - somehow the name is almost ridiculous, I mean, either something is "the only one" or not ... - I don't know yet. I also do not know whether Violaine was also at work here and how this creation came about. Both are consistently concealed. I wonder why

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Dolce gabbana the only one for women


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Dolce gabbana the only one for women


Top Review 12  

The Signorina drinks sweetened latte with fruits

The first thing I sniff in the beginning is actually a deliciously sugared latte. Here The Only One goes already in the direction of Black Opium, only without the pompous Jaeinen and the orange blossom. Then the bergamot adds fruity notes. In this very entertaining phase, the fragrance reminds me very easily of La Nuit Trésor, whom I absolutely love. It simply doesn't smell as sweet and pompous as Black Opium, but pleasantly sweet and seductive. After a few minutes, the coffee note becomes slightly weaker and the iris appears, rounding off the fragrance in harmony with the violet. The base is the same as Signorina Misteriosa's, namely creamy vanilla and soft patchouli, and indeed The Only One reminds us of this fragrance in the base. However, it lacks the fruity, sour sweetness of Signorina Misteriosa's blackberry, which contrasts so beautifully with the warm creaminess of vanilla and patchouli. Rather, the one becomes flowing into the other, almost becoming a mush of unity.

Unfortunately The Only One drifts too much into the "washed-out" after the great fruity milk coffee start in the top note, almost inconspicuous ones, otherwise I would have found him super and he would have become a candidate for purchase. However, it still smells very pleasant and pleasant on the skin.

At The Only One I imagine a woman who fascinates me. A woman who looks familiar and yet exotic. She is pretty, intelligent and full of life and her eyes sparkle greenish like those of a cat. The men are after her in droves and even married men want to kiss her. But she remains strong and rejects them all, for she loves only one. He captivates them with his charisma, his wit, his masculinity, his strength. With him she can be herself, drop herself and feel secure. He's her Only One.

Conclusion: a pleasant and pleasing, seductive fragrance with a great start and an unfortunately slightly disappointing further course.

3 Replies

Is Dolce and Gabbana the only one for male or female?

In Stock.

What does Dolce Gabbana the one and Only smell like?

The One Eau de Parfum smells spicy and oriental with a touch of freshness coming from zesty grapefruit with additional aromatic notes of coriander and basil that different it enough from typical fragrances of the genre.

Is Dolce and Gabbana feminine perfume discontinued?

D&G Feminine is a popular perfume by Dolce & Gabbana for women and was released in 1999. The scent is floral-woody. The production was apparently discontinued.