Does increasing your credit line affect your credit score

Let’s Learn About: How a Credit Limit Increase May Affect Your Credit Score

  1. Increasing your credit limit may help your credit score if you keep your credit utilization low

  2. If your lender does a hard inquiry to approve your credit score increase, your score may go down

  3. An increase in income can make you eligible for a credit limit increase

Your credit limit is the maximum balance you can have on your credit card. Increasing your credit limit could help your credit score, leave it unchanged, or lower your score, depending on the circumstances.

Find out what factors could cause you to hurt your credit score, and when it’s the right time to ask for a credit limit increase.

How can increasing your credit limit affect your credit score?

All things being equal, increasing your credit limit will reduce your credit utilization ratio. The credit utilization ratio is the amount you owe as a percentage of your credit limit. A low credit utilization ratio may help your credit score more than a high ratio.

If you increase your credit limit, your spending habits remain about the same, and you continue to make on-time monthly payments, your utilization ratio would go down, and this could impact your credit score.

However, if you increase your spending too much after increasing your credit limit, your credit utilization ratio will increase, and that may negatively impact your credit score.

For example, if you have a $1,000 credit limit and spend $500 before you pay the bill, that’s a 50 percent credit utilization ratio. But if you get a credit limit increase to $2,000 and then spend $1,500 before you pay the bill, your credit utilization ratio will go up to 75 percent.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recommends keeping your credit utilization ratio under 30 percent.

Your credit score may also be affected by a credit limit increase because of a hard inquiry. When a lender obtains a copy of your credit report to decide whether to grant your request for additional credit, this results in a hard inquiry on your credit report. Hard inquiries usually do not have a significant impact on your credit score unless many occur in a short period of time.

When to ask for a credit limit increase

Asking for a credit limit increase at the right time could affect your chances of being approved. Consider these things before requesting a credit limit increase.

  • You Received a Raise: Reporting an income increase could show credit card issuers you have the ability to handle more debt.
  • You Make On-Time Payments: Credit card issuers take into account how reliably you make payments on all of your loans.
  • You Have a Low Credit Utilization Ratio: Using only a small percentage of your available credit shows that you can handle credit responsibly.
  • Your Credit Score Is Good to Excellent: Credit card issuers are more likely to issue additional credit if you have handled your existing credit well.

You can request a credit limit increase on your Discover Card by logging into the Discover Account Center, selecting “Card Services” and then “Credit Line Increase.” Or on your Discover Mobile App, select “Services” and then “Credit Line Increase.”

You can also request a credit line increase by calling the phone number on the back of your Discover card.

What you should consider before requesting a credit limit increase

  • You Applied for a New Line of Credit: Applying for a new line of credit and requesting a credit limit increase can both result in a hard inquiry. Multiple hard inquiries may negatively impact your credit score and potentially show financial hardship.
  • Your Income Has Decreased: If you recently transitioned to a lower-paying job, it could affect being approved for a credit limit increase.
  • Your Credit Isn’t Good: If your credit isn’t good, it may be best to work on improving your credit score before requesting a credit limit increase.

Automatic credit limit increases

Requesting a credit limit increase isn’t the only way to get one. If you have used your credit card responsibly and have made on-time payments, your credit card issuer may automatically increase your credit limit.

Let’s explore some of the important factors about credit limits that everyone could benefit from knowing, starting with the basics. A credit limit (also called “credit line”) is the maximum spending amount set by your credit card company. It’s based on your credit score, along with other financial information.

A credit-limit increase raises that spending amount, allowing for larger purchases and a higher credit card balance each month. Depending on circumstances, that can be good or bad – or both!

Does requesting a credit limit increase for your credit card hurt your credit score?

Quick answer: it depends. If your credit card company does a soft inquiry, it won’t hurt your credit score at all. Soft inquiries are a limited type of credit report that gives just enough information to help lenders make decisions. Credit card issuers don’t need your permission to do soft inquiries to decide, for example, whether they should prequalify you for a new account.

But if the credit card company does a hard inquiry, your FICO® score (the most common credit score in use) could drop 5 to 10 points. Hard inquiries seek a full credit history, which lenders use as a factor in deciding whether to lend you money. They can affect credit reports for two years or so. However, lenders need your permission to do a hard credit inquiry, so you’ll know when it happens.

If your FICO® score is near 850, the maximum, a few points won’t make much difference. But if your score is lower, a 10-point reduction might hurt your chances for a credit line increase. Before asking for a higher credit limit, consider calling your credit card issuer to find out what kind of inquiry they’ll do if you request a credit increase.

On the bright side, if your credit limit increase request is approved, your credit score could increase, negating any small dings from hard inquiries.

What if my credit limit is raised without asking me?

If you have a good credit history, your card issuer may increase your credit limit without asking – usually when you have a very good credit score. And there won’t be any hits on your score — any credit check they do will be a soft inquiry. If you aren’t interested in a credit limit increase, you can always have the card issuer roll it back.

Is it good to increase credit card limits?

Done the right way, increasing your credit limit is a good thing. If done poorly, your credit score may suffer. Here’s why.

A FICO® score looks at five factors: on-time payments (35%); credit utilization (30%); how long you have had credit (15%); the amount of new credit (10%); and the mix of credit you have (10%). That second factor, credit utilization, is related to your credit limit and accounts for almost a third of your score. It might sound complex, but it’s easy to understand.

Say you have a $1,000 credit limit, and you carry a $300 balance: that’s a 30% credit-utilization ratio. Experts recommend staying below 30% for the total of your combined credit.

If your credit line increases and the account is immediately charged close to the maximum, your utilization ratio might rise well above 30%. In this scenario, a higher limit might eventually hurt your credit.

The advantage of a credit increase is how it can lower credit utilization. If your $1,000 limit gets bumped to $2,000, your $300 balance means a 15% utilization ratio. (That’s half the rate it had been.) That lower ratio looks good to a credit bureau.

By maintaining a responsible spending level — and staying below 30% utilization — future credit reports will reward you with higher scores. In the long run, that could help you get lower rates on new loans. And credit card companies might eventually reward you with automatic credit-limit increases.

How do I ask for an increase?

That’s a good question, but you first may want to ask, “Is this a good time to request a credit increase?” Let’s recap how to answer that question.

Here are some good times to consider asking for a credit line increase:

  • When your credit score is at its highest.
  • When you’ve had a recent raise, or a promotion with a higher salary.
  • After paying off a loan or other
  • When you’ve had your account for over six months.

And here are some not-so-good times to consider asking:

  • You’ve just requested an increase elsewhere.
  • Your employment status has changed due to job loss or lower pay.
  • You’ve assumed new debt.
  • You have missed payments, have had a loan default, or have been contacted by a collections agency.
  • Your credit history is too short.
  • Your credit score is low for any reason.

If you find yourself in one (or more) of these situations, start working to correct them. Once you’ve done everything you can to improve your credit score, and before putting in a request for an increased credit limit, ask your card issuer if they will do a soft inquiry and tell you what they find. After all, you don’t want to apply for something if you know you won’t qualify.

Once you feel it’s time to ask for an increase, you can often do an online request. Just log in to your account and look for a button or tab labeled, “requesting a limit increase.”

You can also call the lender’s customer service number (usually printed on credit cards and bills). If you have questions, or an unusual financial situation, talking to someone by phone may be the better choice.

There’s another possible benefit to calling instead of doing an online application: You can ask if you might avoid a hard inquiry by accepting a lower increase in your limit. Lenders sometimes make a decision with only a soft inquiry and the additional information you supply.

Whichever way you apply for a credit line increase, the process should be the same. Your issuer will want updates on your annual income, monthly mortgage or rent payment, employment information, current address, and contact info. Once you provide all that, they’ll make a decision — sometimes right away, sometimes in a day or two.

You might come out the other side with a credit limit increase and a higher score to boot!

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