Do early pregnancy symptoms come and go

Although the range of symptoms women may experience during pregnancy can be a challenge, most women are always prepared to handle them. The only thing women might not be ready to face is the pregnancy symptom changes. A number of pregnant women in Australia report that their symptoms come and go, and often this occurrence doesn’t have a reason or rhyme. So can symptom changes be a sign of pregnancy trouble, or it’s normal?

We shall be providing vital information to help women in Australia make informed decisions when the pregnancy symptoms come and go.

Do early pregnancy symptoms come and go
Can pregnancy symptoms come and go early pregnancy?

Overview of Pregnancy Symptoms

It’s normal to feel anxious when you notice that your pregnancy symptoms are changing. This occurrence will bring up worries about whether your pregnancy is progressing normally or if there is a problem that needs to be addressed right away.

By knowing what’s expected and what isn’t, you will be able to eliminate concerns and prepare to deal with the occasional ups and downs you face during pregnancy.

Normal Pregnancy Symptoms changes

Pregnancy symptoms may vary from one woman to another or from one pregnancy to another. For instance, some women may never experience morning sickness, while others will feel ill and nauseous for months. Other common symptoms experienced during the first trimester include frequent urination, acne, food cravings, cramping, breast tenderness, mood swings, bloating, dizziness, constipation, and back pain.

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Do early pregnancy symptoms come and go
10 Common Signs of Early Pregnancy

10 Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Morning sickness

Morning sickness is a symptom most women experience, but its severity varies considerably. Some women feel sick only at night, while others are sick throughout the day. Vomiting may also be present in some women. 

This ill-feeling occurs due to the rapid increase of estrogen in the body produced by the placenta and fetus. Because the sense of smell is heightened, it’s normal to get morning sickness triggers due to fragrances, odours of certain foods, and cigarettes. Morning sickness often starts between the 4th and 8th week of pregnancy but can also occur two weeks after conception.

Breast soreness

This is one of the first physical pregnancy signs you may experience, and it goes away once you get to the second trimester. The symptoms are caused by the rise of progesterone and estrogen hormones as they prepare the breasts for breastfeeding.


The need to nap regularly or not being able to stay awake is also common in pregnancy. The symptom starts early for some women because the body undergoes multiple changes as it prepares to carry a baby. Besides, the extra progesterone acts as a central nervous system depressant, leading to sleepiness.

Frequent urination

If you start visiting the bathroom more than you usually do, it could mean that you are pregnant. Because of the growing uterus, frequent urination begins early in the first few months and then again during the third trimester. Make sure you stay hydrated.


Cramping is associated with impending periods, but it can be a sign of early pregnancy symptom. Some people get cramping because the uterus is starting to stretch to accommodate the growing fetus. However, if you experience severe pain cramping accompanied by bleeding, do not hesitate to see your doctor.


Pregnancy also brings about an increase in acne or other skin changes. You need to be careful about the medications you use to treat acne because some of them may cause congenital disabilities. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor to know how to battle bad skin during pregnancy.


Most pregnant women have strange cravings. You may have aversions or cravings for certain foods, especially those with strong smells or unhealthy ones. This may affect you earlier on or throughout the pregnancy.


Your belly is not meant to show during the early months of pregnancy. If you experience an enlarged belly initially, you have a bloating problem. Weight gain is not noticeable in the first trimester, and it’s even common to lose weight because of the food aversions or morning sickness.

Mood swings

Hormones cause the moods and feelings you experience during the early days of pregnancy. Therefore, do not be upset or surprised if you suddenly experienced intense emotions or burst into tears.


The increased levels of progesterone in the body also affect food digestion. When the hormone increases, the digestion process slows down, leading to constipation. The best way to deal with constipation in pregnancy is to exercise regularly and increase your fibre intake. You may also take prenatal vitamins containing iron to exacerbate constipation.

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Do early pregnancy symptoms come and go
Is it normal for early pregnancy symptoms to fluctuate?

The frequency varies with early Pregnancy Symptoms

The intensity or frequency of these pregnancy symptoms can be highly variable, and you should not expect to feel all of them at a go. There are days you will feel dizziness or mood swings, and on others, you will have sudden food cravings for specific foods or back pain. On other days you will be entirely symptom-free and energetic. All this is perfectly natural and usual, so you should not be concerned.

Some symptoms may not disappear but become less noticeable in some situations because your body is starting to cope with the frequent changes occurring during pregnancy. Over time you will find viable ways to deal with rigorous nausea or constipation or understand your mood swings and food cravings.

By the time you get to the second trimester, most of these profound symptoms will dissipate, and other symptoms may continue right up until the day you deliver your baby. Neither of these can be considered a sign of a ‘more normal’ or ‘less normal’ pregnancy.

When should you be concerned about changes in Pregnancy Symptoms?

There are cases when pregnancy symptoms changes will warrant concern and immediate attention. The primary of this is fetal movement. Although it might take a while to feel fetal movement (somewhere between the 16th and 25th week), any changes in activity from this point must be reported to the doctor immediately.

If you notice a fetal movement decrease or a complete cessation of the movements, you should act fast. While other pregnancy symptoms can subside as the pregnancy advances, fetal movement should not. Of course, there will be days when the baby is quieter, but if you notice any activity changes that seem unusual, visit an emergency room or see your doctor right away. 

The same should apply if you suddenly realise you have no symptoms. In this case, we are not talking about the symptom-free days but a situation in which you have been dealing with different symptoms and suddenly have none. A sudden disappearance of the symptoms may signify miscarriage, mainly if you are still in the first trimester.

Although this does not necessarily mean there is a problem, you should see a doctor right away for a detailed investigation. This will help determine the reasons behind the sudden symptoms change. Even if you have no other signs of a miscarriage, such as severe cramping or abnormal bleeding, it’s still vital to see your doctor sooner than later.

The bottom line on Pregnancy Symptoms

While milestones and markers are common to all pregnancies, the experiences vary depending on the individual. It is essential to remember that the frequency or severity of the symptoms isn’t a clear indicator of how the pregnancy is progressing. It is perfectly natural to experience a cycle of symptoms that come and go throughout the pregnancy, and you may also have no symptoms on certain days.

After noticing some symptom changes, do not hesitate to contact your physician if you are in doubt. This way, they will conduct a simple ultrasound to determine your pregnancy status, allowing you to have peace of mind. Any problem they notice it will be addressed right away.

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Do symptoms fluctuate in early pregnancy?

It's also not uncommon to have fluctuating symptoms or no symptoms at all in the early stages. Most likely, whatever you are experiencing, in the absence of heavy bleeding and cramping, is normal.

Can pregnancy symptoms go away and still be pregnant?

But this isn't the only time that symptoms fluctuate during pregnancy – they can change quite often. Symptoms can go on and off, and this includes random dizziness, bloating, fatigue, sore breasts, and all the rest. So if you experience changes in your symptoms, it's more than likely just a normal part of pregnancy.

Should I be worried if my early pregnancy symptoms go away?

If pregnancy symptoms go away, is that a sign of miscarriage? The sudden disappearance of pregnancy symptoms like nausea or cravings can also sometimes be a sign of miscarriage. But this doesn't necessarily mean there is a problem. Some women don't get many pregnancy symptoms anyway.

Is it normal for pregnancy symptoms to come and go at 5 weeks?

Some moms-to-be who are 5 weeks pregnant feel no symptoms at all. Or it might feel like, at 5 weeks pregnant, symptoms come and go. And all of that is totally okay! Just because you're not feeling sick or sore doesn't mean there's something wrong with the pregnancy.