Determining whether two functions are inverses of each other calculator

Step 2

Interchange the variables.

Step 3

Rewrite the equation as .

Subtract from both sides of the equation.

Divide each term in by and simplify.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

Move the negative in front of the fraction.

Cancel the common factor of and .

Cancel the common factors.

Cancel the common factor.

Step 4

Replace with to show the final answer.

Step 5

Verify if is the inverse of .

To verify the inverse, check if and .

Set up the composite result function.

Evaluate by substituting in the value of into .

Cancel the common factor of and .

Cancel the common factors.

Cancel the common factor.

Combine the numerators over the common denominator.

Apply the distributive property.

Combine the opposite terms in .

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

Set up the composite result function.

Evaluate by substituting in the value of into .

Apply the distributive property.

Cancel the common factor of .

Move the leading negative in into the numerator.

Cancel the common factor.

Cancel the common factor of .

Cancel the common factor.

Combine the opposite terms in .

Since and , then is the inverse of .

As a more exciting counterexample which uses the same domain, consider the space $l_2$, the space of all square-summable sequences. This is essentially an infinite-dimensional analog of our usual euclidean space.

Take our two functions to be $R$ and $L$, the "right shift" and "left shift" operators respectively.

That is to say: $R~:~l_2\to l_2$, given by $(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,\dots)\mapsto (0,x_1,x_2,x_3,\dots)$

and $L~:~l_2\to l_2$, given by $(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,\dots)\mapsto (x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5,\dots)$.

You have then: $(L\circ R) (x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,\dots)=L(0,x_1,x_2,x_3,\dots) = (x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,\dots)$ and so $L\circ R$ is the identity and $L$ is the "left inverse" of $R$.

On the other hand, $(R\circ L)(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4,\dots)=R(x_2,x_3,x_4,x_5,\dots)=(0,x_2,x_3,x_4,\dots)$ which is not the identity in the case $x_1\neq 0$, showing that $L$ is not the right inverse of $R$.

So, how do we check to see if two functions are inverses of each other?

Well, we learned before that we can look at the graphs.  Remember, if the two graphs are symmetric with respect to the line y = x (mirror images over y = x ), then they are inverse functions.

But, we need a way to check without the graphs, because we won't always know what the graphs look like!

So, just crunching some Algebra, here's one way to look at it:

If you're got two functions, f(x)and g(x), and

then f(x) and g(x) are inverse functions.

Let's try this on an easy one that we know will work:

Yep, they are inverses, just like we thought!

Use this free online inverse function calculator with steps that helps you to determine the inverse of any given function, with a step-by-step solution. However, the inverse of a particular function may or may not be a function. Here you can see how to find the inverse of a function, inverse graph, and much more.

Let’s dive in!

What are the Inverse Functions?

In mathematics, an inverse function is a function (f) that inverts the particular function. The inverse function of (f) is represented as f-1.

f (y) = x ⇔ f−1(x) = y

The inverse function calculator with steps determines the inverse function, replaces the function with another variable, and then finds another variable through mutual exchange.

However, an Online Composite Function Calculator allows you to solve the composition of the functions from entered values of functions.

One To One Function:

“A one to one function is the one whose each element in range maps an element in domain.”

A function will have an inverse if it is one to one function. For further clarification of concept, let’s have a look at the following pictorial representation:

Now if you see the above picture, you will notice two functions are there. In the first function f(x), we have some numbers that are assigned to different variables. While in the second function, the variables are being mapped against the numbers that denote the inverses of the function f(x). This shows every function is structured back in its inverse by reversing each element in the layout. You can also analyse this behaviour of the function with the assistance of this simple one to one function calculator.

Inverse Function Graph:

The graph of a function where f is invertible:

$$x = f^{-1} (y)$$

Which, is the same as the graph of an equation:

$$y = f (x)$$

The equation x= f(y) defines the graph of f, except that the roles of y and x have been reversed. Thus the graph for inverse function (f-1) can be obtained from the graph of the function (f) by switching the position of the y and x-axis.

Standard Inverse Functions:

Below we have arranged a table display that highlights some most important functions along with their inverses. Let’s have a look!

Function f(x)

Inverse f −1(y) Notes
x + a y − a

a − x

a − y


y/m m ≠ 0
1/x (i.e. x−1) 1/y (i.e. y−1)

x, y ≠ 0


{\displaystyle {\sqrt {y}}}

(i.e. y1/2)

x, y ≥ 0 only


{\displaystyle {\sqrt[{3}]{y}}}

(i.e. y1/3)

no restriction on x and y
xp {\displaystyle {\sqrt[{p}]{y}}}

(i.e. y1/p)

x, y ≥ 0 if p is even; integer p > 0


lb y y > 0
ex ln y

y > 0


logy y > 0
ax loga y

y > 0 and a > 0


W (y)

x ≥ −1 and y ≥ −1/e

For further assistance, you can also use our free inverse of rational functions calculator.

Properties of Inverse Functions:

Let’s go through the following characteristics of the inverse functions:

  • \(f^{-1}\) can also be considered a one to one function
  • \(f^{-1}\) has an inverse function as f
  • You can consider \(f\left(x\right) = y\) if and only if \(f^{-1} \left(y\right) = x\)
  • \(f^{-1}\left(f\left(x\right)\right) = x\) for all \(x\indom\left(f\right)\)
  • \(f^{-1}\left(f\left(y\right)\right) = y\) for all \(y\inran\left(f\right)\)
  • You can have\(\left(a, b\right\)\) on the graph of function f if and only if you have \(\left(b, a\right\)\) on the graph of the function’s inverse
  • \(dom f^{-1} \left(x\right) = ran \left(f\right)\)
  • \(ran f^{-1} \left(x\right) = dom \left(f\right)\)

For any function, you can check behaviour of all these properties by using this swift how to find the inverse of a function calculator.

How to Calculate Inverse Function (Step-Wise):

Compute the inverse function (f-1) of the given function by the following steps:

  • First, take a function f(y) having y as the variable.
  • Now, consider that x is the function for f(y)
  • Then reverse the variables y and x, then the resulting function will be x and
  • Solve the equation y for x and find the value of x.

To make it convenient for you, the inverse function calculator with steps does all these calculations for you in a fraction of a second.

Example # 01:

Calculate the inverse of the functions x = y+11/13y+19?


Replace the variables y & x, to find inverse function f-1 with inverse calculator with steps:

$$y = x + 11 / 13x + 19$$

$$y (13x + 19) = x + 11$$

$$13xy + 19y – x = 11$$

$$x (13y – 1) = 11 – 19y$$

$$x = 11 – 19y / 13y – 1$$

Hence, the inverse function of y+11/13y+19 is 11 – 19y / 13y – 1.

Here you can also verify the results by using this best find f^-1(x) calculator.

However, an Online Quadratic Formula Calculator helps to solve a given quadratic equation by using the quadratic equation formula.

Example # 02:

Determine the multi function inverse of the function if exists:

$$ f(x)=2x^3+1\text{.} $$


As the given function is as follows:

$$ f(x)=2x^3+1\text{.} $$

Here we have:

$$ y-1 = 2x^{3} $$

$$ \frac{y-1}{2} = x^{3} $$

$$ x = \sqrt[3]{\frac{y-1}{2}} $$

Which is the required inverse of the function and can also be determined by using the find the inverse of the function calculator.

How Inverse Function Calculator Works?

An online inverse of a function calculator finds the inverse of entered function with these steps:


  • First of all, enter a function f (x).
  • Hit the “Calculate” button.


  • The function inverse calculator with steps gives the inverse function of the particular function.
  • Then replace the variables and display a step-by-step solution for entered function.


What is the difference between reciprocal & inverse function?

Reciprocal functions are one which never returns the original values but the inverse functions always return the original values. Reciprocal functions are represented as f(x)-1 or 1 / f(x). Whereas inverse functions are denoted by f-1(x) and can also be determined by the use of the inverse calculator. .

How inverse function used for temperature conversion?

Inverse functions used to convert Celsius (C) back to Fahrenheit (F) and vice versa:

To convert Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C):

f (F) = 5/9 * (F – 32)

The inverse function for Celsius to Fahrenheit: f-1(C) = (C*9/5) + 32

What is the inverse of 1/ x?

Suppose that:

$$f (y) = 1/y = x$$

Replace the y and x variables:

$$y = 1/x$$

$$f^{-1}(y) = 1/x$$

For further verification, you can make use of this best function inverse calculator.


An online find inverse function calculator provides a step-by-step solution for invert functions according to given values. Although you can calculate inverse manually with an inverse function equation, it increases the ambiguity so, this handy finding inverse functions calculator gives 100% error-free results quickly.


From the source of Wikipedia: Inverses and composition, Notation, Self-inverses, Graph of the inverse, Inverses, and derivatives.

From the source of Paul Online Notes: Inverse Functions, Finding the Inverse of Function calculator, Partial inverses, Left and right inverses.

From the source of Quest Calculus: DERIVATIVES OF INVERSE FUNCTIONS, The chain rule, Two-sided inverses, Preimages.

How do you determine if two functions are inverses of each other?

So, how do we check to see if two functions are inverses of each other? Well, we learned before that we can look at the graphs. Remember, if the two graphs are symmetric with respect to the line y = x (mirror images over y = x ), then they are inverse functions.

What is the inverse function calculator?

The inverse function calculator finds the inverse of the given function. If f(x) is a given function, then the inverse of the function is calculated by interchanging the variables and expressing x as a function of y i.e. x=f(y) x = f ( y ) .

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