Cant load vpinmame activex component

Visual Pinball is a freeware and source available video game engine for pinball tables and similar games such as pachinko machines. The software is composed of an editor and the simulator part itself. It runs on Microsoft Windows. The program is also able to operate with Visual PinMAME, an emulator for ROM images from real pinball machines.

A huge variety of user-created Visual Pinball tables are available on the internet. Players can choose between faithful recreations of existing pinball machines with or without ROM emulation and original pinball simulations based on licensed themes or completely self-designed tables. Visual Pinball's scripting capabilities can also be used to create pinball-like games (such as pitch-and-bat baseball, pinball bingo, bowling, cue sports, and pachinko).

Visual Pinball can be used to play the simulations on a common desktop PC and monitor, but also allows for cabinet support, including different monitors and TVs (to display the playfield and backbox similar to a real pinball machine, including the option to use 3D televisions), giving the illusion of playing real pinball. Newer versions also added touch controls, making it possible to play on tablet computers and smartphones.

In February 2010, the source code of Visual Pinball was released under a license that allows free use for non-commercial purposes.[1]

Table of Contents

Hardware Config & Setup

DOF Configuration

Make sure DOF is fully working in your VPX and others.

In Popper Setup go to Global Settings/Script and press the Modify System Options:

Cant load vpinmame activex component

Then look for useDOF and change to true.

var useDOF = true;

make sure its all lowercase!


if you get an error “cannot create activeX”. Then you probalby have a very old version of DOF that needs to be upgraded. Also, check the following: find where your dof files are… probably in directoutput folder somewhere… and right-click run-as-admin on a program that's called registerdirectcomobject.exe. see if dof works afterwards. just need to do that once

“I did all the above, DOF works in vpx but still won't work in Popper…” try reading this page about DOF:

Also run the PopperDoctor.exe to help troubleshoot.

dof files:

troubleshooting: you must run PopperDoctor to test the com interface to DOF. Just because DOF works in vpx/fp fine doens't mean the DOF comobject for DOF works (this is part of DOF setup not Popper). Popper uses the DOF comobject to interface with DOF, if it worked before and now it doesn't there's really only two things that could go wrong. 1> Anti-Virus removed files (check AV log) 2> Security blocks Popper from accessing the DOF com object (try lowering/changing your UAC).

Many have noticed that DOF works fine if running PinUP Popper as normal user and now fails if running as-admin. This is a windows security issue, but the best solution is NOW it is suggested to turn off-admin mode on ALL exes on your cab. So remove run-as-admin on everything from Popper, FPLoader, VPX or any other emulators. That should fix most security problems. Remember to turn off DOFLinx 'run as admin' if you are using it as well (latest DofLinx versions works as normal user too).

Still having problems with DOF?

The way DOF was installed or registered could be the problem. Check out this link for a possible solution:

Changing Effects and Customize your DOF Effects by Game

REAL-DMD Hardware (PinUP Player PuPDMD)

In the latest PinUP Player versions it now supports Real DMDs for the PuPDMD video displays that original table authors are making. You do not need Popper to use the PuPDMD real-mirroring feature.

Make sure you are using the lastest PuPDMDControl files from here:

unblock the zip and unzip the contents into your VPINMAME root folder. Also, its always safe to re-run the “PUPDMDControl_Register.bat” file as admin after updating the files.

REAL-DMD Hardware (PinUP Popper Configuration)

Same location above with DOF setup, but you want to find and change this. If you are using a LCD for your DMD then do NOT set to true.

var useDMD = true;

make sure its all lowercase!

starting in v1.4, you can have full videos and images on your real-dmd. see install video:

If you are having problems, run PopperDoctor.exe to help troubleshoot.

Update: Aug/2020. Some have reported issues with pupdmdcontrol.exe crashing with a .net error in the windows event log. Their solution has been to run “windows .net repair tool”.

Full HD LCD DMD 16:9 (FULLDMD) Config