Can you get irish citizenship through great grandparents

Irish Citizenship by Descent, If either of your parents was an Irish citizen when you were born, you are automatically an Irish citizen, wherever you were born. However, there are other existing criteria which can help those who have Irish grandparents to claim Irish Citizenship by Descent and in certain cases through great-grandparents.

*You can apply for Irish Citizenship through your great-grandparent even if subsequent generations were not registered before your birth through a legal non-standard route. This process builds a case through your Irish connections. Make an enquiry now.

Standard routes for applying for Irish Citizenship:

  • If one of your parents (born outside Ireland) had Irish citizenship at the time of your birth;

  • If the birth of you or one of your parents (outside Ireland) was registered in Ireland or at an Irish consulate or foreign births registry;

  • If the birth of you or one of your grandparents was born in Ireland.

  • If your parent was born before 17 July 1956 and you have a great-grandparent born in Ireland (certain cases only); and

  • If you or one of your parents or grandparents was resident or domiciled in Ireland on 6 December 1922, or employed by the Irish government at any time.

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Check if you are an Irish citizen by birth or descent

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Here you can check if you are an Irish citizen by birth or by descent. You can also check your eligibility to be an Irish citizen with our eligibility guide and questionnaire.

Please read below for further information.

Born outside Ireland?

If you were born outside of Ireland please contact the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for questions about citizenship based on a connection to an Irish relative. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) manages the Foreign Births Register and they will determine if you are entitled to be an Irish citizen based on birth or descent. Please click here for more information.

If the Department of Foreign Affairs indicate that you are not entitled to be an Irish citizen based on birth or descent then you may be eligible to apply for Irish citizenship by naturalisation. Read the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Acts to check your entitlement to citizenship.

Citizenship eligibility guide

Please see our useful guide to help you quickly check if you are eligible for Irish Citizenship by birth or descent.

Citizenship eligibility questionnaire

You can also check if you are an Irish citizen by birth or by descent when you complete the guidance questionnaire below.

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Can I get Irish citizenship if my great grandfather was Irish?

Yes, you can apply for Irish citizenship by descent. In these cases, you can become an Irish citizen through Foreign Birth Registration. Once a person is entered onto the Foreign Births Register they are an Irish citizen and entitled to apply for an Irish passport.

How many generations can you go back for Irish citizenship?

The Ireland citizenship by Ancestry or Descent is open to individuals with Irish ancestry going back as far as great grandparents. Foreigners normally must have 5 years of residence in Ireland before being able to apply for naturalization.

How do I get Irish citizenship by descent great

You'll need to have your birth registered in the Foreign Births Register. If one of your great-grandparents was born in Ireland, but none of their descendants were, you can apply for fast-track naturalization after 3 years of residence.

Can you claim citizenship through great grandparents?

Citizenship by descent is a means whereby an individual is eligible to claim citizenship if his/her parents, grandparents, or sometimes even great-grandparents hail from a given country.