Can you buy eliquis over the counter

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Can you buy eliquis over the counter

There are many different major surgical procedures that are hard on the human body. Complications that occur as a result of these major surgeries are quite common. This is especially true for people of older age. One of the more serious ones are blood clots. Blood clots can form anywhere in the body, but may become dislodged and travel into the heart or lungs. Eliquis (Apixaban) is an effective medication that prevents blood clots, but for some, it may be expensive. In search of a better price on it some people may ask can I buy Eliquis in Mexico? 

Purchase Eliquis for less

The answer is that you can. Much in the same way that Americans have been ordering medication online from Canada for years. Now you can get better prices on drugs ordering prescription meds online from Mexico. Can I buy Eliquis in Mexico? Yes, but that will be quite the trip unless you live in one of the Southern US States that border Mexico. Instead, Americans all over the country can buy Eliquis from Mexico and enjoy the convince of having prescriptions filled online. 

This is an appealing option for Americans who are post-op after surgery and have been prescribed Eliquis to prevent potential blood clots. If they do not have any type of extended healthcare coverage and need to be on the medication for a long time then choosing to buy Eliquis in Mexico or buy Eliquis in Canada may be helpful. Again, blood clots can be a very serious health risk. 

Can I Buy Eliquis in Mexico? Equal Quality and Equally Safe Medication

With your answer to can I buy Eliquis in Mexico in place, we can imagine your next question. Is it safe to order medication from Mexico? It’s a fair question to ask given the fact it’s a different country. However, it’s true that most Americans have no concerns about ordering medication online from Canada from sources like Canada Pharmacy. There’s a level of trust based on the understanding that Canada is a first-world country like the USA. 

Further, Americans know there are similar guidelines in place as issued by Health Canada in the same way the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does in the USA. Mexico also has a federal regulatory body - COFEPRIS - that does the same thing. They ensure the quality, purity, and safety of medications dispensed by pharmacies in Mexico. You can order meds online from Mexico and not have any more concerns about them than you should have for getting them at your local pharmacy or ordering drugs online from Canada. 

What you might want to ask yourself is why are medications so much more expensive in America compared to these neighboring countries. Much of it has to do with monopolies on pharmaceuticals and a more for-profit model for the industry. But you may not be especially concerned with that and instead simply want to know can I buy Eliquis in Mexico, or from Mexico as the case may be. The long and short of it is that pharmacies in either country are able to dispense medications for less.

Cost of Eliquis in Mexico

Can I buy Eliquis in Mexico? You can! The price for Eliquis in Mexico for 60 tablets of the standard 5mg dosage is approximately $85 USD. This per-pill price of slightly more than $1 per pill is considerably less than what you will pay at nearly every local pharmacy in America. Another indication of the advantages of ordering medication online from Mexico or Canada. You can get this same advantageous pricing on other types of anti-coagulant or anti-thrombosis drugs ordered from out of country too. 

Keep in mind as well that US customers can usually get either free or discounted shipping on their pharmacy orders from Canada or Mexico. Plus, if the branded medication is still prohibitively expensive for you then you may want to consider ordering generic Eliquis from Mexico. Generic equivalents of medications must be proven to be the same level of purity and effectiveness as the branded version, and this applies to pharmaceuticals in Mexico too. Can I buy Eliquis in Mexico? You can, and you can buy generic Eliquis from pharmacies there too.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

Table of Contents

I. One major reason is that there is still no generic version of Eliquis.

a. That's because the patent hasn't expired yet.

b. And Bristol-Myers Squibb isn't exactly encouraged to let it.

c. What's more, they control Eliquis' pricing.

d. That's not all they can control either.

II. You may find a cheaper alternative to Eliquis, however.

III. But you can still get Eliquis with assistance.

a. In certain cases, you may be able to get Eliquis for free.

b. If you're not eligible for that, Medicare can still cover Eliquis for you.

c. If neither assistance nor Medicare really help, we're here for you.

IV. In short, Eliquis doesn't have to be expensive.

If you take Eliquis, you know how important it is to maintain your supply of it. After all, it’s what helps prevent your body from developing strokes or blood clots.[1] Without it, you could experience a pulmonary embolism,[2] damaging your lungs permanently.

Sadly, more and more Americans like yourself are losing the ability to stay protected. At least 24% now report that it’s difficult to afford their medication.[3]

The reason?

Well, the price for Eliquis alongside many other American medications just keeps rising. In fact, oral and injectable brand-name drugs have been increasing each year by 9.2% and 15.1% respectively.[4]

But why is this?

Let’s explore the reasons and what you can do.

Can you buy eliquis over the counter

One major reason is that there is still no generic version of Eliquis.

UPDATE: As of 2021, generic Eliquis is now available through Rx Connected. It is not currently on the market in the United States, but if you buy through an online Canadian pharmacy, we can source you cheaper alternatives to brand name Eliquis. Generic Eliquis has been approved for safe and effective consumption and treatment for blood clots, so need to worry about its efficacy. You can start saving on your Eliquis treatment plan today on Rx Connected. That’s because the patent hasn’t expired yet.

No medication available for the selected combination
60 $78.00 ADD TO CART
120 $132.00 ADD TO CART
180 $176.00 ADD TO CART
Manufacturer: Natco Pharma

See more details

It’s true that technically Eliquis’ market exclusivity has expired.[5] So companies can apply to see if they can make and sell generic versions of Eliquis, which would be cheaper for the same quality as brand-name Eliquis.[6] However, they can’t do much else.

Bristol-Myers Squibb, the company that owns Eliquis, still has patent protection. So, while other companies can submit applications for Eliquis, they can’t actually sell or make it yet. There will not be a generic version of Eliquis until the patent expires.

Currently, that patent isn’t set to expire until February 24, 2031, at the latest.[7]

And Bristol-Myers Squibb isn’t exactly encouraged to let it.

For one, Bristol-Myers Squibb (along with partner Pfizer Inc) earns quite a bit from Eliquis. For instance, recent sales of the medication created a 24% increase in profit.[8] In turn, they gained around $2.04 billion in the second quarter of 2019.

This profit would be much smaller if they let other companies sell generic Eliquis. So to protect it, Bristol-Myers Squibb has filed multiple lawsuits against competing companies. These include ones like Mylan that have already started working on making generic Eliquis.

What’s more, they control Eliquis’ pricing.

Unlike many other countries, America lets the market dictate prices.[9] So this means that Eliquis costs as much as its company would like it to.

The idea behind this choice is that competing companies will keep each other in check. They want to make sure customers remain invested in their product. So they'd keep their prices looking reasonable compared to one another, right?

Can you buy eliquis over the counter

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have worked out that way. The reality is that companies continue to drive their prices up. And they do so while trying to block other companies from creating cheap alternatives.

That’s not all they can control either.

If the company wanted, Bristol-Myers Squibb could also try to control companies with the Pay to Delay approach.[10] This approach involves paying a competing company to not sell their generic Eliquis. In this case, both companies would earn more money. But everyone else will end up paying a higher price. After all, there is no cheap version of Eliquis to turn to.

You may find a cheaper alternative to Eliquis, however.

Luckily, even though Eliquis doesn’t have a generic version, you do have other options! For instance, Coumadin is a blood thinner with two generic alternatives: warfarin and jantoven. Unlike Eliquis’ typical $448 a month, either alternative may cost under $10 a month. Through Rx Connected, you can receive fast shipping of Eliquis straight to your door. 

Both medications can increase your risk of bleeding, however.[11] So you’ll want to talk to your doctor first about changing medications.

But you can still get Eliquis with assistance.

Rather stick with Eliquis? Then, there are still options for you. Let’s consider a few.

In certain cases, you may be able to get Eliquis for free.

For those of you who cannot afford Eliquis at all, you may be eligible for a patient assistance program (PAP).[12] This type of program is actually created by pharmaceutical companies. It’s designed to provide you with free or discounted medication so you can get the medication you need.

But it’s important to note that not all companies offer PAPs. And it isn’t guaranteed that you’ll be accepted into the program.

Can you buy eliquis over the counter

If you’re not eligible for that, Medicare can still cover Eliquis for you.

So, if a PAP doesn’t work, consider health coverage. 99% of either Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage can cover Eliquis.[13] If you can get the coverage, you should be able to afford Eliquis.

Of course, this depends on what coverage plan you have:

  • Deductible co-pay range: $42–$511
  • Typical co-pay range: $19–$511
  • Donut Hole co-pay range: $195–$511
  • Post-donut hole co-pay range: $7–$511

As you can see, not all prices are that desirable.

If neither assistance nor Medicare really help, we’re here for you.

As a certified pharmacy referral service, we want to make sure you get the medication you need. And we strive to make that happen in a simple, streamlined manner.

All you need to do is browse our website for the medication you need and show us your doctor's prescription note. While doing so, you could save up to 90% on your prescription.

In short, Eliquis doesn’t have to be expensive.

There are ways around the current expense of Eliquis! You just need to be aware of them. So take a look around for PAPs near you or Medicare assistance. Or to make your time even easier, just let us help you order Eliquis for some of the lowest prices possible!

DISCLAIMER: The content in this article is intended for informational purposes only. This website does not provide medical advice. In all circumstances, you should always seek the advice of your physician and/or other qualified health professionals(s) for drug, medical condition, or treatment advice. The content provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

What can I take to thin my blood?

Anticoagulants, such as heparin or warfarin (also called Coumadin), slow down your body's process of making clots. Antiplatelets, such as aspirin and clopidogrel, prevent blood cells called platelets from clumping together to form a clot.

Do you need a prescription to buy drugs online?

Buying controlled substances online without a valid prescription may be punishable by imprisonment under Federal law. Often drugs ordered from rogue websites come from foreign countries. It is a felony to import drugs into the United States and ship to a non-DEA registrant.

How can I get a prescription?

Your health care provider may give you a prescription in different ways, including: Writing a paper prescription that you take to a local pharmacy. Calling or e-mailing a pharmacy to order the medicine.

When will apixaban be available in the US?

Given today's decision, the earliest that generic manufacturers are permitted to launch their apixaban products is April 1, 2028, subject to additional appeals and challenges.