Can i donate blood with atrial fibrillation

Giving from the heart is good for your heart

Giving blood is part of a heart-healthy lifestyle and donating on a regular basis has proven health benefits. In fact, studies have shown that donating blood can be good for your heart.

How do blood donations impact your heart?

OneBlood Medical Director, Dr. Richard Gammon, M.D., writes “There have been studies published that show blood donors enjoy better health (Transfusion 2007) and blood donation reduces blood pressure (Transfusion 2016) and cholesterol (Am J Epi 1998).”

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the leading risks for heart attacks and there is evidence that regular blood donations may be beneficial. Being a regular donor may help with blood flow and reduce arterial blockages.

High iron stores can increase a person’s risk of heart attacks. When you give blood it depletes your iron stores and helps your body to create new blood. About 500ml of whole blood is taken during each blood donation, which removes 225-250 mg of iron.

Blood donors get a health and wellness check up

Each time you donate you'll receive a free wellness checkup that includes:

  • Blood Pressure Check
  • Pulse
  • Temperature
  • Iron Count
  • Cholesterol Reading

You can use the results of this checkup to determine your cardiovascular risk factor as well as other possible health conditions.   As a OneBlood donor, you can track your wellness checkups with each donation through the donor login portal on our website.

Donating blood can be good for your heart and offers other health benefits as well.

The wellness checkup can also reveal undetected health issues

Jaime, was 16 and excited to give blood for the first time at her high school blood drive. During her wellness check, her blood pressure was extremely high and she was not able to donate.

She immediately told her mom and went to the family physician. After many tests, she discovered she had a narrowed renal artery, which impacted the growth of her kidney. She needed surgery right way. Jaime credits the health check with saving her life.

She says, “In the process of helping people, at the same time you are getting a health checkup. Who doesn’t love that?” 

Be heart healthy: give blood every time you are eligible

On average people give blood only 1.5 times a year, but you are eligible to donate every 56 days up to 6 times a year. If everyone donated Just One More time it would cut out blood shortages.

Make a great decision for your health and the health of your community. Become a regular blood or platelet donor. Plan your next heart healthy donation.

Heather Georgoudiou

Heather Georgoudiou is OneBlood’s Digital Marketing Manager. She is a social media strategist and content creator with a passion for saving lives through the power of digital communications. 

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Medical ConditionsEligibility


Accept after resolved and treatment completed

Acoustic Neuroma

Accept if benign, if malignant accept one year after treatment completed


Acceptable after condition resolved and treatment completed

Acute Tubular Necrosis

Accept if recovered and renal function normal

Addison’s Disease



Accept if benign, if malignant defer one year after treatment completed


Permanent deferral


Accept if asymptomatic and not taking replacement therapy


Permanent deferral

Anaphylactoid Purpura

Accept if recovered and asymptomatic


Accept if treatment completed & feeling well. Defer for 90 days if untreated


Aortic or cerebral, if surgically corrected and asymptomatic, defer for 6 months from date of surgery. If not surgically corrected, a letter of medical clearance is needed


Acceptable 3 months after last symptom with a letter of medical clearance from physician


Defer if cause is genetic. Accept if stable and symptom free


Accept 6 months after procedure if donor is asymptomatic, has no limitations on activity and has a letter of medical clearance

Animal bites

Domestic pets- accept if wound is healed

Animal needle stick

Defer for one year if exposed to any animal’s blood through a needle stick

Ankylosing Spondylitis



Defer until full course of treatment is completed

Antiphospholipid Antibody syndrome

Accept if symptom free

Aortic Stenosis

Accept 6 months after surgical repair if donor is asymptomatic and has no limitations on activity


A donor with a history of arrhythmia can be accepted if asymptomatic, has no history of other cardiac problems and has a letter of medical clearance

Arteriovenous (AV) Malformation

Accept if surgically corrected and asymptomatic for 6 months from date of surgery. If not surgically corrected, a medical clearance is needed


Accept (both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)


If causing permanent lung disease-permanent deferral, otherwise accept


Accept if asymptomatic

Atrial Fibrillation

Accept if asymptomatic, has no history of other cardiac problems and has a letter of medical clearance

BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin)

Defer for 2 weeks after treatment with BCG

Bee stings

One day deferral

Bell’s Palsy


Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)


Bladder polyps

Accept if benign. Defer 2 weeks after treatment with BCG

Bone marrow donor

Defer for 8 weeks from marrow harvest

Bowen’s Disease


Bright’s Disease

Accept if no chronic renal disease


Accept if treatment completed and feeling well. If untreated, defer 90 days

Buerger’s Disease

Permanent deferral




Defer 5 years after completion of treatment, with no recurrence for any history of leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or Hodgkin’s Disease

No deferral period for localized skin cancer (basal or squamous cell and melanoma in-situ) if completely excised and healed

Defer one year after treatment is completed for other cancers in remission

Acceptable after completion of treatment for papillary thyroid carcinoma

Carcinoma-in-situ of the vulva, cervix or breast

Acceptable after completion of treatment

Cardiac Ablation

Acceptable after 6 months, if asymptomatic with letter of medical clearance from physician

Cardiac Arrest

Accept 6 months with a letter of medical clearance from physician


Accept 6 months from last symptom with a letter of medical clearance from physician

Carotid Bruit

Permanent deferral

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



Accept if a simple fracture. If surgery, defer until cast removed and healed

Cat-Scratch Disease

Accept after resolved and treatment completed

Cerebral Palsy


Cervical dysplasia


Chest pain

Defer unless evaluated by MD and not due to heart disease

Chicken Pox

If not previously immunized or infected, defer 4 weeks after exposure. Defer 4 weeks from active infection


Accept one month after recovery



Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If diagnosed by a MD-permanent deferral

Chronic Granulomatosis

Permanent deferral


Permanent deferral

Coagualtion Factor Deficiencies

Permanent deferral except for Factor XII (12) deficiency


Permanent deferral if disseminated or extrapulmonary. If pulmonary, defer 1 year after diagnosis provided treatment is complete

Cold sore

Accept if dry and healing


Defer for active symptoms of a cold, flu or upper respiratory infection and for 3 days after symptoms have subsided


Defer for 3 days after last episode of diarrhea

Collagen Vascular Diseases

Accept if asymptomatic

Congenital heart disease

Accept if asymptomatic with no limitation of activity. If surgically corrected, accept after 6 months if asymptomatic with no limitation of activity

Congestive heart failure

Accept 6 months from last symptom resolved with a letter of medical clearance from physician


Defer until resolved

Contrast for medical imaging

Defer for 48 hours


Accept if no seizure in the past month


Accept if asymptomatic

Coronary artery bypass surgery

Accept 6 months after surgery if donor is asymptomatic with no limitation on activity and has a letter of medical clearance. If due to a heart attack, accept one year later if asymptomatic with no limit on activity and with a letter of medical clearance



Covid 19

Defer 14 days from positive test and/or and resolution of symptoms

Coxsackie Virus

Accept if recovered and no jaundice occurred

Crest Syndrome

Accept if asymptomatic

Crohn’s disease

Accept if asymptomatic and no diarrhea for 3 days


Accept if asymptomatic. Permanent deferral if extrapulmonary


Accept if asymptomatic and off treatment

Cushing Syndrome

Accept if cured

Cystic Fibrosis

Accept if no current respiratory infection


Accept after resolved and treatment completed

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Accept if resolved and at least one month after completion of anticoagulant therapy

Dengue Fever

Acceptable 28 days after resolution of symptoms


Accept if asymptomatic

Diabetes Mellitus

Accept- if on insulin must be stable and have eaten before donation

Diabetes Insipidus



Permanent deferral


Defer for 3 days

Diverticular Disease

Accept if symptom free for 3 days


Defer 28 days after contact with an infected person. Defer one year after having Ebola virus disease

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome



Accept if asymptomatic and treatment completed


Pulmonary embolism: accept if resolved and at least one month after completion of anticoagulant treatment.

Brain embolism: accept if one year after the stroke, and donor is stable without deficits and anticoagulant therapy completed for at least one month

Limb embolism: Accept if resolved and at least one month since completion of anticoagulant therapy


Accept if asymptomatic


Accept 4 weeks after recovery


Accept if condition resolved and treatment completed



Epstein Barr

Accept if recovered

Erythema nodosum

Accept if recovered and asymptomatic


Accept if asymptomatic and no underlying disease

Factor V Leiden

RBC only, if off anticoagulant therapy for at least one month. No plasma or platelets

Factor XI deficiency

Permanent deferral

Factor XII deficiency






Fifth Disease

Defer 21 days after exposure

Food Poisoning

Defer for 72 hours after symptoms stop

G6PD deficiency

Accept for platelets. Defer for blood

Genital herpes


Genital warts



Accept after resolved and treatment completed

Gilbert’s Disease



Permanent deferral if chronic renal disease



Granuloma Annulare

Accept as long as antecubital area not involved

Granuloma Inguinale

Accept after treatment completed and lesions healed

Grave’s Disease

Accept once donor has normal thyroid function

Grover’s disease

Accept if antecubital area is not involved


Accept if resolved and asymptomatic

Hashimoto’s disease


Heart attack

Accept 6 months with a letter of medical clearance from physician

Heart murmur

Accept if asymptomatic and has no activity limitations


Permanent deferral


Defer until evaluated by MD


Permanent deferral

Henoch-Schonlein Purpura

Defer until disease inactive. Permanent deferral if renal failure present

Hepatitis A

Defer for 120 days after diagnosis

Hereditary Spherocytosis

Defer for blood donation. Accept for platelets and plasma

Hirschsprung’s Disease

Accept if resolved and asymptomatic


Accept if inactive disease, defer if disease is active

Human bite

Defer one year if skin was broken

Huntington’s Disease


Hyper or hypoparathyroidism

Accept if asymptomatic



Irritable bowel syndrome

Defer for 3 days after last episode of diarrhea


Permanent deferral if chronic intestinal infection


Acceptable if completely recovered


Permanent deferral if cause is unknown or associated with hepatitis B or C. Accept if jaundice as a newborn, secondary to gallstones or mono, Gilbert’s disease or drug sensitivity

Can you donate blood if you have an irregular heartbeat?

You must not donate if you need medication to control an abnormal heartbeat, including heart palpitations. You also must not donate if you get any symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness and extreme tiredness.

Can I give blood if I am on blood thinners?

Coumadin, Warfilone, Jantoven (warfarin) and Heparin, are prescription blood thinners- Do not donate since your blood will not clot normally. If your doctor discontinues your treatment with blood thinners, wait 7 days before returning to donate.

How does donating blood affect your heart?

A healthier heart and vascular system Regular blood donation is linked to lower blood pressure and a lower risk for heart attacks. “It definitely helps to reduce cardiovascular risk factors,” says DeSimone.

Does donating blood raise heart rate?

We may conclude that blood donation per se is not a stressful event and that moderate stress, as suggested by the increased cortisol levels and heart rate at the first donation, is secondary to emotional rather than to physical factors and occurs during a never-experienced-before event.


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