Birth control pill and pull out method reddit

The Pearl-index is precisely what you're looking for.

The pull out method (coitus interruptus) has a Pearl-index of 4-18, which means that if 100 women were to use this method for the entirety of one year, 4-18 of them would become pregnant.

A lot more and detailed information is easily available on the web.

Don't they teach you these things in school?

My girlfriend takes her birth control everyday at the same time but still doesn't want me to finish inside because she's just scared to get pregnant. But I also heard pulling out isn't very effective so there's not point to it. I've finished inside once but not really all the way and she was just really worried. So it safe to stay inside? Because it felt really good that one time I did it

Oh and also is there a time during her cycle that she's even less likely to be ovulating? Because even if it's only once a month that I'm able to do it then I'll take it.

Birth control pill and pull out method reddit

level 1

Don't be a dummy, cum on her tummy. Age old advice.

level 2

I'm imagining saying these words at the exact moment that I act them out...

level 1

It is.

But you have to actually pull out. You can't shoot half a load in the broad, pull out halfway through, and expect a win.

level 2

This. Somebody needed to say it, its been criticized for so long but not for the right reasons

level 1

I mean in my life experience. Pull out method has been 100% while pill has been about 88% and condoms 78%

level 1

15 years of this and zero kids...seriously, if you know what an orgasm feels like you know when to pull out...

level 1

Safe, easy, and convenient...but not effective.

level 2

While withdrawal has been criticized as a non-method, it is 73-96% effective for birth control, depending on the male partner's self-knowledge and self-control. While 85% of heterosexual partners who use chance are likely to become pregnant in a year, only19% of partners who use withdrawal are.

level 2

Been doing it for... years now... seems to work fine... no baby yet!

level 2

It's not effective compared to everything, but it works better than fertility awareness or doing nothing. It's a scale; fertility awareness < pull-out < condoms < the pill (shots) < IUDs (which are super effective and very safe). Still probably end up with chlamydia and pregnant but it's better than doing nothing.

level 1

If you have good self control and practice it really can be effective. Especially if you couple it with birth control pills. Save a lot of money on condoms. Been doing it 6 years.

level 2

I have the implant in my arm and my bf still pulls out, I just can't take the risk

level 2

lol see my comment above... "We got to about 6 years before I got knocked up".

level 2

Compared to the pill, pulling out doesn't even rate. Why start with the least effective method and then mention at the end that you are using a highly effective method?

level 1

Someone once said "Sex is like basketball, you always dribble before you shoot."

level 2

Unless you're an NBA player.

level 1

Quick, somebody tell the Duggars. Their clown car is getting full.

level 1

Works for us, my husband has the self control of a zen monk.

Yes I do make him withdraw even though I have the implant (I used the combo pill before this). I don’t like the idea of that stuff inside me. Lube already bothers me because it kind of seeps out hours after the act and I’ve heard semen does the same thing, but worse, because there’s a higher amount of it. Additionally, I just like the idea of a little extra prevention, even though the pull-out method is only about 78% effective. One day, if we decide to have kids, I will obviously have to let him finish inside, but I don’t see the point if we’re not trying to get pregnant (for me) because it grosses me out. Idk I just have a texture thing and it makes me really uncomfortable.

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How effective is birth control pill and pulling out?

Used perfectly, the pill is 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy, whereas the pull out method is only 96 percent perfect.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on birth control and not pulling out?

Birth control pills are considered effective, but not foolproof. They're about 99% effective when you take them correctly. But that's if you take them perfectly, meaning at the same time each and every day. If you don't, your odds of becoming pregnant go up to 9%.