Bible trivia questions and answers for adults printable

Bible Trivia Questions And Answers

Free Printable Bible Quizzes And Interactive Games

You can use Bible trivia questions and interactive games as a fun way to teach or learn about the bible.

Or to test how much you know about the bible.

It is an easy way to boost one's bible knowledge.

In fact while preparing the 15 Easy Bible Trivia Questions I learned that the book of Matthew records 2 stories of Jesus feeding a multitude with bread and fish.

Matthew 14 records the well known miracle and states both the number of fish and bread provided, while Matthew 15 records a 2nd miracle with 7 loaves and a few little fishes.

How well are you at finding your way through your bible?

Try this short 'About The Bible' quiz and see -

1. How many books are there in the Bible?


2. How many books are there in the Old Testament?


3. How many books are there in the New Testament?


4. What is the 3rd book of the Bible?


5. What is the 5th book of the New Testament?


6. What is the last book of the Old Testament? ?


7. What is the book that comes before Revelation?


8. What book comes before Psalms?


9. What book comes after Psalms?


10. What are the 2 books of the bible with female names?

    Ruth & Naomi
    Ruth & Esther
    Naomi & Judea
    Judea & Ezrelle

Show me the answers!

Question 1: 66Answer 3.

Question 2: 39 Answer 4.

Question 3: 27Answer 2.

Question 4: LeviticusAnswer 1.

Question 5: Acts of the Apostles (Acts)Answer 2.

Question 6: MalachiAnswer 3.

Question 7: JudeAnswer 1.

Question 8: Job Answer 4.

Question 9: ProverbsAnswer 2.

Question 10: Ruth & Esther Answer 2.

You answered them all right!

Click here for the printable version of 'About The Bible'.

Bible trivia questions and answers for adults printable

Choose a Free Printable Trivia Quiz -

10 Plagues Of Egypt , the Answers , and the Bible Verses

15 Easy Bible Trivia Questions - These are 15 questions that are suitable for kids or people who are beginning to learn about the bible. The questions are taken from both the old and new testaments.

Noah And The Ark - Sixteen trivia questions on the story of Noah and the Ark and the Great Flood. Why did it happen, how long did it last, what was the Ark made of, are just a few things this quiz test your knowledge on.

The Story Of Creation - 10 trivia question on the 7 days of creation.

Adam and Eve , the Answers, and the Bible Verses

Bible History #1 Genesis , and the Answers

Bible History #2 Genesis , and the Answers

Birth of Jesus , the Answers , and the Bible Verses
Cain and Abel , the Answers , and the Bible Verses

Daniel In The Lion's den , the Answers , and the Bible Verses

David and Bathsheba , the Answers , and the Bible Verses

David And Goliath , the Answers , and the Bible Verses

Miracles Of Jesus , the Answers

Interactive Bible Trivia Questions

Abram - Interactive

Adam and Eve - Interactive

Bible Trivia For Kids - These 10 easy printable bible questions are taken from subjects kids should be familiar with. Interactive 

Birth of Jesus - Interactive

Christmas Bible Quiz - Interactive

Daniel Chapter 2 - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream  Interactive

Daniel Chapter 5 -Interactive

Daniel Chapter 7 -Interactive

Moses in the Ark (Basket) Interactive

The Tower Of Babel - 10 trivia questions Interactive

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 by Elizabeth of KJV Bible Verses.

Bible trivia questions and answers for adults printable

Mug with an inspirational quote,    "The Lord Is My Rock, Sword, Shield".  A reminder that the battle is the Lord's.

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Daily Bible Verses

Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV)

7. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

8. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Free Bible Studies

Bible trivia questions and answers for adults printable

Bible Games

Bible Sequence

Cactus Games Outburst-Bible Edition


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What is a good Bible trivia question?

In what city was Jesus born? ... .
Who brought Jesus gifts when he was born? ... .
What is the eighth commandment? ... .
Name two out of the nine Fruits of the Spirit. ... .
Who is the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus? ... .
On which day did Jesus rise from the dead? ... .
What was Jesus' crown made of?.

What is the most important question in the Bible?

Can you understand the importance of every person answering this question correctly? The most important question in all of Scripture comes from Jesus, and he asks it very simply: “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answers the question correctly by stating, “You are the Christ.”

What are some tough Bible questions?

Hard Bible Trivia Questions For Adults and Their Answers.
How many people did Noah's ark carry? ... .
What are the names of the birds Noah sent out of the ark to check if the water had dried up? ... .
When did the exodus from Egypt take place? ... .
Which celestial bodies did Joshua command to stay still? ... .
Which tribe was Paul from?.