Best time of day to take omega 3

Unlike saturated fat, which you should limit, omega-3 fatty acids are considered to be healthy, essential fats.

Image Credit: a_namenko/iStock/GettyImages

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fatty acids primarily found in marine animals and plants. Unlike saturated fats, omega-3s are associated with a wide range of health benefits. They've been helpful in the treatment of many different diseases and can even help prevent cancer.


Read more: Make Your Heart Happy With Omega-3s

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What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are short-chain and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that are sometimes referred to simply as PUFAs. These beneficial fatty acids can be found in marine plant and animal sources, meaning that the omega-3 supplements you may be taking are made of fish oil or algae oil.


There are three main PUFAs that you consume when taking omega-3 supplements: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Omega-3 supplements typically focus, however, on EPA and DHA. The amounts of these can vary a great deal from manufacturer to manufacturer and among supplement types.

A typical fish oil supplement provides about 1,000 milligrams of fish oil, containing 180 milligrams of EPA and 120 milligrams of DHA, but extra-strength variants can be as high as 504 milligrams of EPA and 378 milligrams of DHA for each 1,400-milligram fish oil capsule.


Why Take Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are not the only omega fatty acids we consume in our daily diets. Omega-6 fatty acids are also important. However, while many people consume the right amount of omega-6, they tend to be deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. If you think you may not be getting enough omega-3 from the food you're eating, you may want to consider taking supplements.


Omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with a wide range of health benefits. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can help:

  • Prevent cancer. This includes breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer.

  • Prevent and treat cardiovascular issues, including arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, heart attacks and high blood pressure.



  • Treat diabetes and possibly reduce insulin resistance.

  • Treat digestive system disorders, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

  • Treat inflammatory and rheumatological diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Treat neurological and neuropsychological conditions, including depression and bipolar disorder.


  • Treat respiratory diseases, including asthma.

  • Promote weight loss.

  • Reduce the risk of eye diseases, such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.

  • Reduce the risk of premature births and improve infant development.


Read more: 17 Reasons Why You Probably Need More Omega-3s in Your Diet

Best Time to Take Omega-3

There have been no scientific studies undertaken on the best time to take omega-3 supplements. One of the well-known and very unpopular side effects of these supplements may, however, be reason enough to take them at bedtime.


As a marine-source-derived supplement, omega-3s create the frequent side effect of recurring "fishy breath" and indigestion. If you've experienced this side effect or are concerned about experiencing it, consider bedtime the best time for your omega-3s. This makes it less likely that you'll notice the problem.

Most of the benefits of fish oil supplementation are associated with long-term use, so in theory, you can take it any time of day.

Having said that, taking fish oils in two smaller doses in the morning and at night can reduce potential side effects, such as acid reflux.1

Fish oil is one of the most common dietary supplements, promoting optimal health and wellbeing through many means because of the omega-3 fatty acid content.

If you do not consume 1-2 portions of oily fish per week, you may want to consider supplementation. Either way, omega-3 fatty acids are essential to our health, so it's important you get enough of them.

Though are there any additional benefits to taking fish oils in the morning or at night-time? And can timing strategies result in a better health outcome?

Let’s take a look…

What is Fish Oil?

Fish oil is the common term used to describe two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids:

  1. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Omega-3 fats are found in foods such as:

  • Fish and other seafood
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Plant oils
  • Fortified foods

EPA and DHA are involved in many important biological processes in the body, such as the inflammatory response, various metabolic signaling pathways, and brain function.2

Supplementation is sometimes necessary for those who lack an intake of fish and other foods rich in omega-3.

The Main Health Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil has been linked to a variety of health benefits such as cardiovascular health, eye health, bone health, skin, brain function, and supporting pregnancy and early life.

We cannot produce the essential fatty acids (omega-3) we get from fish oil naturally in the body, which is why they are considered essential.

It’s important to consume adequate amounts of these fatty acids regularly in the form of food and dietary supplements to support our overall health and wellbeing.

Let’s take a closer look at the main health benefits of fish oil!

May support heart health

Fish oil supplementation has been shown to support heart health in various ways, such as:

  • Increasing levels of “good” HDL cholesterol
  • Lowering triglycerides (a type of fat found in our blood)
  • Reducing blood pressure in people with elevated levels
  • May prevent plaque that causes arteries to harden3

Reduce symptoms of depression

Fish oil supplementation has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression in majorly depressed individuals and has even been compared to pharmaceutical drugs such as fluoxetine (an anti-depressant).4

May reduce inflammation

Fish oil has powerful anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce symptoms of inflammatory diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis.5

Best Time to Take Fish Oil: Morning VS Night

Breakfast is usually the preferred time to take many supplements and medication, as that’s typically a time that people feel refreshed, energized, and ready to focus on their health.

It is well known that the health benefits of taking fish oils are associated with long-term use, but are there any additional benefits to timing?

In short, only marginally.

Let’s explore!

Fish oil timing: to reduce side effects

One common side effect of taking fish oil is acid reflux, also known as the “fish burp”. This can be reduced or avoided by splitting your daily dose into two smaller doses, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Fish oil timing: to increase bioavailability

Some research has shown that taking fish oil alongside a meal with a good source of fat can potentially increase the bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids, thus increasing the effectiveness.

Taking fish oil alongside a meal may also help with the “fish burp” side effect!

Fish oil timing: to get out of bed in the morning

There have been some reports of people finding it easier and more comfortable to get out of bed in the morning when they take fish oil the night before.

This may be a timing strategy to consider if you suffer with arthritic conditions and achy joints, though more research needs to be done to confirm this.

Fish oil timing: the bottom line

As we have established, the key to unlocking the many health benefits of fish oil is long-term use. To maximize these benefits, it’s important to find a time that you remember to take it each day.

For some people, this could be the morning, and others may prefer to take it at lunchtime or in the evening. The most important thing is to take it consistently!

The American Heart Association recommends 1g of combined EPA and DHA per day, and to take no more than 2g per day. Performance Lab Omega-3 provides just that!

Is it better to take omega

Because most of the benefits of fish oil are associated with long-term use, you can take it at any time of day. That said, splitting your supplement into two smaller doses in the morning and at night can reduce acid reflux.

What happens if you take omega

Study says omega-3 supplements improve sleep in people with low fish consumption. Omega-3 consumption, especially DHA, could help improve sleep in healthy young adults, according to a new funded by BASF-funded RCT.

Does omega

Research suggests omega 3 fatty acids from regularly consuming fish may boost your sleep quality, help you fall asleep more quickly and improve your daytime performance. One study showed these improvements among a group of adult men who ate fatty fish three times a week for several months.