Americas gift to my generation essay

“America’s Gift to my Generation” Have you ever heard someone say that owning a firearm is wrong? The right to bear arms is our second amendment right. It is important to americans because without it, we could not hunt, own guns, or protect our families, and what is ours.

One of the many things the constitution gives us is the right to bear arms. Firearms can help keep order in the United States like police and security guards. Most shootings are done by people who are mentally unstable. James Madison said, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” I believe the quote is trying to say is one can’t take the right of being able to own a

America’s gift? There are a lot of those… but what is America’s gift to my generation? I would say the opportunities that America has given us that no other country has. I can do anything that I want to do when I grow up. Children these days have everything they need. Our technology is growing stronger day by day, our agriculture is some of the best in the entire world, and the intelligence rank for the US as compared to other countries is 42 out of 224! Young people have more opportunites than they have ever had and

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