7 weeks pregnant brown discharge when i wipe and cramps

Having small amounts of brown discharge during pregnancy is common and usually isn't concerning. However, it is possible that there are other issues going on, like infections, pH changes or cervical dilation.

In early pregnancy, scant amounts of light-colored, mucus-like discharge is typical and usually not worrying, but dark discharge with a foul odor may indicate more serious concerns.

In any case, you should report your findings to your obstetrician. He or she will assess you and order testing to determine the cause of the discharge and to start indicated treatment promptly.

Main causes for brown vaginal discharge

Fluctuations in vaginal pH can result in small amounts of brown discharge. This is typically not concerning, as it usually lasts for 2 to 3 days and resolves spontaneously.

Brown discharge in scant amounts can also occur in pregnant women, particularly after performing any physical activity (e.g. working out, climbing stairs with shopping bags, or after moderate-level house chores like cleaning).

It is important to note, however, whether the discharge is dark, has a foul odor, or causes any burning or itching, as these symptoms may this may indicate a more serious problem like:

  • Infection (like sexually transmitted infections, which pregnant women are at increased risk for)
  • Possibility of miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy (which is usually also accompanied by severe abdominal pain and blood)
  • Cervical infection

Darker discharge in large amounts or heavy bleeding, especially in later pregnancy, is more likely associated with complications like premature delivery or rupture of the amniotic sac. It's important to contact your obstetrician whenever you see dark discharge, even in small amounts. He or she will likely perform an ultrasound to ensure your health and the baby's. Learn more about common symptoms of miscarriage that you should be aware of. 

When is brown vaginal normal?

Small amounts of brown discharge that ranges from fluid to mucus-like consistency is common, particularly in the early stages of pregnancy. It is also normal to have some dark discharge following sexual intercourse.

Symptoms that can accompany brown discharge and shouldn’t be ignored include vaginal itching, foul odor and cramping. These signs don’t always indicate something serious, but it is better to be cautious and to contact your doctor.

Dark brown discharge resembling coffee grounds may indicate loss of old blood, and should be reported immediately to the obstetrician. If you are nearing the end of pregnancy, and notice that discharge is heavy and light brown with a few streaks of blood, it may be a mucus plug, indicating that you will go into labor soon.

Treatment for brown discharge during pregnancy

If an infection is confirmed, treatment can be started using medication like antifungals (for treatment of a yeast infection) or antibiotics (for treatment of a sexually transmitted infection). However, if an infection has been ruled out, your doctor may just recommend rest and avoidance of any strenuous activity.

Regardless of the cause, you can help to prevent the occurrence of brown discharge by:

  • Avoiding the use of soaps with moisturizing cream or antibacterial/antifungal agents
  • Performing vaginal douching only at the advice of your gynecologist
  • Ensuring underwear fabric is light, loose and made of cotton
  • Avoiding use of softeners or bleach on underwear
  • Washing underwear with a mild soap and water
  • Avoiding use of panty liners
  • Ensuring you do not wash the genital area more than twice a day, as this can decrease the natural-occurring bacteria that helps to protect you from infection

Is brown discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Brown discharge may be a sign of pregnancy, but it isn’t always the case. The color of menstrual blood can vary depending on the cycle day and on the woman's flow. For example, menstrual flow usually slows in the last days of menstruation, and because it takes longer for the blood to travel, it can become more concentrated and darker in color. Read more about brown discharge before a period and what it means. 

Even if your period is late, although your may suspect pregnancy, dark discharge may indicate early or incomplete shedding of the endometrium (which lines the uterus). Regardless, a thorough examination by your doctor is recommended. Understand what brown discharge can mean and what you should do. 

Experiencing bleeding at any point during pregnancy can be scary. But keep in mind: There are times when finding discharge that resembles blood is a typical part of pregnancy.

But what about pinkish-brown discharge? Is this dangerous for you or your fetus?

Here are six possible reasons you might be experiencing pinkish-brown discharge during pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding

If you’re very early on in your pregnancy and actively looking for symptoms, you may notice some light spotting around week 4.

This can be implantation bleeding, or the bleeding that occurs when the fertilized embryo burrows into the highly vascular lining of your uterus.

Cervical irritation

During pregnancy, your cervix, which is the bottom of your uterus and the part that opens and stretches during labor, is highly vascular. This means it has a lot of blood vessels, so it can bleed easily.

If your cervix is irritated during pregnancy, it may cause some brownish-pink discharge. This can happen at any point during your pregnancy. It may be caused by sex, a cervical check by your doctor, or an infection.

Ectopic pregnancy

In rare cases, brownish-pink discharge can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy. This is when a pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube.

The brownish color occurs because the bleeding is older blood, not bright red (new) blood. An ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening emergency.

Go to the emergency room if you notice bleeding along with any of these symptoms:

  • extreme dizziness
  • shoulder pain
  • fainting
  • lightheadedness
  • abdominal or pelvic pain that comes and goes, especially on one side


Any bleeding during pregnancy can be an early sign of miscarriage. In general, bleeding that results in a miscarriage is also accompanied by other symptoms.

If you notice brownish-pink discharge, be on the lookout for other symptoms, including:

  • cramping
  • increased bright red bleeding
  • gush of fluid or watery discharge
  • abdominal pain
  • lower back pain

Unknown reasons

Many times, there’s no obvious reason for bleeding during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. A 2019 study found that as many as one-fourth of women reported some kind of bleeding during the first few months of pregnancy. Although researchers speculated that the bleeding was an early sign of the placenta not developing properly, they aren’t sure of all of the reasons bleeding can happen.

Call your doctor if you experience other symptoms, or if you’re concerned.

Mucus plug

You may be losing your mucus plug if you’re further along in your pregnancy, (anywhere from 36 to 40 weeks) and notice an increase in discharge that’s brownish, pink, or even slightly green-tinged.

As your body gets ready to go into labor, it’s common for your cervix to soften and release the mucus plug. This plug helps protect any bacteria from getting into your uterus.

The mucus plug can look like, well, mucous. But it may also be tinged with brown-colored discharge when it dislodges. You may notice the mucus plug come out all at once. Or it may dislodge in smaller, less noticeable “chunks” over the course of a few days or weeks.

If you notice a small amount of pinkish-brown discharge during your pregnancy, don’t panic. In most cases, a small amount of blood-tinged discharge is typical.

Consider if there could be any possible reasons for the discharge:

  • Were you checked by your doctor recently?
  • Did you have sex in the last 24 hours?
  • Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy and might be losing your mucus plug?

If the discharge increases, or if you experience any bleeding with other symptoms, call your doctor or head to the hospital.

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Is cramping and brown discharge normal in early pregnancy?

Brown vaginal discharge can be a normal sign of early pregnancy, but, alongside other symptoms, it can sometimes indicate complications. Anyone experiencing concerning changes in vaginal discharge or dark brown discharge should contact their doctor.

Is spotting and cramping normal at 7 weeks?

Light spotting at seven weeks pregnant is considered normal, especially after sex. If you notice heavier bleeding, call your healthcare provider. Cramping. If you feel mild cramps, what you're experiencing is quite normal.

Why am I having brown discharge and cramps?

Brown discharge after period and cramps If you experience brown discharge and cramps after your period, it could be caused by PCOS or early pregnancy. Early miscarriage could also cause these symptoms. Sometimes the bleeding and cramps caused by miscarriage are mistaken for a period.

Do miscarriages start with brown blood?

Bleeding during miscarriage can appear brown and resemble coffee grounds. Or it can be pink to bright red. It can alternate between light and heavy or even stop temporarily before starting up again. If you miscarry before you're eight weeks pregnant, it might look the same as a heavy period.