2 months missed period negative pregnancy test reddit

I’m at day 41 of my normally 26-28 day cycle. No period yet. I’ve taken home pregnancy tests and had hcg bloodwork done which were both negative.

Has anyone else experienced this? I’m not sure if I should try another home test...at this point I just wish something would happen (period or positive test) so we can get on with it either way.

I’m not normally irregular so this is really confusing for us. My doctor said it was probably a fluke...so that’s super helpful 🙄 lol

Thanks for any advice or experiences you can share.

Okay, so about 7 weeks ago now I too did 2 pregnancy tests and both came back negative... but my period was almost 2 weeks late... I didnt expect it to come back positive as I have been on the pill for years.... anyway feeling relieved to find it came back negative I kind of put it aside for the time being...

However... when my period had still not come another 2 weeks later and I my boobs grew just enough for me to notice the change... I did another test = PREGNANT!! And the blood test and ultrasound confirmed it...

I was just under 6 weeks pregnant... I am in no position to become a parent at this point in my life and neither is my partner of 4 years... So we were comfortable organizing a termination... which I had done just under two weeks or so now - Also, I apologize to anyone who does not believe in abortion, I'm not promoting it but it was simply the right choice for me and my partner.

I would go and get a blood/ultrasound done just to be sure... or at least see your GP who might be able to do the bloods on the day, I was able to get y results the next day.

I guess my experience proves that even if you are being careful you can never really be %100 sure. Good luck xxx.

I was actually spotting similar to the beginning of my period when I took a pregnancy test. I took it actually to prove to myself that I wasn't pregnant, because after a year and a half and a couple cycles of Clomid, I didn't have a lot of hope left that we could conceive without more invasive assistance. but I got a positive on an internet cheapie strip (Wondfo I think?), which prompted me to use up one of my expensive First Response Early Results tests, and this was a couple days after I had expected to get my period (the Clomid altered my natural cycle though, so it's hard to tell exactly when my period would have come). The lines were faint on both tests, but still definitely there. I took my last FRER for fun 5 days later (so that would put it about 7 days after my missed period) and it was a blaring line, even darker than the control line. One of my friends was 2 weeks late until she got her positive test though, so if your period doesn't come, wait a few more days and test again. Good luck!

2 months missed period negative pregnancy test reddit

Ok so when I'm not on bc I'm super irregular, also pretty sure I have an unchecked hormone disorder cause I have to shave my face and chest every day. Have had two abortions over twelve years so I'm familiar with what early pregnancy feels like. This isn't that feeling but no period since November 12th. Also every woman grandma's included on both sides have had cysts...looking for help but I know I need to see a doctor but I have no insurance...just pretty much looking for someone that also had to shave there face and also misses periods but is healthy so I don't have to worry...on top of that 60 days late....please any help

Hey Everyone (Throwaway account obviously..). Just wanted to first of all say, this is a great subreddit and chalked full of great information on all things lady related.. especially for a lurker like me. The reason I'm here is:

My girlfriend is 2 months late and 2 negative pregnancy tests (First Response). She took the pregnancy tests late last week and early this week (both negative).

She had light spotting back in early September.. which I googled and then got the hell scared out of me... but I"m trying to stay calm. She went to the Doctor yesterday and had a pelvic exam that came back normal, and they drew blood. The Doctor hasn't called as of 2:15pm EST and I'm just wondering what the likely hood of her being pregnant is with a normal pelvic exam and 2 negative pregnancy tests. She also has no symptoms at all that give her that "feeling" (morning sickness, dizziness, sensitive breasts).

She travels once or twice a month for work and is incredibly stressed.. she's also recently started working out more. I'm trying to stay level headed and not freak out, I'd just like some opinions on this from other folks. Sorry if I'm rambling, would just like some advice/reassurance.

Posted by2 years ago


2 months missed period negative pregnancy test reddit

Hi, I was wondering if any of you have experienced a late period, typical pregnancy symptoms and still the test is negative. Did your period come in just very late or where you actually pregnant despite the negative test?

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2 months missed period negative pregnancy test reddit

level 1

Turns out I'm pregnant. And yes that was the result I wished for. Thank you for your answers.

level 2

Congratulations! How many days post ovulation were you when you tested and it came back negative? I tested on day 29 and negative, still no period on day 33 🤷‍♀️

level 1

I was a week late so I tested and it was negative, next day I got my "period" and it was 4 days long week later I just tested for fun and it was positive. I was 4/5 weeks along when it was positive

level 2

Ah yeah I read that it is possible to experience a period like bleeding around the time where the first period would be. But what a rollercoaster.

level 1

I tested on day 28, 29, 30, 31 all negative and wasn't positive until day 32.

level 1

Oh! Congrats!!! Hoping for the best for u!!!

level 2

Thank you very much. I'm very happy.

level 1

I did this and then got my ‘ period’ then one month later took another test and boom pregnant

level 2

so it really wasn’t your period? u were already 2 months pregnant when u tested positive?

level 1

I got a negative day of missed period and for a few days following. Period came two whole weeks late after being regular every month.

level 2

Oh wow. Did you figure out why? Stress? Excitement? Birth control of some sort that affected your period?

level 1

Trying for my first daughter this happened a number of times. Both times I’ve been pregnant it’s been very obvious a few days before missed period and I’ve tested positive, but everybody is different!

level 1

Was the period heavy or lighter than usual? Or was it just spotting :0c

level 2

My period didn't come in. For some reason I didn't test positive until a few days after my period was supposed to come so was confused.

I was worried that my hyper focus and/or stressing about it made my period late instead of it being because I was actually pregnant. But I'm currently almost 9 weeks pregnant so happy news (for me at least) .

Can you be 2 months pregnant and still test negative?

Is it possible to be pregnant and get a negative pregnancy test result? Yes, it is possible. Getting a negative result doesn't mean you're not pregnant, it may just mean your hCG levels are not high enough for the test to detect the hormone in your urine.

What does it mean when you miss your period for 2 months negative pregnancy test?

The most common reason for a late period and a negative pregnancy test is that your period is simply delayed and you're not pregnant. Having one or two irregular cycles a year is not unusual and does not mean there is something wrong. Reasons your period might be late include: Breastfeeding.

How long after a missed period can a pregnancy test be negative?

The earlier after a missed period that you take a home pregnancy test, the harder it is for the test to detect HCG . For the most accurate results, repeat the test one week after a missed period. If you can't wait that long, ask your health care provider for a blood test.

Can you be a month pregnant with a negative pregnancy test?

The simple answer is yes, you could still be pregnant even with a negative test, depending on when you took it, but there are also other reasons your period could be late. A pregnancy test detects HCG levels in your urine which increase the longer you are pregnant.